A/N: Been a long time! Sorry to everyone who's been waiting restlessly for this! I'm trying my best to update all my stories! You know I have a lot, right? Anyway enjoy this and I need a beta to check my horrible grammar! I just can't get the hang of it!

Disclaimer: SDK is not mine.


Blood Eight – Bloody Memories


It was cold. Very, very cold. Yuya didn't even shiver to warm herself up. It was just very, very, very cold. She felt lonely. It was snowing on that day, on that day where she last saw those things…

Oh, how she wanted to forget everything. Witnessing the death of your own mother was just too painful. To have it repeated all over again, with the same splatter of blood on your face, the stench of iron sharply haunting your nose…just like a dream, it went by just like a dream. For her, she could always wipe the blood away with a handkerchief and forget it all happened. Every time she dreamt of the past, she would just place her left hand on her face and close her eyes, chanting that it was just a dream in her head.

It would be repeated everyday.

Every single heartbeat in her dream.

Every single time she woke up from the dream.


No, it was all real.

Everything happened, the death of her father, her mother, her brother…

They were done by vampires and she was next. Yes, she was next.

Her tired eyes fluttered open and her clear green eyes shone in the darkness. She woke up from the fleeting feeling of a dream. Yes, this was all just a dream. This darkness was just a play created by her tired mind. This choking darkness, this feeling of detachment from the world, as if she had wings or had a very light covering of clouds protecting her from darkness, causing her to glow in this loneliness. She wrapped her legs with her arms and just closed her eyes.

Everything will just go away and she will be in her family's embrace again.

Oh, how she longed for the feeling of having someone or something to live for once again. Her eyes were tired from crying every night, her lips from murmuring her prayers, her nose from sniffing and her hair from growing long…

…yes, she wanted her hair to be long like her mother's once was.

Maybe she should just cut it and forget all about her past. Yes, that may be the only way for her to just…


She traced her fragile fingers through her long and silky hair. Yes, it was time for her memories to say goodbye and let her open a new chapter in life. Life is short, anyway. It was better if she enjoyed every bit of it without dwelling on something that she can never have back.

Every drop of tears she had cried, every drop represents a sentence in her life that she had been trying to erase. None of them could be forgotten. It was as if her pages were written in permanent ink.Ink…on paper, each stroke of the tip of the pen, dancing on the weak yet almost everlasting stage of thin wood, it was the sweetest miracle. She loved to read novels, write her views on them and write some stories of her own. Imagination will always run wild. That was what her brother used to tell her. He told her that because he wanted her to move on. Move on for the sake of the future that lied ahead of her.

But, what was the future that had been written out for her?

Even as her tears blurred her vision and welled in her eyes, she did not want it to spill. To spill her pain is to show and admit how weak she was. She was not weak and she will never be weak.


"…I want to sleep in your embrace and let my feelings…flow out like my tears are now…" she sang softly as she felt warmth coming back to her cold body.

"I want to return to you…just like the old days…"


Her eyes opened slowly as she felt achy all over her body. The material of her dress felt heavier than it had ever been. She tried to sit up but the weight of pain weighed upon her form, causing her to just lie on the bed. It was rather devastating, wait, that might be too exaggerated. It was rather surprising that she was still alive. Did she not die from blood loss? She was sure she lost a huge amount of it. She shakily brought her right hand to her neck. Oh.

He bit her! Kyo bit her!

She jumped off from the bed and crawled to the closest mirror.

The filthy mirror got its first cleaning with just a swift wipe from her palm.

She saw her eyes.

They were not red.

"Oh…I'm not a vampire?" she asked out loud.

"…I guess not."

Yuya quickly turned around to meet with the tired yet startling red eyes of Kyo who just entered, with a glass of water and a plate of finger food in his hands. He closed the door behind him with his leg and carried the food to the nearest table and set it down. He glanced at her from the corners of his eyes before turning away to leave again.

"Hey, wait!" Yuya stopped him as she tried to get up, her hand flailing about as she tried to find her footing.

Kyo stopped and turned around just in time to save her from landing flat on her face with his arms stretched out, grabbing onto her hands. He gripped them and pulled her to him as both their bodies fell onto the floor with a loud 'THUMP!'. The room fell silent.

Yuya did not open her eyes as the impact dawned on her. Her hands rested on Kyo's chest as she did not have the strength to pull away. She could hear the quiet beats of his heart as she closed her eyes. He was alive. Yes, vampires are living creatures. They are not the undead. They live through feeding from blood. They are, in a way, human too, other than the weird preference for delicacies.

Finally, after she got the energy back, she slowly pulled away and looked down. Kyo was asleep. She gave a small laugh.

"You must've been tired."

She leaned back into his embrace and closed her eyes yet again.

Mahiro scanned through the thick books in the library rather quickly, for fear of getting caught by any of the Prides. She flipped through the book seriously, not caring for the paper cuts she got as she haphazardly scanned through the pages. She had gone through numerous books just to find out more about the 'Eternal Red' bloodline. After Sakuya went berserk yet again to know that the last remaining descent did not turn into a vampire or die, she got curious as to why she did not. So far, none of the books mentioned the bloodline.

She grew tired of reading and was hungry. She closed the book she was reading angrily and reached out for the bottle of wine only vampires love. She poured herself a glass of blood and slowly sipped it. She felt sad with the thought of never being able to turn her most beloved into one of them. She loved him too much to actually confront him. After meeting with him on an occasion to make a pact with his father's company, she found him very attractive. He was funny, goofy and yet, charming. He did not know the reason for the occasion of course, for his father concealed it carefully. Innocently, he laughed at his own joke, not even aware that he was surrounded by vampires.

Mahiro sighed heavily as she set the glass down on the table and resumed her research. Whenever she drank blood, she remembers the past, not even knowing why. When she asked Saisei if she ever had an experience like that, she only shook her head. It must be very weird. She was once pursued by Kyo, already injured by his blade and yet she managed to escape, not forgetting the regret on his face. Did he feel sorry for her? For them, the vampires who can only survive by means of blood?



Mahiro jumped in her seat as the doors of the library shut close. She closed the book she was reading and set it aside as a person approached her. Her eyes were wide when she saw the person in front of her. She got up and bowed.

"Yuan-sama, what brings you here?" she asked quietly as she observed him taking a seat opposite of her and resting his legs on the table.

"…Mahiro, cut it with the whole '-sama' crap! We're associates!" he said loudly as he picked his ear with his pinky.

Mahiro laughed, "Well, Yuan-san, what brings you here again?" she asked jokingly.

"Ah, you never learn!" he said with a Cheshire grin on his face.

He removed his legs from the table and sat in a more serious manner, with his hands on the table. After seeing this, Mahiro immediately sat down again.

"…it's about Kyoshiro and Kyo and that 'Eternal Red' girl."

Mahiro stayed quiet.

"I need you to spy on them. I want you to be careful with Kyo and Kyoshiro though, you know how skilled they are. I want to know their relationship with the girl and also…" he trailed off as his mouth became thin.

"And also…?"

"…go to Fubuki's library and steal, no, borrow some of the documents in a folder about the 'Eternal Red' bloodline. I want this done discreetly, without anyone knowing, okay? If you get caught…I won't be there to help you out. Get it? I know you can do this, Mahi-chan!" he ended in a lighter tone as he got up from the chair.

"…documents on the bloodline are with Fubuki-sama?" she thought out loud.

Yuan's mouth grew thin again.

He got around the table and grabbed the glass swiftly as he gulped the blood down in one go. He licked his lips after that and seized Mahiro's collar and pulled her surprised form as she let out a gasp. She could only stare at the fabric covering his eyes but she could feel the heat from them. He was angry, but for what?

"…don't you even think of reading through them, understood?" he warned dangerously.


"Good! Now, dance with me!" he pulled her from the chair and started a random dance with her.

Mahiro could only hope this would not be her last dance.


A/N: How was it? A different approach? I think I finally have the plot down though; I just need to write it down. Anyway, R&R, it's polite. btw, check out some of my new videos on youtube. find a link on my homepage blog and well, click on my name.