A/N: Sara may seem a little bit ooc, but I think that it fits under the circumstances. You have to read the whole thing carefully, and throughly to see that. Plz R+R.

Some people keep their private lives private. Some keep them more than private, they keep them hidden. Sara Sidle was one of these people. No one really knew what Sara was like outside of work. No one knew that Sara was ever outside of work. She always worked overtime, and came in early. She didn't do it because she didn't have a life, although she didn't really it was more because working kept her from thinking about her problems. She hadn't always been like that contrary to popular belief. She had a life at one point but things got twisted somehow. But things were about to change again. A few years before she had left California things were different but then they changed to the way they currently are. She tried to hide her pain, and she almost completely discounted that part of her life. Something had been taken from her, and she was resentful. It was unrightfully taken. She didn't talk much about it then trying to keep her personal life away from her work life, but she never talked about it now.

7 A.M.: Sara's phone is ringing. She rolls over and expects to hear a co-worker's voice on the other end. Normally she'd be at work already but she hadn't gotten a call yet.

"Hello?" She says rubbing her eyes.
"Is this Sara Sidle?"
"Uh huh." Sara replies to the vaguely voice.
"This is Noah."
"Noah?" Sara repeats in shock.
"Yeah, I was in Vegas and I was wondering if I could see you."
"Of course. Where are you staying?"
"The Belagio."
"Ok I'll meet you there in about an hour."
"Ok bye."
Sara calls in to work and tells them she isn't coming.
8 A.M.:
Sara enters the lobby of the Belagio she starts toward the reception area, but is intercepted by a familiar face.
"Hey!" Sara smiles at the tall, brown eyed blonde with a beach tan wearing baggy shorts and a preppie.
"Hi!" The young man replies as he embraces her. "Why don't we go to my room."
"Ok." She agrees.
When they reach his room she takes a good look at him.
"You've grown up." Sara smiles.
"Yeah." He agrees as he brushes his hair out of his face.
"So... wow. It's been a long time. How did you manage to get away from your dad?"
"Well he's in town on business, and after a lot of persistence on my part he agreed to let me look you up."
"So do you have a girlfriend?" Sara probes.
"What kind of question is that I'm 17?"
"True. Of course you have a girlfriend."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too kid."
"Dad's lightened up a lot the past few years."
"Uh huh, he got remarried."
"I'm sorry I didn't visit but you know what the agreement was."
"Yeah I know what the crooked, unfair, unsound agreement was."
"I'm still sorry. I should have tried harder."
"It's not your fault."
"It's been over six years what's happened?"
"Well I went to Disneyworld..." He jokes.
"Yeah, well it hasn't all been quite as great."
"What do you mean?"
"Dad is out of control."
"How so?"
"He's always at work, and when he's not he's out with his friends. So I'm stuck with his blonde barbie doll
"She can't be that bad."
"She has the mental capacity of a 12 year old."
"Speaking of mental capacities how are you doing in school?"
"Fine in everything... except science."
"How can you be doing badly in science?"
"It probably has something to do with the fact that the teacher is so boring I fall asleep most of the time."
"What sports are you in?"
"Baseball, and Track, but I'm not really that into it. I'd rather just hang out with my friends."
"Does your dad expect you to play sports?"
"He basically just wants to brag about all the sports awards I've won."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"That's easy for you to say you live a state away."
"Noah you're old enough to decide that you don't want to live with your dad anymore."
"I know, I just don't want to deal with him being mad at me."
"He'll get over it."
"But he's known for his temper."
"To everyone except the people who matter."
"So how's work?"
"I spend a lot of time there."
"By choice of course."
"Noah you know that work is my way of coping with things."
"I know."
"I'm sorry for not being there for you."
"It isn't your fault."
"Yes it is I should have tried harder."
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does Noah."
"I understand what happened."
"I was never what I was supposed to be for you."
"No you were different you were better."
"That isn't true."
"Yes it is."
"I understand. I know more than you think I do."
"Noah I'm an awful person."
"You were hurt. And I can understand."
"I'm not supposed to let you see that I'm hurt."
"I understand. I know why you kept your work life separate from your personal life. And I know that when you moved her you sacrificed your personal life so you would have to think about me. I know that it's easier. I did every extracurricular thing I could to keep my mind off of it. I never wanted to be with dad. I was happy with you."
"I'm sorry I blew up, if I hadn't he would have never taken you."
"It isn't your fault."
"Yes it is. I should have been there more. Done more. I should have been less focused on my work."
"You're wrong. I loved it. You were always there to wake me up, and put me in bed. You were cool. That's why everybody always wanted to come over."
"They wanted to come over because you had an air hockey table."
"And you always had the best stories, and did the coolest things."
"I still wasn't there enough."
"Yes you were. You just wanted to take care of me, and give the best. Stop being sorry. It doesn't matter.
You're the best any kid could ask for."
"I doubt. Especially now, I'm not the same cool person anymore."
"Yes you are, dad just screwed you up by taking me. And even though I wish I was with you, I've learned a lot not being with you. I appreciate you, and I miss you."
"I miss you too Noah."
"Mom I love you." Noah says softly as he tightly clings to his mother.
He stands inches taller than her. Her baby made her feel small. He little boy was grown up, and she missed it. It was her fault because she lost her cool. How could she jeopardize the thing most precious to her. How could she have shut the part of her life off for so long. How could she have kept it hidden so long? She wasn't sure how she'd kept herself going over those close to 7 years. She didn't have the answers. She felt like such an awful person. How did she get such a great kid? She must have done something right at some point in her life. If they only knew why she was the way she was. If she could only bring herself to tell them. But she never could afraid it would hurt to much. It would bring up to many memories. She hated herself for losing him. She felt so blessed to have him in her life again. She should have cherished him more the first time, and maybe she would have never lost him. She was glad that she could have him back, that was all that mattered. The present, and him. Nothing else. She could forget everything, because nothing else was important.