The end of a phantom. Part 1.

One Monday after school at Fenton works a knock came to the door. At the door stood two officers from Axion lab.

"Danny Fenton please?"

Maddie stood there in confusion while she called Danny down to the door. "Danny Fenton?" asked one of the officers. "we need you to come with us."

"why?" Danny asked.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH US! GHOST BOY!" yelled one the officers in anger.

"who or WHAT told you?" asked Danny with a very sharp glare in his squinted eyes. Danny dropped the what powers act for he new his secret would get out sooner or later with Vlad Masters in charge of Axion lab only because of the grudge he held on Jack and Danny.

"NOT IMPORTANT! NOW LETS GO!" yelled one of the officers as he jerked Danny by the arm. Maddie looked in confusion for she didn't know what was going on so she asked Danny, "Danny, whats going on?" Danny turned to his mother with a small tear in his eye and a sad look on his face as he said, "for the last couple of months I've held a secret against everyone I knew accept Tucker, Sam and now Jazz. But yes I am the ghost boy. The accident in the lab turned me half ghost. I'm sorry I kept it from you for so long" then after that he quickly turned to Danny Phantom and turned invisible to try to phase through the officers, but to his surprise, it didn't work!

"what? Why can't I phase through them?" asked Danny in utter confusion.

"like it?" asked one of the officers. "Our boss gave us this ghost gear incase you try to do that." explained the second officer.

"I should've known Vlad do something like that, especially with that grudge." said Danny with anger in his voice.

"Danny? Why didn't you tell your father and I about this?" asked Maddie in confusion.

"A couple of reasons, 1. I was having fun messing with you two. 2. I didn't want over baring parents getting in the way of MY enemies and trying to help when Jazz already 'helped' a lot and 3. I didn't want you to get hurt over my responsibilities when Valerie Grey a.k.a. the ghost hunter is doing it for me." said Danny in a annoyed voice. Then he changed back to Danny Fenton.

"no more sweet good-byes, it's time to go!" yelled the officer as he dragged Danny out the door, and down the steps. Danny struggled as he yelled at his mother for help, but Maddie just stood there, still in shock shaking her head no backing away into the house. While upstairs Jazz heard Danny outside yelling for help and she ran down the stairs as fast as she could to only find the officers heading toward the truck.

"DANNY!" Jazz yelled with her eyes barely open for she could hardly watch her little brother get thrown into the back of the truck while he yelled, "JAZZ! Help they know I'm half ghost!"

Jazz yelled back, "what should I do!"

"CALL TUCKER AND SAM THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO AND THE CAN HELP!" yelled Danny while the backdoors shut and the truck drove away.