(A/N: I thank everyone for the comments, flames, and suggestions, especially AudiGirl! Thank you for those synonyms of the you-know-what word. Anyways, here's Chapter, erm, 3!)

Chapter 3: An Untrustworthy 'Friend'

The knock on the door grew louder when Starfire and Robin ignored it. Finally Robin looked up and yelled in annoyance, "Who is it?"

"Cyborg," the half-man half-robot replied. His voice was slightly concerned but mostly confused. "Did I just hear a scream? Sounded like Starfire's too…"

Robin sighed and made up a lie. "Erm, no," he lied quickly. "I was just, uh, watching a horror movie!"

Starfire giggled at Robin's lie.

"What's the horror movie about?" Cyborg demanded suspiciously. "I think you're lying, man…"

"The movie is about a blob who is hunting down people!" Robin yelled. He took a deep breath and pretended to be sucked in. "No, Chelsea, don't open the door! The blob's in there!"

Cyborg was quiet. Then he said, "Okay! That's all I needed to know. I'm off to play Spaceship Race with Beast Boy! Have fun watching your movie!" Starfire and Robin heard Cyborg's footsteps fade away.

Robin turned back to look at Starfire. He had that drunk and maniacal look on his face again. "Now, where were we?" he asked greedily.

Starfire frowned. Sure, this "sex" was fun, but it had to stop. They were not ready yet. "Robin," she began.

"Yes, baby?" Robin looked up from gazing at Starfire's member.

"Erm, I am sorry to say this, but," Starfire continued, gulping hard, "we are not ready for this 'sex' yet. So please get off of me and let us put on our clothes."

Starfire tried to squirm out of Robin's grip, but she couldn't. "No way, babe," Robin replied. His breath did smell alcoholic. "This has just begun!"

"Sorry Robin for this," Starfire took a deep breath and kicked Robin in the stomach, sending him flying across the room. Starfire jumped up and grabbed her clothes, but Robin quickly recovered and ran toward her.

"No, no, no, bad girl," he sputtered. Robin took his clothes in one hand and Starfire's clothes in the other and walked toward the window as Starfire watched wide-eyed. Robin then tossed the useless clothes away and returned at his spot on top of a nude Starfire on the bed.

"Now, let's continue," he hissed. "And just to make sure you don't get away, I'll tie you up so you can't do anything, you sexy bitch." He reached into his utility belt and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and a tight-looking rope. Robin tied Starfire to the bedposts and then smiled toothily.

Robin reached into his belt on the desk again and took out a CD. He placed it into the CD player and pushed "PLAY". Suddenly, music began to play.

(A/N: The Italic words in brackets, which are these , are the words to the song that Robin is playing. 'Kay?)

Robin then turned back to his and Starfire's sex and narrowed his eyes. "Time for a wild ride!" he whooped.

"Robin," Starfire whimpered as Robin got closer and closer to her member. "Robin…"

In the darkness of my room

Robin lowered his head even further, toward her most-hidden body organ.

You and I lay nude on my bed

I find myself gazing at your boobs…

And I think I'm doing the right thing…

because you're so happy with this sex…

Once Robin's face was in front of Starfire's pussy, he inserted his tongue into it. Starfire moaned in pain.

And your vagina, every so lovely…

I can't get off my eyes from it!

I want to FUCK YOU!

C'mon baby let's do it right now!

You know it'll feel good!

I want to FUCK YOU!

Robin then withdrew his greedy tongue from Starfire's pussy and inserted two hungry fingers into it. Starfire let out a soft scream as Robin's hand moved up and down.

Robin released his two fingers from her vagina and moved up to her golden boobs, so perfectly shaped. They gleamed in the sunlight, yearning to be caressed and touched.

"C'mon, Starfire, you know you want to do this," Robin whispered. He then pressed his lips upon hers and let his tongue slip through her lips, roaming about her mouth. Robin wrapped his arms around her neck, and Starfire couldn't help but travel Robin's free mouth as she wrapped her arms around his bare waist.

Robin smiled at this and let go of her neck. While roaming Starfire's mouth, he caressed her breasts. Then Robin and Starfire withdrew from each other and gasped for air.

"Robin-you-are-right-this-is-fun," Starfire panted heavily. "Fondle my breasts as I let my hands rub your muscled chest!"

"Okay!" Robin screamed greedily as he cupped two breasts and then started fondling them. Starfire's moans and groans were like music to his ears. Robin shivered slightly as Starfire's soft hands rubbed his bare chest.

"Robin!" Starfire screamed.

"Starfire!" Robin cried out.

Robin and Starfire did the finishing touches. As their tongues greedily roamed each other's mouths, Robin positioned himself perfectly on top of Starfire and let his dick touch her vagina. Robin's penis entered her member and collected hot, sticky wetness. Starfire screamed happily inside Robin's mouth as Robin fondled with her breasts. Starfire rubbed his chest as the couple roamed each other's mouths.

Later, Starfire and Robin, both in clothes, walked away from each other, grinning widely and gasping for air. But Starfire's grin faded as pain surged suddenly through her.

"What has Robin done?" she thought to herself. "I wasn't ready for this yet! He is not a trustworthy friend!" Tears stung her eyes as she locked herself in her bedroom and laid down on the bed, pain surging over her young body.

(A/N: Hope you like that chapter! Reviews please!)