
By Cherry Romancer

Cherry: Just a quick oneshot. Enjoy or don't, I don't care.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sounds of the heart monitor were slow, but at least they were still there.

Yugi wanted nothing more at this moment than to throw the person that had done this to Bakura and Marik's imaginations. He had never felt such intense anger or hatred.

Or pain.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

His grandfather lay in the bed, dying. The doctors could do nothing to save him. By the time the ambulance had gotten to the shop, he had already lost far too much blood, especially for a man his age.

The elderly man had been brought to the hospital, still alive, giving Yugi the hope that there may be a way to save him.

There wasn't.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

He, Atemu, and Sugoroku had been closing up the shop, taking inventory and tallying up the days proceeds, when someone had burst in. He had been wearing a ski mask and was carrying a gun.

Yugi had frozen, petrified. When the robber demanded that he give him all the money that was in the register, he had been too afraid to move, so the guy pointed the gun right at Yugi's chest. Sugoroku and Atemu had come over and tried to stop him, tried to protect Yugi. There had been a brief struggle, and Yugi was knocked to the ground.

The next thing Yugi was aware of was the sound of a gunshot.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The robber had taken the money when Yugi and Atemu hurried to Sugoroku's side and taken off. Yugi had screamed and cried and pleaded with his grandfather to be okay.

Atemu, realizing that Yugi was too distressed to be of much help, had gotten up and called first an ambulance, then the police. When the ambulance arrived, Atemu volunteered to stay behind until the police got there so that Yugi could go to the hospital with Sugoroku.

When they got to the hosptial, They had rushed the old man into the ER, but there was nothing that they could do.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

All of this had been about half an hour ago. Now Yugi was sitting by his grandfather's side, more or less waiting for him to die.

It wasn't fair! Sugoroku was one of the kindest people you could ever hope to meet! He was a little perverted, true, but every human person is allowed their quirks. Hentai or not, he was Yugi's grandfather, the man who had raised him since his parents had died! The only family he had left in the world! He couldn't die!

There was a small moan from the still figure on the bed.

Beep. Beep.

"Jii-chan!" Yugi said. The old man smiled.

"Yugi," he replied. "You've been crying."

Despite everything, Yugi smiled. "Did you expect me not too?"

Beep. Beep.

"No, I suppose not, but you shouldn't let this get you down so much."

"Why not?"

"I'm an old man Yugi. The time I had left was short in any case," Sugoroku said, still smiling that gentle smile.

Beep. Beep.

Yugi's smile faded. "I don't care! This isn't right! Old or not, you're not supposed to die like this!"

Sugoroku used what little strength was left to him and grasped his grandson's hand. "Yugi, if I'm dying now, then it is how I'm supposed to die."

"But it's so unfair! You've done nothing but help and support the people that you love! You shouldn't have been shot like that!"

Beep. Beep.

"Yugi, listen to me. This was all a bad twist of fate, but it was just that- FATE. Predestined."

"But Jii-chan, I need you. You can't leave me," Yugi whimpered.

Sugoroku squeezed Yugi's hand. "I never will as long as you remember."


"I love you Yugi."




There was no more sound in the room that night, not even the beep of a heart monitor.


Cherry: I'm sorry. I just had to get that out of my system somehow. I just found out that my own grandfather, whom I have always loved dearly, has passed away. This is just a little "get-it-out-of-the-system" ficlet, that's all. I don't even care about reviews.