K15: I'm glad you all enjoyed the first chapter.

Zuko: I am too.

Me: I was slightly worried about everything.

Zuko: But since it got so many reviews.
Me: Yeah plus it fits along nicely with season two so far, now onto the next chapter. Sorry it took so long. Anyway, enjoy please. Later. K15

Disclaimer: Okay, you all saw Zuko Alone right? Well see if I own Avatar, Zuko would have saw his mother beheaded. So therefore I don't own it.



In the world there are many different sides. Light, dark, neutral, Fire Nation, rebels, Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, and the Avatar side. Many people believed that one side was going to win, that they were always going to be different. But the two people who were most different would share the most in common.

There are things in this world, which many people don't understand. For instance, destiny is one those many things. Many think that it is set for them by the gods and has been since the beginning of time. They also think that one's destiny is not changeable, and not even the gods can change it. It's those people that will not accept the peasant and the prince.

They didn't understand it themselves. One had come from a small forgotten village in the South Pole. And the other one had come from a palace by the sea, in the heart of the Fire Nation. They came from completely worlds and different up bringing.

Opposites, that's what they told themselves; nothing-in common, and even more hatred towards each other. A prince was not allowed to harbor any feelings towards a peasant, and the only emotion he showed was hatred towards them.

She felt pity towards him. This obsession to please his father and help destroy the world was ridiculous. They felt different towards each other, yet deep inside they felt the same.

The hatred they felt towards each other was to change. A small flame had been lit, it burning brighter with every action, word, and argument. Neither of them could just ignore it, nor could they do anything to prevent it from happening.

There were many things that the gods and goddess threw at them. Things that many people wouldn't believe. Most of the times they didn't believe it themselves.

On the back of the flying bison, their only worries were their money and families. They knew their troubles would begin once they stepped off.

A town was currently what they were looking for. That way they could get one step closer to going to rescue their family and one step further away from each other. The further they were away from each other, the less likely they were to feel the emotions for each other.

The minute Appa would land and they got off, things would turn for the worse. Fights, wine, kisses, pirates, family, and the ever-dreaded hormones, will all cause trouble for both teens.


Ever since she left her father she's been staring off into space. Or so Zuko said from time to time. Katara would ignore everyone, Momo, Appa, and most importantly Zuko. Not that Zuko cared or anything, but she didn't even yell at him when he almost set Momo's tail on fire.

"Are you going to land this fluff ball soon?" Zuko demanded, hoping to get a reaction out of her. Anything really would be good enough for him, even if it were just a cough.

"Why does His Majesty have to pee?" Katara retorted, glancing over her right shoulder. "If you do you can…"

That was not the reaction he wanted. Maybe a nice conversation would be good. Not an argument. But if that's the way she wanted it, it's her fault. "If I had to pee, then I would have said, land this stupid fluff ball I've got to pee."

Katara glanced back forward; she wasn't going to put up with any of his crap any more. It was way out of the question. If he was going to treat her like a slave, then she wasn't going to speak to him.

Zuko unconsciously began to stroke Momo. What was this girl's problem? Was she just naturally this cranky? Or was it the fact that she was a racist? Zuko shook his head. He wasn't going to get involved with a no named water peasant.

There was so much that he had to think of. For one, they had no idea how many days they were behind Azula. And let alone who was also captured with her. And Katara wasn't doing a good job giving out information.

"Just land this stupid thing, I'm getting hungry." Zuko commanded.

"You're not my mother Prince Zuko." She replied, her voice dripping with venom.

Zuko glared at Katara before smelling the air. It smelt of hot Fire Flakes and roast duck. He looked over at Katara, whom again was paying no attention to him. It didn't surprise him, but he was going to get her to land the bison and that way they could find some sort of shelter and think of some sort of plan.

"Have you ever tried Roast Duck, Katara?" Zuko questioned, he walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"No, and personally we should try to catch up to your no good rotten sister." Katara answered hotly. "We have no time for a pit stop."

Zuko was going to try a direct approach. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "The way the sauces sits on your tongue while you eat it." He allowed his hands to travel just down her arms to the reigns. "Barbeque and honey mustard. The food itself is…"

Katara pushed him away and glared at him. "Okay I get it you're hungry. But we still have a long way to go before."

Zuko sat back and pouted. How could he convince this stupid water peasant that they needed to stop for the night? Maybe there was a different way to get her to land Fluffy.

Didn't his uncle once tell him a way to a women's heart was through her stomach? Or maybe that was the opposite. He didn't know, he'd have to try a different approach.

"We stopped for your stupid father." He growled. He didn't mean to growl at her; it just sort of came out that way.

"Yeah I know, don't remind me." Katara growled back. Now she meant it, Zuko could tell the difference in her voice.

"What's you're problem?" Zuko demanded. "One minute you're happy and the next you're upset and angry at the world."

"You don't have to deal with two different elements as parents." Katara hissed. He just had to ask. He should have already known the answer to that question.

All she seemed to do now was snap at him, and for what; taking her away from her father? That seemed a little unfair; unless there was some other reason that the water peasant wasn't telling him. And personally he didn't like be left out in the dark.

"Katara, why don't we stop for the night?" Zuko suggested, almost pleading with the girl. "That way you can sleep off the pain of your father marrying someone other than your mother, and I can get something to eat."

Katara glanced back at Zuko. "What's the catch?" She questioned.

Zuko stopped to think about for a minute. Would there be a catch? Zuko really wasn't like that was he? He smirked, of course he was. "You have to accompany me to the festival."


For once since his banishment, and his evil sister trying to capture him, Prince Zuko had a smile across his face. The festival that he had convinced Katara to go to was the annual Fire Festival. It was first started for the Great Agni, and that was by his great-great-great-great-great-great- grandfather. Even though the Fire Nation had been getting rid of ancient traditions and various other festivals, the one they seemed to keep was the Fire Festival. But Zuko wasn't about to allow Katara to know which one he brought her to.

"Zuko, how are you going to blend in?" Katara questioned, looking around. She was nervous about being around so many firebenders.

Zuko placed a hat on his head and smirked. It seemed that whenever he wore this hat, nobody ever noticed that he was the banished fire prince. Though, with his hair cut short, nobody ever seemed to pay attention to him. Maybe they just thought he was another peasant.

"Okay, what about me? I'm dressed in blue remember?" Katara questioned yet again.

"They'll think your just another person just passing through." Zuko grunted. "Just keep a low profile and don't do anything too stupid."

Zuko grabbed Katara's wrist and pulled her into the crowd. For the annual Fire Festival, held across the whole Fire Nation, they picked the one where Zuko spent his last festival in, Kozen. The town itself was named for Zuko's great uncle Kuzon. Somewhere the banished fire prince was hoping his father didn't pick this town to visit for once.

Katara was amazed by everything going on. She had been to a festival like this once before, but this one seemed to deal with the fire itself. Even though she hadn't seen a Water Tribe or Earth Kingdom festival, she knew that every nation had one.

Zuko glanced back and saw that she was looking around in amazement. He couldn't help but think how beautiful she was with a look of amazement on her face. Zuko quickly shook his head. How could he think of something like that? It must have been those damn hormones. That's what got him before while he was watching Katara bathe.


"Call me Lee." Zuko quickly replied. He was a wanted man; he didn't want to deal with the Fire Nation on a night that was supposed to be full of fun. "Did you want to go off by yourself?"

"Yes please." Katara whispered. "I just want to explore. I'll meet you at camp?"

Zuko nodded, let go of her wrist and watched her disappear into the crowd. She could take care of herself, he knew of it. Zuko, just wanted to explore the place and see what the Festival brought this year.


Katara wandered around the place, she was lost, confused, and wished that Zuko were beside her. That way she'd know what to do, plus she wouldn't feel like an outcast. Though it seemed now a days she was an outcast anywhere she went. She needed something to get rid of all her worries.

"Wine, we've got it here." A person said, holding up a bottle. "This is stuff good enough to be served at the fire palace." Katara smirked; she knew it was wrong to drink. But what could a little sip do?


"Have you seen her? She's wobbling on the stand, she can barely sit." A boy said, running past Zuko. "They say she's drunken five whole bottles and is going on her sixth."

Zuko watched the two boys run off. He couldn't help but wonder who this women was. Who in their right mind would even drink the stuff served here? There was too much alcohol put into the drinks, only nobles would be able to be able to handle the intake. And even still two glasses were enough for them. Zuko had remembered the first night he went to a festival like this. His father and Iroh were drinking, and his father offered a drink to Zuko, and Zuko drank three whole glassfuls. And that was too much for him.

"You should go see who this girl is, son." The tender suggested. "They say this girl is doing everything. It sounds when my daughter got mad at me for marrying my wife, she—hey where are you going?" He asked, watching Zuko ran off, leaving a silver coin at the table.

Zuko couldn't help but curse himself over and over. He knew that she wanted to forget what happened between her and her father. But he didn't think that Katara would go to extreme matters like this. Hopefully he got there before she did something before irresponsible.


"Hey… hic… 'uko." She slurred. "Keep 'em comin' boys!"

Zuko could only stare blankly at this girl. She seemed so responsible. How could anyone of her… well he couldn't think of what to call since she was only a peasant? But how could she be so irresponsible? It just didn't make sense. He shouldn't have left the peasant alone, that's what it was.

"Ya wanna go up agains' ma?" She was tottering like a child learning to walk. "I'd be moredan weady to take ya."

" Not now Katara, lets get you out of here." Zuko said, helping Katara walk. She was still holding a wine bottle in her hand it was almost empty, but there was still enough to make her worse.

" 'uko, do ya wealize how pwetty ya awre?" Katara questioned.

Zuko looked down at her. She didn't mean any of it, he told himself. It was just a side affect of the wine. He reminded himself that Azula was worse her first time. And she would have to sleep it all off. He walked out of the town and it didn't help much that Katara was making a big commotion (Ge' ya grimy paws off ma, ya bloody bastard).

When they finally made it back to camp Katara was still babbling on, this time something about her brother and cactus juice. She smiled as she leaned closer to Zuko. The prince looked down at her, it was then when she did the unthinkable. She dropped the almost empty wine bottle and took Zuko's face into her hands. She then forcefully kissed him. Zuko kept trying to tell himself not to enjoy this; that she tasted like wine and that it the alcohol that was talking and reacting to cause her to think this way. But it wasn't working too well; in fact it wasn't working at all.

Finally Zuko pushed her away and laid Katara down on the ground and looked at Appa and Momo, both who were giving him strange looks. "It's not my fault. She did to herself." He snapped.

"Dat's whad I'd dought." Katara slurred again, picking up and swinging the now empty wine bottle. "Ya ta chicken ta do anyting."

Zuko clutched the bridge of his nose. It would have been better if he were drunk, at least he would have the sensible one to take care of him. And she wouldn't have given into her hormones.

"Katara? Are you alright?"

"Katawa? Dat's a pweddy 'ame." She said, and then remembered that was her name. "I'd never fel' bedda, in fac'."

Zuko shook his head and laid Katara down on her back again. She was pretty with her hair spread out around her. But Zuko couldn't think like that at a time like this. He had to focus on his dignity.

"'uko?" She questioned.

Zuko looked down, his golden eyes showing his worry. But he had to be the responsible one, for that stupid peasants sake. "What is it Katara?"

"I wanna…" But before she could finish her sentence she passed out.

Zuko looked over towards Appa and shrugged. He really couldn't move her until morning, and since the bison was tired (as well as the prince himself), there was no chance of even going much further.

Zuko walked over to the bison and climbed up his tail. He knew there had to be some sort of blanket for the girl, he didn't want her to freeze to death (after all she's my ticket home). After finding one, he went back down to her and covered her up. He then looked towards the glowing city and sighed. Everyone was sleeping in their own beds, waking up the next morning not wondering if they have to run for their lives. It was times like these that he was still back in the Fire Nation, with his mother, and that none of this had ever happened.


Zuko woke up to Katara next to him. He must have fallen sleep next to the girl, he concluded. After last night though, he was surprised he slept at all. He brushed a piece of the girl's hair out of her face. Immediately he shook his head of any thoughts of her. She wasn't important, only his ticket home. He jumped to feet as he heard a twig snap.

He had no idea how long Katara was going to be out, but he did know he had to do his best to protect her. Another twig snapped and this time Katara stirred. Moaning she clutched her head and threw her arms over her head.

"Damn," she swore. "What the hell happened? I felt like I was hit by Appa." She hid her eyes under her arms. "And why is the sun so bright?"

Zuko smirked, he'd explain to her later why she was feeling like shit. But right now he had to figure out what was making that sound. Another snap, and Zuko brought out his flame daggers.

"Show yourself coward!" Zuko yelled.

It was then that Momo walked out of the bushes carrying an arm full of berries. Zuko let out a sigh and sat down next to the waterbender master. Momo let out a chirp and hopped over to Zuko, placing the berries on the ground in front of the bender.

"Thank you Momo?" He guessed.

"Why is it so bright?"

"Katara, eat something."

"I feel like throwing up." Katara burped. "What the hell did you do to me last night?"

"Nothing, you ungrateful peasant!" Zuko snapped. "You went and got yourself drunk. I didn't even have to enjoy myself there!"

"Excuse me?" Katara sat up the fell back down groaning, she felt like throwing up. She clutched her stomach and actual did throw up all over Sokka's sleeping bag.

Zuko sighed; he was feeling sympathy for the girl. He knew it was wrong but he squatted next to her and began to rub her back. It was the only thing he could think of doing. He had no idea what in the world to do. It was his fault that she was like this.

"Stupid peasant." He said, laying her down. "Sleep."

"I can't, we've got to keep going."

"Damn it, I said sleep!" Zuko yelled. He shot his head towards the bushes where Momo came. He thought he heard the bush rustle again, but he shook the feeling from his head. He didn't want to worry Katara more than he had to.

"I can't okay, I'm too worried about Aang and Sokka."

"what about that blind earthbending girl?" Zuko questioned, still rubbing her back.

"Oh Toph?" Katara said.

"Yeah sure."

Appa groaned just as Katara opened her mouth. She found herself to her feet, and pulled out her water whip. It was still her trusty weapon even though she was a waterbending master.

"Something's wrong with big and fluffy." Zuko pointed out.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." Katara snapped, dropping her whip as she clutched her head.

"Look, I save you from doing something really really stupid and this is how you thank me?" Zuko demanded, pulling Katara to her feet.

Katara glared at him and let out a small belch. "If you don't put me down I will throw up on you." Katara snapped.

Zuko dropped her and looked towards the bison. "I think he's worried."

"Appa, what's the matter boy?" Katara asked, walking over to the bison. She ran her fingers over his fur.

Zuko walked around the camp. He knew there was someone there. But who it was he had no idea. He walked over to the bushes and grasped a twig; it looked like it had been burnt off.

"Peasant." Zuko snapped, quickly turning to the girl; who was once again throwing up.

"I have a name you know." Katara snapped.

"I don't care, we're being followed."

"What do you mean we're being followed?" Katara demanded.

"Simple, someone is tracking us."

"Or tracking you."

Both Zuko and Katara spun around to come face to face with Azula. The smirk on her face told them that they were clearly out matched.

"What do you want?"

"What no, how are you sister?" Azula asked, "I'm ashamed of you brother. After getting a peasant drunk, then…"

"If you're suggesting I took advantage of her, then you're sadly mistaken." Zuko snapped, narrowing his eyes. "Where's Uncle?"

"Well brother, I won't tell you until you give me what I want."

Zuko narrowed his eyes, "And what would that be dear sister?" His words were coated with hatred towards his sister.

"I want The Storm." She spoke the last two words very clearly.

Zuko looked away from his sister and towards Katara. She was crouched over, but still shooting daggers at the princess. He didn't answer her.

"I'll let you think about it brother. You've got the rest of today, I shall return at sundown." She turned around and began to walk away from there camp. "Oh and may I suggest trying to not flee. I know where you are dear brother, and where you are heading."

Zuko watched his sister leave before letting out a frustrated scream. How dare she intrude like that and demand something. It was just like her, always caring about herself. She's probably not even going to give up Uncle. Zuko thought silently to himself. He then turned towards Katara who was throwing up the remains of her stomach.

"Zuko what is she talking about?" Katara questioned, standing up.

"Nothing peasant. It's none of your concern." Zuko snapped.

"Look I'm just trying to help. And if we're going to make this team thing work, then I suggest you start being nicer."

Zuko walked up to her and raised his hand back, as if to slap her. Instead he barked, "Listen here peasant! I'm not trying to do team work nor do I want to be a team with you. You are my ticket to Azula and where she's keeping my uncle. That's it. After that, I'm grabbing the Avatar and heading to the Fire Nation.

"There my father will welcome me home with open arms. And I will then regain my title as Prince." Zuko glared at her.

"Big deal!" Katara yelled back. "I don't care what's your point!"

Zuko smirked, "See that's where you come in."

"I refuse to be your concubine."

"You may have no choice."

Katara turned her back the exiled prince. She began to pet Appa. There was no way that she, a well brought up girl was going to fall for his charm. (If you could call it that Katara thought

"I have a choice as long as Aang is the Avatar!" Katara snapped.

"Right, I'm sorry to burst your bubble honey…"

Katara rose to her feet and walked to the prince. She poked him in the chest and tried to look intimidating. "Don't you ever ever call me honey again!" Katara felt her head spinning so she immediately fell to the ground.

Zuko looked up in the sky. It was just barely a few hours, three at the most, after sunrise. He had until sunset to tell Azula the location of The Storm. Like he was going to do that, what actually make her think that he knew where it was himself?

The storm actually was a myth, nothing more than that. And to have Azula believe that it existed, well that was quite the joke. He couldn't help but laugh, but in front of Katara, he wasn't going to reveal this quite yet. She really had no reason to learn Fire Nation mythology.

"Hey where are you going! That women told you to stay here!" Katara yelled as Zuko picked up their camp and threw it onto Appa, who grunted in protest.

"That women, as you called her, is my sister and I'm not staying here just because she told me to." Zuko snapped climbing onto the bison. "Now whether or not you want to stay here and feel her wrath go ahead and be my guest, but I'm getting out of here and going to find my uncle."

Katara sighed and wobbled onto the bison, the light still hurting her eyes. "I suggest we go back to flying over the ocean."

"She'll be following."

"Stay close to the water."

"We'll get caught."

"That way I have water to bend."

"That's stupid, Azula's a master." Zuko countered.

"I don't care, just do what I say!" Katara demanded.

Zuko smirked and said, "Yip Yip bison."

Appa let out a protesting growl. He knew this was a bad idea, but Katara was with the emotional prince so he had to obey. After rising into the air he headed towards the ocean, like he was commanded to.

Momo chirped and landed into Katara's lap. "I'm going to take a nap do you think you can handle this?" Katara snapped.

Zuko didn't reply he was just too busy caught up in his own problems. He did let out a grunt though to allow Katara to know that he was somewhat paying attention.

"Wake me when we get to dry land. Or noon, which ever comes first." Katara said rolling over and pulling a blanket over her head to block out the bright sun.

Zuko glanced back at the sleeping girl. Even though she had a hangover and probably felt like shit, she still had the temper of a firebender, and was very forceful. Zuko then returned his focus onto the vast ocean before him. They still had a long way to go before they were even close to find his uncle or her friends.


Zuko looked over the edge of Appa and lowered the fluff ball closer to the water. He wanted to stay as close to the water's edge as possible. That way the bison wouldn't have to fly, but just glide instead. Zuko's head snapped over to Katara as she moaned and pulled the blanket around her closer.

Zuko yawned and looked back out to the horizon. What his sister said really made him wonder, did The Storm really exist? Or was she lying like she always did? It definitely had to be the second one. Azula always lied.

"Azula always lies, Azula always lies." Zuko repeated his mantra silently to himself.

Katara finally sat up and looked over at the prince. "Zuko?"

"What is peasant?"

"What time is it?"

"Three hours maybe two, after noon." Zuko guessed looking at the sun. "I figured you needed the sleep."

"Oh thanks." Katara slightly blushed at the concern of the prince. She never…

"It's only because you need to focus on getting us to the Fire Nation." Zuko said, walking to the back of the bison.

"Excuse me? Team work mean anything to you stuck up firebenders?" Katara snapped.

"I do not work as a team with a Peasant. It's too beneath me." Zuko scoffed.

"I'm sure that hair on your head is too beneath you too?" Katara questioned.

Zuko glared at the girl. "You know nothing about my hair!" Zuko snapped.

Katara decided to push her luck. "What about your crew? Are they traveling with you on foot? Or did they leave you?"

"Shut up you stupid girl." Zuko snapped again.

Katara smirked, "oh why? Did I hit a sensitive spot for poor Zuzu?"

The next thing that Katara knew was that she was pinned to the saddle and Zuko was straddling her. He picked up her braid and undid it. He smirked as he ran his fingers through it.

"It would be a shame if something happened to your hair." Zuko said admiring it.

"Don't touch my hair!" Katara yelled. She tried to reach forward and smack Zuko's hand, but he just ended up pinning her arms above her head.

"Just imagine being in this position when you're my concubine." Zuko smirked, his voice becoming deep and husky. "I'm sure there are many things you can do to pleasure me like this."

Katara growled and struggled to get free. "Let me go!" Katara shrieked.

"I'd never cut your hair though." Zuko said, running his fingers through her hair. "Or burn it off for that matter. It's just too lovely and soft, and I'm going to love tangling my fingers through your hair as you rode me."

He wrapped a couple strands of her hair around his fingers and pulled. "Just like that my dear, and when you will come down on me, I'll pull harder."

"I'll moan and groan, and then I flip you over so that you're on bottom. I'll kiss you roughly," he leaned down closer to her, "and I'll…"

Katara glared at the boy and spit in his face causing Zuko to roll off of her. "You were getting heavy!" Katara spat. "You are giving me impure thoughts, and you really need to stop that. I thought a prince of your standards wouldn't do that."

Zuko smirked wiping his face. He crawled closer to Katara, "I never knew you thought about me that way peasant."

Katara was about to kick Zuko when Appa was lunged forward and she was thrown unexpectedly into the prince. She quickly climbed out of his lap, making sure not to make matters worse than they already were.

"Zuko, we have a sorta of a bit of problem." Katara said, peeking over the edge.

"What is it?"

"You remember when you tied me to that tree?" Katara asked, "When you saved me from the pirates."

Zuko thought for a moment before replying, "Yes. They were the same ones who blew up my ship."

"Well, they're back." Katara whispered. It was like she didn't want to acknowledge the fact that they were out in the open.

"We can take them."

A cannon ball was shot past Appa, barely missing the two teens by a few inches. Katara looked back at the prince. "What was that you were saying?"

"I'm not giving up. I refuse to be someone's prisoner. Nor do I wish to be a sex slave." Zuko shuddered at the thought of someone sick pirate wanting him and trying to take him.

Katara rolled her eyes. He was so self-centered sometimes, and this time it might help him get….

"FIRE!" The captain yelled.

Katara ducked just in time to avoid being hit again. She pulled up twin water whips and turned them into ice daggers shooting each icicle at the pirate's ship. Zuko shot three fireballs, blowing up two more cannon balls before they had a chance to reach Appa.

Momo, by now, was hopping up and down squealing in his own Momo chatter. He was quickly bagged and gagged. Katara spun around and pulled water out from the ocean, a few quick jabs and she was rendered useless.

"My bending!" Katara shrieked. She was quickly blindfolded, gagged, and bound.

Zuko quickly turned around to see what was wrong with Katara, but with in a moment of only seconds was quickly blindfold, gagged and tied together. A few more jabs were made on him and he was unable to use his bending.

Both the prince and peasant struggled to figure out what happened. Within matter of seconds they were ambushed and captured. Even the lemur and the bison were caught (The bison being somehow temporarily paralyzed). After being flung over someone's shoulder they were dragged off and on to the pirates' ship.


K15: Yes I know it took half a year about to update, but that's because I was working extra hard on this chapter, making sure it was as good as the first.

Zuko: I think that worked out.

Me: Yes I have to agree. I was impressed with how many reviews I got. And I'm excited that you all liked it. I guess I should have written like this more from the beginning when I was first writing fics. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk now.

Zuko: Yup.

Me: When I actually started this fic, Appa was still with them, oh and Toph hadn't come into the series yet.

Zuko: Yeah.

Me: So I think I'm going to keep Toph out of it for a while longer. I don't know how much longer, but just a while.

Zuko: Oh tell them about Katara getting drunk.

Me: Oh yeah, I got that idea from DJ's fic… uh… I can't remember what it's called, but she gets most of the credit. I just changed it from Zuko to Katara. –Smiles-

Zuko: Yup. So thank you DJ!

Me: Thank you Zuko. Anyway, I'm going to start the next chapter as soon as I can, but it maybe a while. For all of those who don't know, I'm going to be a senior in High School. So I don't know how often I'm going to update.

Zuko: Yup.
Me: Yeah school starts for me on the 23rd of this month. So I'll try to update by then. No promises though. I hope to see more reviews. And please review people. You're feedback helps me a lot in this one. I really need to know if I'm keep Zuzu in character. As well as Katara. That's why it takes me so long to update. Anyway, until next time. Later. K15