
SUMMARY- William 'Spike' Hunter had a perfect life. He is married to his first and only love, Buffy, and is a father to his twins. One night his life was turned upside down. Now, he had to raise his children alone only hoping that one day his wife will come back.

DISCLAIMER- Joss owns all the BtVS characters. The twins, James and Emma, are mine.

William 'Spike' Hunter pulled into the driveway of his house. He stepped out of the car and immediately ripped off his tie. He was happy to be home because he knew what was waiting behind the door.

"Daddy! Daddy's home!" he heard from inside.

He walked up to his front door and opened it. Two little children ran up to him and attacked his legs; they held on to him for dear life. A smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, how were my princess and little soldier today." He bent down and picked up his children in his arms. He gave each one a kiss on the cheek.

"It was the best. Auntie Faith did my nails." The girl brought her hands to his face.

"And Uncle Angel showed me how to wrestle!" The boy climbed up to Spike's neck and put him in a weak chokehold.

"Is that so." Spike chuckle and carried the twins in the kitchen. "Hey, sis!" he walked up to his sister.

"How's it going big bro?" Faith said.

"Now that I'm home, I'm fine." He sat down and the twin ran off to play. "Did you have a good time with James and Emma?"

"Of course! I think you need to watch out for James though. Wrestling with Angel? Whew, that kid is like the energizer bunny." Faith leaned back on the counter.

"Where is Angel?"

"He went to get pizza and rent some movies. It's Friday, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I've been out of the loop for a bit."

"How so?"

"I've got a lot on my mind, Faith. It's that time of the year. You know."

"Spike if you need to talk I'm here. I know this is really hard for you." She sat down next to her brother.

"It'll be our fifth anniversary next week." Spike looked down at the wedding ring on his finger.

Faith stayed silent. She knew how hard it was for her brother ever since that night. That horrible night.

"I keep thinking if I gotten there sooner, I could have saved her. I could have stopped this whole thing from happening."

"There was nothing you could do Spike."

"She's been gone for three years next week. Some bastard out there probably has her locked up. What if she's – she might be-"

Faith didn't let him finish the sentence. "Spike, you know for the past three years the police have been doing everything they can. You have to be strong for your kids."

"I know."

"You've gotta have some faith."

He chuckled. "Believe me I have a lot of faith. You don't know how grateful I am. Thank you for being here. Without you or Angel or the rest of the gang, I don't think I could have gotten this far."

"That's what I'm here for." She smiled and punched him lightly in the arm. They both stood up and gave each other a hug.

He walked into the living room. His four-year-old twins were watching Spongebob. They smiled when they saw their dad sit next to them.

Doing a complete emotion flip for his kids, Spike said, "So, what's our favorite spongy friend up to?"

A couple of minutes later Angel, Faith's husband, walked in with pizza and a bunch of movies. Spike laughed when he saw Angel limping. "What happened to you?" Spike asked as he served Emma her pizza.

"I kicked his butt!" James said proudly.

Everyone laughed except for Angel. "What do you feed this kid? Half the time I couldn't even catch up to him!"

"That's my soldier!" Spike smiled at his son when he gave him a salute. "See, now that made my day!"

"Shut up Spike," Angel snarled.

"I'm just saying, you got beat up by a four year old." Spike and the twins laughed.

"It was funny, Daddy!" Emma said.

"I bet it was. Hey mate, cheer up." Spike patted Angel on his back. "Okay, to make things fair I'll wrestle James."

"You serious?"


"I'm telling you, don't do it!"

"Come on, son!" Spike went in the living room and moved the coffee table to the side.

"Spike, I'm warning you!" Angel tried to get up but fell back. "You are gonna be a dead man!" He called out.

Five minutes later Faith handed Spike an ice bag. James destroyed him.

"I'm sorry daddy." He said.

"No worries. I'm fine." He lied. 'At least I don't have to worry about him getting beat up in school.' He thought.

A couple of hours later, Faith and Angel were ready to leave.

"Thanks for looking after them." Spike said.

"Only for you, bro! You need any help tomorrow?"

"Nah, weekends are the only time I get with my kids. I'll be fine, really."

"Okay! See yah."

Spike looked at his two kids sleeping on the couch. He took both in her arms and carried them upstairs. He put each one in their beds and tucked them in. He was about to leave when he hard a small voice call him.

"Daddy?" Emma called.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I love you."

"I love you, too." He places kiss on her forehead.

He walked into his room and got ready for bed. When he laid down he stared at the picture on his bedside table. It was his wife, Buffy. He took the picture and ran his thumb over her face. "I love you, Buffy. I promise I'll find you. I promise." With that he placed the picture back on the table so it was facing him directly. He stared at her beautiful face until he fell asleep.

I wrote this fic last year and I finally had a chance to post it. I hope everyone likes it so far. I got the idea from Eminem's song Mockingbird. The chapters coming up are going to have a lot of flashbacks. You are going to learn what happened that horrible night. Hopefully I can post it today or tomorrow. Please review. They make me happy and write faster!
