Unwanted Life

A/N: I don't own, so no sue. SDK is not mine.


Chapter One – Married to a Demon


Being a teenager she is, life wasn't as easy as other normal teens for Shiina Yuya. At the age of sixteen, her father married her off to a rich heir, it was a promise made by her family and the groom's. His name was Mibu Kyo. He was twenty-six years old and that fact made Yuya frown even though he was the most handsome man you find hard to marry nowadays…


"Miss Yuya, wake up. You need to go to school…"

Yuya tossed and turned. She lazily opened her eyes. "Do I have to? Don't I get a honeymoon break?" she covered herself with the blanket she kicked off in the process and continued to sleep.

The maid shook Yuya's body. "Master Kyo would like to bond with you more before doing that. Wake up, you need to eat breakfast!"

Yuya screamed as hard as she could before she got up and took a shower. She continued screaming and if you listen closely, she actually said 'I hate life!'.

"Miss Yuya, stop screaming, Master Kyo would be utterly unpleased to hear screams in the morning…" the maid lined up clothes for Yuya to wear in her dressing room. "I will leave you your clothes; call me if there is anything you wish for me to do."

Yuya finished her shower and turned off the knob. She looked at herself in the marble based mirror opposite the shower. "Damn you… Mibu Kyo…" she muttered under gritted teeth.

Yuya hated her life. She hated her irresponsible family and her husband. Upon reaching their new house, Kyo told her to sleep in the guest room and never come into their room. He's not sleeping there either so it was a fair game. The only words she had heard him say while they were in their limousine last night were:

'Just call me Kyo, no hubby, no darling, no dear or anything other than my name. Law only marries us, case closed. You should not take up my family name, as I myself hate it. I shall call you any name I want. For now, we should not build any further attachments other than we're married by law. I would like to know who exactly my wife is before I develop anything further.'

When they were at the wedding altar, Kyo didn't really kissed her. She was relieved that he gave her time to adjust her position, she was just a high school student right?

"Oh, I really hate you for living and being ten years older than me!" Yuya covered herself with her violet-blue bathrobe and went to her dressing room. She changed to her school uniform. "It's a good thing he didn't touch me or anything… I don't want to be pregnant…"

"But still, you don't have to scream…" a hand invaded her skirt and squeezed her butt.

"Aah!" Yuya pushed the invader away. "Kyo… you pervert! Have you no manners! I'm only sixteen!"

"Remember, you ARE my wife…" Kyo lift Yuya's chin up. "As my wife, you have no right to not follow my orders…"

"Let go of me! I will kill you once I get an annulment! When can we get annulled?" Yuya asked Kyo while straightening her skirt.

"Annulment? Why?" Kyo folded his hands. "Are you not happy married to a rich heir like me?"

"You don't understand do you? Look… I may LOVE money but… I'm still young and Kyo, I don't love you… yet."

"Yet? Are you hoping we break that 'no attachments' pact?" Kyo screened her expressions. Yuya was blushing.

"Kyo, I want to be happy. I WANT to be married with at least 'love' or 'like' for the man I marry. Kyo, why did you agree?" Yuya sat down on her luxurious bed.

"I liked… your eyes…" Kyo smirked. "Hurry and eat breakfast, I need to send you off to school," he said and left her room.

"My… eyes?" Yuya furrowed her brows. "That man never thinks, does he?"


Yuya sat down for her breakfast. Kyo was opposite of her, reading the newspaper. "Have you eaten already?"

Kyo glanced at her for a second and continued to read the paper. "No, I don't eat breakfast; my secretary will make me some at work."

"Secretary? Who's your secretary?" Yuya began eating her meal, waiting for Kyo's reply.

"Her name is… Sakuya."

"Sakuya? What a lovely name, send my regards to her… and if she wants to, I would like to meet this secretary of yours…" Yuya drank her fresh orange juice.

"Hmph, what for?" Kyo lifted his gaze to look at his wife.

"It's simple; wives and husband's secretary have to mix so that she will tell me whether or not you are cheating…" Yuya told Kyo with a cheeky grin.

"Oh, I won't be cheating… I might if I'm dead bored with you… but you interest me right now…" Kyo folded the paper and set it on the table. "Shiki, my suitcase and car keys."

The maid that tended to Yuya came. "Here you go, sir."

"Oh, so your name is Shiki?" Yuya asked the maid.

Shiki bowed. "Oh, yes Miss Yuya."

"How old are you?"

"I'm actually eighteen, older than you." Shiki laughed when Yuya pouted.

"So everyone's older than me!"

"Well, if you have children, they're not older than you." Shiki laughed when she made that remark but stopped when Kyo glared at her. "Well, um… here you go then…" Shiki handed her a bento. "I made it myself… well, I hope you like it!" she then bowed and left to do her other chores.

"Oh, she sure is pretty…" Yuya smiled to herself and continued eating. "Um… Kyo…" she began as she munched on her tuna sandwich.

"What?" Kyo asked as he drank his own drink. It was not orange nor was it water or tea…

"Kyo… is that… sake?" Yuya asked, surprised when Kyo nodded. "In the morning? Even my father… egh…"

Kyo quirked an eyebrow. "What? Never had some? Afraid you'll get drunk?"

Yuya shook her head and giggled. "Nope. I have um… some turning twenty to do…"

"So… when we exchanged drinks…" Kyo started but Yuya continued.

"It wasn't sake or any wine… it was… just juice… or water…" Yuya explained.

Kyo chuckled. "I pity you being sixteen… but that shows why you're underdeveloped…"

Yuya blushed and threw her spoon at him. Kyo caught it with ease. "My dear pet dog… silverware is used for eating, not throwing… maybe your master has to teach you some things… before you graduate…" he sighed.

Yuya got up from her seat and glared at him, blushing heavily. "Let's go… dear… husband…" Yuya muttered under gritted teeth.

"I said… no dear… remember, dear dog?" Kyo smirked and left the table before Yuya bites his head off of him.



In the luxurious car of Kyo's… Yuya sat at the back. Kyo lifted a brow when Yuya buckled her belt. Yuya stared at him anxiously. "…What?"

"Sit in the front; I'm not your driver, girl…" Kyo pointed to the seat next to him. "Hurry up now…"

Yuya stormed out of the car and slammed the door as she got into it again. "I will kill you..."

"Well, pay for the damages that you inflicted on this car yourself, got that?" Kyo started the engines as soon as Yuya started complaining with a sigh. "Shut up."


While in the car… a song was played by the radio called… 'How I Wish I Was Not Married to a Jerk' and Yuya sang along, happily.

Oh how I wish this could all end

My married life

That started off with strife

All I wanted was to be free

Again, again, again with me

Myself, ho-ho

Myself, ho-ho

Again and again and again with me

Alone, ho-ho

Alone, ho-ho

I feel so worried and insecure

My husband's a jerk

And all is woe

Woe is me

Woe is me

Can someone please let me be?

(Blank)'s a jerk

(Blank)'s a jerk

He's such a jerk

Returns late from work

He likes to work

Oh how I wish this could all end

My married life

That started off with strife

All I wanted was to be free

Again, again, again with me

Myself, ho-ho

Myself, ho-ho

Again and again and again with me

Alone, ho-ho

Alone, ho-ho

I feel so stupid and dumbfounded

My husband's a jerk

And all is woe

Woe is me

Woe is me

Can someone please let me be?

(Blank)'s a jerk

He's always a jerk

Oh how I wish I was not married to a jerk

Having affairs with that ugly clerk from work

Argh! He's such a jerk!

(Background music consisting of items being thrown and shrieks are heard)

(Blank)'s a jerk

He's always a jerk

Oh how I wish I was not married to a jerk

Having affairs with that ugly clerk from work

Argh! He's such a jerk!

Wait 'til I get my hands on that jerk and his ugly clerk…

(A/N: Yuya filled all the blanks with Kyo's name, you guys can do that do and change the affair part to something that your hubby is doing that pisses you off!)

"I'm not a jerk…" Kyo said. "I'm a handsome jerk…"

Yuya turned to look at him in disgust. "You're so full of yourself… even Honda-san is better than you…"

"Who's this Honda?" Kyo asked… a little interested.

"Oh, his name is Honda Takeru… a very charming president of the student council; he refers himself as the White Rose of Kuro Bara High and he has such beautiful hazel eyes… unlike your red ones…" Yuya said as she rolled her eyes.

"Ah, my eyes are not red; they're what you call ruby…" Kyo corrected her. Yuya fumed, trying very hard to not kill him.

"Argh…" Yuya looked to her left and sighed. "Ah! School! At last!" she sighed, relieved.

"Um… at the front gate?"

"What?" Yuya asked, confused.

"Drop you at the front gate?" Kyo asked, not looking at her.

"Well, wherever you want…" Yuya told him and Kyo halted the suddenly. Yuya's head kissed her file that was on her lap. She gritted her teeth and yelled at him. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?"

Kyo turned to her and smirked. "Well, you said wherever… well, here you go. Now, please get off of this car and please say hi for me to all your hot friends…"

"What if I have no hot friends?" she retaliated.

"Say hi to those who are prettier than you… or… if the girls here just suck, say hi to all the gay people for me then."

Yuya turned to Kyo with wide eyes. "Are you… bisexual?"

Kyo chuckled. "What if I am?"

Yuya looked away and exited the car as fast as possible, muttering a "My husband is a bi, my husband is a bi, my husband is a bi…" in 12 different languages.

Kyo laughed to himself manically and drove off as fast as he could. "This is so going to be interesting… hahaha!"


A/N: Ah, this is the real chapter one, hope y'all liked it! R&R!