Hello all you lovely people! I bring you Code Lyoko Slash- just in time for Valentines Day:D I'm getting very tired of all the Yumi-moves-to-Japan-has-babies stories. (Not that I'm against UlrichXYumi, mind you.) Please enjoy and do not be disrespectful if you're going to review.

Code Lyoko is © Antefilms/MoonScope

"Don't feel too bad about it Ulrich," he cooed, running his fingers along the bed spread.

Ulrich shifted on his bed and sighed. Odd shifted on the carpet and smiled reassuringly. Kiwi curled up against his bare foot, silently dreaming.

"I know," Ulrich managed to grunt. He'd have rather not discussed it, but Odd was trying to help, so he listened quietly.

"Not everything will always go the way you want it to. You just have to make the best of the situation." He was very optimistic for a thirteen year old having to face the daily threat of global destruction.


Ulrich shut his eyes, facing the bland wall. He couldn't make out more than every other word of what Odd was saying, but his voice was a constant reminder that someone cared for him. Someone.


"Hmm." A barely audible acknowledgment.

The bed creaked and sunk with the weight of another body. Odd jabbed his sharp chin into Ulrich's shoulder. Odd's hand was very warm on Ulrich's frozen arm. Ulrich barely noticed the change; it felt peculiar and familiar all at once.

"Can I tell you something?" He whispered in a strange, out of character, serious tone.

"What? Another bad joke?" Ulrich slurred sleepily.

Odd's body shook in a pathetic chuckle.

"No. But promise me-"

"Not to laugh? Come on Odd, your joke can't be that bad."

"It's not a joke, I'm being serious here."

Now Ulrich chuckled. Odd sighed in return; something unusual. Ulrich stopped giggling and lay very still. Odd lazily draped his hand onto Ulrich's wrist.

"There are other people out there. You know, besides Yumi," he breathed out deeply.

Ulrich attempted to clench his teeth together.

"Odd, I rather not talk about it. You don't need to rub it in."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to-"

"Odd, I'm tired," he wheezed.

Odd bit his lip and nodded against Ulrich's shoulder.

"There's always me," he mumbled, wrapping his arm around Ulrich's back. He started to shiver and pulled his small form closer to Ulrich's.

"I… I always liked you. Maybe someday you'll understand." He moved his neck, trembling, laying his cheek on Ulrich's bare neck. He seemed to be attempting something, but ended up deciding not to go through with it.

Ulrich didn't understand; he was listless and a bit dense. He began to snore.