Soulcalibur High

By: Tsubasa Caligrapher

Chapter 36

Ok, I AM SO SORRY once again ! So sorry for taking to long to update … AGAIN ! But here I am ! Please don't be mad at me, please ! Here's another long chapter though so I hope this makes up for the … YEAR !? … Wow … ok, onto the story then !

" Ring … Ring … Ring … ! " the phone started ringing in the middle of the morning.

" Wba tye beul. " Mina muttered incoherently as she lifted her head from her pillow and glared evilly at the phone. But with a small ruffle on the side, Hwang's arm shot out and hit the phone, hitting the phone off its platform and silencing it as Mina nodded in tired awe. Hwang's arm retracted back under the blanket and Mina was about to go back to sleep when …

" Hello !? Anyone there !? MINA ! " the most annoying voice suddenly shrieked from the phone. With that, Mina's ears suddenly perked and she raised her head. Even Hwang's head peeked out from under the covers, and it usually took a hurricane, or Talim's screaming, to even stir him. As Mina's eye slowly opened, she reached towards the phone and slowly held it to her ears.

" … Hi ? "

" Mina !? Is that you ? " and with that, Mina screamed in horror and threw the phone across the room as she fainted. But before it hit the floor, Hwang had reached out and grabbed its cord, pulling it back as he held it to his ears.

" Mina !? MINA !? " she shrieked as Hwang quickly retracted the phone and waited for his ears to get used to the noise. After a long while of chirpy chatter, he finally put the receiver to his ear.

" Hey grandma ... "he said nervously as the receiver exploded with noise …

" Aaagghhh haha hahahahaha ! Oha, ohahahahaha ! " Talim and Lynette gasped in laughter as they rolled around on their beds. As tears streamed out of their eyes and they stopped a bit to catch their breath, they gripped their stomachs in pain and doubled in laughter as it all came back to them.

" Won't, you, guys, SHUT UP ! " Yunsung yelled in his … sweater-vest ….

" Oh my, haha, oh my – hahahahaha ! " Talim cried in laughter as she tried to speak. Meanwhile, Lynette remembered her camera and tried to hold it up steady to snap a memory, but she was too caught up in her laughter that she dropped it.

" Oh, oh my … Hahaha, my camer- ahahahahaha ! " Lynette squealed happily as Yunsung just rolled his eyes. He looked down in disdain as he looked at the clothes that were given, more like forced, onto him. And after a few more minutes of insatiable laughter, they girls finally stopped and just lay on their beds, wiped out.

" … Whoo ! That was fun. " Talim sighed as she slowly sat up as Yunsung sneered at her.

" Hehehe, yeah, for you. Can't believe my grandparents just sprung up and decided to make us come over for … brunch. I used to hate that word … well, because I had no idea what it meant. Was it breakfast, was it lunch, who know !? " he rambled as Talim and Lynette just smiled at him.

" So wait, you're grandparents are extremely judgmental, ignorant, and … rich ? " Lynette asked.

" Wow … everyone you know is rich ! " Talim exclaimed. Yunsung sighed again as looked at his unruly hair.

" No way am I gelling this down. " he said as Mina suddenly popped in.

" GEL IT DOWN ! " she yelled before she disappeared again, making him wonder what she really was. And with that new information and an image appearing in their minds, Talim and Lynette started laughed loudly … again. Yunsung rolled his eyes … again and departed to the bathroom.

" Woo, I think I love his grandparents. " Lynette grinned as they finally stopped laughing … for now. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Talim got up.

" Coming ! " she yelled as she ran downstairs. Suddenly, Yunsung appeared behind her to also greet the visitor.

" May I he- " Talim barely opened the door before Yunsung yelped and shut it, throwing her to the side.

" What the hell are they doing here !? " Yunsung yelled in a whisper as he looked through the tinted window.

" What's going on ? " Mina asked as she came out.

" They're here ! " he hissed.

" WHAT !? " Mina exclaimed.

" How do they even know we live here !? " Yunsung yelled in a whisper as Mina stopped … and just shrugged.

" Distract them !? " Mina whispered as she grabbed and Talim and ran upstairs as Yunsung slowly opened the door ….

" Hi … hehe … " he chuckled nervously as he stared The Crow in the eye …

" Hurry, we need you guys to get dressed. " Mina yelped as she grabbed Lynette and thrust them into the bathroom, quickly following them in. Moments later, they popped out, wearing … such pure clothes. Talim was wearing a long skirt and blouse with a soft jacket, and Lynette was wearing similarly nice clothes … with a …

" Why the heck do I have a bonnet ? " she asked aloud as she threw it off. Talim felt her hair strangely as it was in a tight bun … and it made her uncomfortable, before she unlatched her hair a bit and let her bangs flow. Suddenly, Hwang came out and all their ears perked as they saw shadows circling the window outside …

" Grandma ! " Mina yelled happily as she pulled the old woman into a hug, Talim quickly snatching Yunsung away.

" Someone's here. " she said, as he nodded.

" I noticed … but at a time like this !? " he said, completely changing the mood and making them all just stare at him. He caught his breath and ran back out again.

" Why are you here ? " he asked, leading her to the couch as the others slowly walked in.

" I'm going to make tea ! " Mina yelled stiffly as she saw the shadow make its way towards the kitchen window.

" I'm in ! Ye- "

" Heeyah ! " Mina interrupted as she grabbed a nearby broom and smacked him out the window.

" What was that ? " Grandma Yu asked as she stood up.

" Oh, it's nothing, let me check up on her. " Yunsung said as he rushed to the kitchen, leaving Talim and Lynette sitting there awkwardly with Hwang left for the introductions.

" This is Talim and her friend Lynette. She has kindly been the … " he stopped as he heard a loud monkey screech coming from the kitchen, followed by a loud thud …, " … host. " he finished, smiling awkwardly as both Talim and Lynette stood up and curtsied … stopping to look at each other as they realized what they were doing. As Talim slowly straightened up, she saw a shadow swerving towards the front door ….

" Will you please excuse me for a bit ? Someone's at the door. " Talim smiled before she rushed off.

" Really, I didn't hear the doorbell … " Grandma Yu said as she slowly stood up. Hwang quickly stood up and gently pushed her down.

" Oh, I did … ding-dong … see ? " he said as Lynette made a ringing sound. Grandma Yu just stared at them strangely but let it slide … but not for long.

" I have no time for this ! " Talim sighed as she ran towards the door and picked up nearby weights by the door.

" Suc- … ooh … " the ninja stared, as he was distracted by Talim as she started swinging a weight round and round, like how should would a tonfa. As she watched him look at her weight distractedly, she reeled back her other arm.

" Get out of here ! " she yelled as she struck out at him. He dodged to the side, and leaned forward with a smirk on his face.

" You missed ! Haha- oomph ! " he yelped as she slammed the door in his face. She turned and held the door as she sighed, dropping the weights and yelping as it slammed into the ground, cracking it slightly …

" Tea's here ! " Mina and Yunsung yelled as they appeared out of this kitchen, their clothes slightly mussed up. Suddenly, Lynette's ears perked up as she heard a noise upstairs.

" Uhhh … I forgot something upstairs, please excuse me for a bit. " Lynette said as she stood up and started running upstairs before she ran back and grabbed Hwang, dragging him up also.

" Wha- " he started before Lynette quickly covered his mouth. They both stopped as they saw a shadow slowly creep down the skylight. Lynette spotted a nearby hoop, which she quickly grabbed. In a split second, Lynette threw it around the enemy's neck and jumped along with it, grabbing part of it and dragging it down along with her. Hwang came up from behind and kicked him, sending him flying out the window which Lynette hurriedly closed.

" Come on, let's go eat … brunch. " Yunsung uttered, making everyone stare at him as he twitched ….

" Yeah, come on, let's go ! " Mina said as she gently shoved her grandma out the door, everyone quickly following before their … strange enemy struck again …

When they arrived at the …. mansion …. from their private limo …. Talim and Lynette just fell out in awe.

" What the hell do they do for a living !? " Lynette whispered into Talim's ear, but she just shrugged. As the others were already starting to walk away, Talim and Lynette hurriedly followed from behind, unknowing that Grandma Yu was watching their every move.

" Aagh ! " jumped as a maid appeared out of nowhere. Talim soon joined her as a butler seemed to appear out of nowhere. As they looked down the aisle, more and more of those people started to appear, bowing gracefully slow.

" Welcome back Mistress Yu. " they all announced together, making Talim and Lynette hold their ears at the combined voice. Yunsung sighed at them in sympathy, but he was quickly ushered along with the others into the main living room. The moment they got in …

" Eep ! " The two girls screamed again as an old man appeared in front of them. As the girls calmed down, they mostly noticed his kind expression, and wondered why in the world he was married to Grandma Yu … They slowly turned their heads but quickly went back as they saw she was staring back.

" Grandpa ! " Yunsung yelled happily as he hugged the old man from behind.

" Hi ya ! " the old man suddenly yelled he threw Yunsung over his shoulders, making Mina and Hwang chuckle.

" Remember ? Never come at Grandpa from behind. " Hwang smiled as Mina went over and hugged the elderly man joyfully. Suddenly, he looked over at Lynette and Talim in interest.

" And who might these two beautiful young ladies be ? " he asked, making them blush. As introductions quickly went around, the people sat down to enjoy a quiet evening … or not.

" So, now onto serious matters. Are you … Yunsung's girlfriend ? " Grandma Yu asked dramatically.

Dun, Dun, DUN !

( Ya know, that dramatic music that plays when something scary happens, in the old movies : )

Lynette, Mina, and Hwang quickly looked around as they heard the noise, yet they looked back, seeing that no one else heard it …

" WHAT !? " both Yunsung and Talim choked on their tea.

" Oh come on now, are you a couple ? " Grandpa Wu joined in rather happily.

Dun, Dun, DUN !

Now, they were sure they heard it … and they were scared. They all went chibi-fied and hopped out of their seats. Mina and Hwang ran to the door and checked out into the hallway as Lynette ran to the window, hopping pitifully as her baby form couldn't reach the window …

" Wh-what are you talking about ? " Talim asked quietly, looking down in embarrassment. Yunsung was feeling exactly the same, wondering if every grandparent meeting was going to be this painful …

" What, you guys are living together correct ? So, does that mean you're his girlfriend ? " Grandma Yu asked Talim.

Dun, Dun, DUN !!

The other three on the other hand were darting about, looking for the source of this … noise.

" Ok then, let's do something else. " Yunsung suggested quickly, trying to save him and Talim from further embarrassment.

" I think we should get out of this house ! " the other three suddenly yelled as they ran towards the door.

" Why, are our questions about our grandson's girlfriend bothering you ? " Grandpa Wu asked …

" Something's wrong. " Mina whispered.

" … Why isn't it happening ? " Hwang whispered back. As an owl hooted from … somewhere … they both looked over and just saw Lynette zoning out … drool dripping out her mouth. She quickly snapped back to attention … as she slowly reached for the doorknob … and then …

Dun, Dun, DUN !!

" Ok, we are so outta here ! " Lynette yelled as she opened the door and they ran out.

" … What's wrong with them ? " Talim cocked her head to the side questioningly.

Moments Later …

" Where are we ? " Mina wondered. The place was so big, that only after a couple minutes of running they were completely lost.

" I have no idea. " Hwang said, looking around.

" Ooh, pretty flowers. " Lynette said in a distracted voice as she drifted towards the garden. As she leaned in and closed her eyes, a bug slowly crawled up in front of her … and bam !

" Aah ! " she yelped as she fell back, making Mina and Hwang fall to the ground in laughter.

Dun, Dun, DUN !!

Suddenly, they heard footsteps behind them, and they all immediately popped up, but they realized they reverted back to chibi form ...

" What do we do ? " Lynette asked in a cute voice before Mina looked at Hwang, and started to smirk evilly. Before he knew it, he was thrown onto the ground and Mina and Lynette quickly climbed on top of him.

" Where could they be ? " Talim wondered as she, Yunsung, and the grand-parentals followed them about. Suddenly, Talim, thought she spotted something by the window, but when she went over to check, all she saw was that it was just a plain garden.

" So, shakin' up already huh ? " Grandpa Wu said in a strange, hip way, making Yunsung sigh.

" Grandpa please, don't say that again … ever. " he said, making him laugh.

" So, tell me about your arrangements with my grandson. " Grandma Yu asked, her eyes flashing, making Talim nervous.

" Well … it's normal ? " she said, not really knowing what else to say.

" Oh really. " she said, showing she knew more than she let on … but Talim didn't catch it.

" Yeah, really. " she said nervously, inching back towards Yunsung in case she needed backup.

" Yeah, nothing … nothing … " Yunsung repeated, making Talim elbow him in the stomach before he stopped.

" Really … Are you sure about that ? " they asked inquisitively.

" Y-yeah ! … WE DON'T SLEEP IN THE SAME BED !! " he suddenly yelled as the small moment of silence that happened. Talim immediately glared daggers at him as his grandparents looked at him in questions, while the other three had fallen from their little pyramid from laughter.

" So you are a couple ! " the grandparents realized. Immediately, the other three reverted back to normal and started looking around in horror. After a long while and nothing happened, they slowly sat up.

" Hey. " Lynette knocked on the glass to let them in.

" … Hey ! … HEY ! " she slammed her fist onto the glass … shattering it in her wake …

" Oh crap. "

Dun, Dun, DUN !!!!!!!!

Ok, know this wasn't as long, but here it is ! Sorry for taking so long, please read and review !