Title: As a Father

Author: Katieelessar

Characters: Concerning Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon

Category: General/Poetry

Summary: A short poem of Obi-Wan looking briefly back at his and Qui-Gon's bond. Please R&R!

Author's Note: It just…popped out of my fingers like a little bunny. I hope everyone enjoys. This is my first poem so please, be nice!

As a Father

I watched you from afar

Until that overlying day

When our twisting paths,

Yet so different from one each other,

Merged into one.

The times grew arduous,

As the years withered old,

But I never forgot

The creed that you told.

When I left,

For a month of years,

I could never forget

The lessons I had learned.

I followed your path,

So different from my own.

We had our sharp words,

Bitter they did taste,

For not forever more.

Despite our unshared blood,

Running through separate veins,

There was not a time that I doubted,

Of you as a father.

When death's claws grabbed you,

And I awoke to your missing presence,

In your place a young prodigy,

With your dying words in my


I had never felt more


But your spirit guides me still

In the darkness of the night.

For I will never forget the words of

My father.

My light, my spirit, my fight.

Thanks for reading. There were actually versus and spaces but the formatting is all twisted. Thanks for reading, though and please review!

