Author's Note: I got bored in college. I had five hundred words to spare,and here is the result. As a note, this ismy first fiction, and hopefully not my last. Amuse yourselves.

Pairings: I'm going to admit this right now. I'm a sucker for Sasuke/Naruto. No likey? No readey.

Rating: Vague hints of love. Be forewarned.

Conversations Over Lunch

Sasuke has come to play big role in his life. In fact, the boy had taken over all of Iruka's life, has come to define Iruka's life in more ways than he had ever thought possible. He cringes inwardly at the ambiguity of his thoughts—at their inappropriateness—and mentally sets about the task of preparing himself to listen to an hour of Sasuke.

Naruto arrives with his usual promptness, breathless from having hurried from his latest training session with the one and only Uchiha Sasuke. Iruka, looking at the sky, feels the weight of all those gray clouds in his mind.

The conversations have always started with guess what happened today and can you believe what that bastard did. Iruka does not expect this time to be any different and Naruto doesn't disappoint, rattling off the answer to his own questions. It had only taken two questions before Iruka had realized that Naruto's questions will always be rhetorical in nature when it concerns Sasuke. Iruka is simply there to listen and murmur agreements.

Do you remember, the kid—no, teenager—asks and he is off again, talking faster than Iruka's brain can process, referring to the chicken incident and rice accident. And, isn't it unfair that Sakura brings up the dye-cloth fight or the academy kiss now. Iruka only nods mutely too stunned to even analyze the implications of the girl's actions and words.

Naruto nods in self-righteous anger before inhaling the contents of his ramen bowl. Iruka is merely surprised even after all these years that Sasuke can do that many things in the space of three days. He doesn't say anything and listens to sentences beginning with Sasuke this and Sasuke that. He shouldn't be shocked, Iruka thinks, but still can't quite feel what he tells his mind.

Iruka knows that he should tell Naruto that Sasuke will not always be there, that Sasuke isn't Naruto's to monopolize. He can't though. It isn't as if he hasn't tried. But the words somehow never make it past his mouth. Iruka tried once, long ago, during the first month or so. Sasuke, he had begun, and faltered at the expression in Naruto's eyes.

Iruka can only cringe in anticipation of the day Naruto finally comes to the same realization. Sasuke can never be Naruto's. Even if Naruto has to save his best friend over, and over again, even if Sasuke trusts only Naruto, implicitly, and without reservations. Because, Iruka thinks, in the end, this is what it has always been about and he wonders why the Uchiha survivor is so special.

He doesn't realize that Naruto has been silent through out desert and doesn't even have the time to be worried because Naruto is describing his training under the Hokage. Iruka follows this conversation with the same precise attentiveness he displayed at the beginning of the meal.

Same time, Naruto, Iruka confirms and Naruto nods with a tiny smile. He and Sakura are engaged Naruto says in a dry, brittle voice and waves too cheerfully before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Iruka stares at the sky again, feeling the dampness settling in his mind and contemplates just when Naruto became an eighteen year old adult.

Hope you liked it. I would appreciate some reviews.