Miha-chan:Yay! this is my very first fanfic! Since Spinny is not in the story I'll use him as my disclaimer!

Spinny: Miha-chan doesnt own CCS, if she did she wouldnt be writing fanfics right now!

Syaoran: This is soo pointless! I dont get why I ever agreed to this! and also Eriol! why did you agree to do the story anyway Eriol?

Eriol: Thats cause Miha-chan promised me some sweet tarts if I take part in the story!

(everyone sweatdrops)

Miha-chan: Thats not the only reason he joined! (smirks at Tomoyo) and Syaoran why did you agree? I didnt you promise you anything!

Syaoran: Well...I...uh (blushes)

Sakura: Yeah Syaoran-kun why did you join?

Syaoran: I...(looks at Sakura, then blushes, then looks away)

Miha-chan: (smirks with Tomoyo, Meiling and Eriol) I think we know why!

Sakura: Really? why? (looks at everyone blankly)

Tomoyo: Oh Saku-chan! if only you can see it! (daydreams with starry eyes)

Meiling: (sighs) Sakura and Syaoran are soo slow!

Sakura and Syaoran: Huh?

Miha-chan: Well anyway on to the first chapter!

Cherrys are Blossoming

By Miha-chan

Chapter 1 - New Neighbors

A young girl was walking home from the mall with a bag hanging from her left arm. She looked at her watch ''4:15'' she said then she sighed, ''this Monday is already the first day of school and todays Saturday, I wish Tomoyo was here right now if she hadnt had to go to Paris'' said the young girl ''I would have brought more stuff if she was here she always push me to buy more stuff''. This girl's name is Sakura Kinomoto, in 8th grade and has beautiful short auburn hair, her eyes are light emerald green orbs which is really rare! (around my place that is, green eyed people are rarely seen in our country) and looks alot like her mother who had passed away since she was three. As Sakura was walking towards her house she noticed a truck parked next door, there were boxes everywhere. ''Must be some new neighbors, hmmm I wonder what they will be like'' thought Sakura but she soon turned her attention to her front door, Sakura opened the door and went inside her house.

''Welcome home kaijuu!'' said a familiar annoying voice.

''Touya!'' shouted Sakura then she stomped on her brother's foot.

''OWW!'' yelled Touya in pain.

''Nice to see you two getting along'' said Fujitaka also known as Sakura's father.

''I'll be upstairs if you need me!'' said Sakura as she went upstairs.

Sakura went into her room and put her stuff on her desk. She laid on her bed for five minutes because of exhaustion. ''Sakura phone for you!'' shouted Touya from downstairs ''i'll take it upstairs!'' shouted Sakura back.

''Moshi moshi?'' answered Sakura

''Saku-chan?'' replied a sweet familiar voice

''Tomoyo-chan!'' said Sakura eagerly, she finally got the chance to talk to her best friend after five boring weeks.

''Hey Saku-chan I just wanted to tell you that I will be returning to Tomoeda tomorrow'' said Tomoyo

''Really? thats great!'' replied Sakura ''i'll be giving you a welcome back surprise on Monday!''

''Really? I cant wait for Monday then!'' said Tomoyo in a happy tune ''well I guess i'll be seeing you on Monday ja!''

''Ja ne!'' replied Sakura then she hung up.

Sakura looked out the window and saw that the truck was there no more, there were also no more packages, just then somebody opened the door. ''Sakura?'' said Fujitaka's warm voice, ''hai?'' replied Sakura ''could you kindly give this to the new neighbors next door? I cant go to them because it seems that I have to go back to the university to check some files there i'll be home by 10pm'' explained Fujitaka, ''okay otou-san i'll go, but what about Touya?'' asked Sakura ''Touya said that he has a big test tomorrow and doesnt need to be disturbed'' answered Fujitaka ''I also heard that there are three kids there around the same age as you and they will be attending the same school as you'' ''really?'' said Sakura ''yes, theres nothing with that is it?'' asked Fujitaka ''no its okay'' replied Sakura giving a small smile to Fujitaka ''okay then lets not waste any time I have to go now bye! and also be home right away you dont want Touya yelling at you dont you?'' said Fujitaka ''of course! bye otou-san!'' said Sakura, then Fujitaka went downstairs and then opened the door went in his car and drove off (wow Sakura' dad is really fast! maybe thats were Sakura inherited her speed! Lol!) ''well I guess I should get going to!'' thought Sakura. She grabbed the box which was a cake inside and went downstairs. She walked to the house next door and immediately noticed that she was in front of the front door already she inhaled and exhaled part of her was nervous about meeting the new neighbors and part of her was really excited too. She rang the doorbell and heard a young female voice calling out ''I'm coming!'' then suddenly the door slowly opened.

''Yes?'' answered a young girl, she had long black hair which was tied by two buns on each side some big amount of hair were out of the bun, she also had red ruby eyes and she is also the same age as Sakura.

''Hello! my name is Sakura Kinomoto, I'm going to be your new neighbor!'' introduced Sakura, her heart was still beating fast from nervousness ''ah! I almost forgot! here! my father baked this cake as a welcome present!''

''Thanks!'' giggled the ruby eyed girl as she received the package

''My father told me that you will also be attending Tomoeda Middle School with me'' said Sakura, this time with a little more confidence

''Really? wow! now I know someone in school!'' exclaimed the happy girl ''oh! I forgot to introduce myself! my name is Meiling Li! I live here with my two cousins now''

''Really? are they also females?'' asked Sakura amazed

"You wish! unfortunatly they are males, they are going to the same school as me they're also our age so probably we'll all be classmates'' said Meiling

''Oh! but I bet they're not that bad'' said Sakura

''Guess again! they are two halves of a whole idiot!'' laughed Meiling

''What the! Meiling whos that?'' shouted a young angry male voice

''Yeah Meiling! whats the big idea of calling us idiots!'' shouted another angry male voice. The door got opened wider that it revealed two young tall men, well only inches taller then Meiling and Sakura. One had dark blue hair and sappire eyes he wore very stylish glasses to go with it, the other one had chestnut brown hair and amber eyes, the both were very attractive indeed.

''Dont you two numbnuts know how to treat a guest?'' said angry Meiling ''I'm sorry Sakura these are the two people I told you about this guy with glasses is my cousin Eriol Hiiragizawa and this more arrogant one is Syaoran Li''

''Hey!'' yelled Syaoran

Syaoran's POV:

Wow! this girl is extremely pretty! she has these sparkling emerald green eyes that no normal green eye color could compete! and beautiful silky auburn hair that was really shiny! I never knew that such beauty existed! she was like a fallen angel! I blushed very nervously, back in Hong Kong girls would run after me and yell at the top of their lungs, but this girl was different she was so calm and this time I dont see drool coming out of her mouth, but instead I had saliva come out of my mouth, I immediately wiped it off. I have never felt soo embarassed in my entire life! I just hope my cousins didnt see that they tease for the rest of my life!

End of POV

''Ano...are you okay?'' asked Sakura to Syaoran

''Huh? what are talking about?'' asked Syaoran

''Uh... its nothing'' said Sakura

''If its nothing then you shouldnt have asked!'' said Syaoran rudely

''I beg your pardon!'' said Sakura in a angry voice

''Great! you had to be rude to her Syaoran! smooth! thought Syaoran

''What! its true! right Meiling?'' shouted Syaoran

''You and your ego!'' replied Meiling

''I hate my ego damn! it made me soo rude!'' thought Syaoran

''I gotta go!'' said Sakura and ran off

Sakura's POV:

I walked home from those crazy cousins they seem nice, but that Syaoran dude is soo rude! I decided to say nothing just cause I saw him drool like a maniac! he must have escaped from the mental hospital! but I do admit he is kinda cute! whoa! cute? excuse me! yeah like that will ever happen! who would ever think that a drooling weirdo would be cute! EWW! seriously! if Tomoyo saw me with him she would freak! she'd videotape the whole thing!


In the Li household:

''Looks like my cute little cousin got bitten by the love bug!'' teased Eriol

''What are you talking about? and stop calling me cute little cousin!'' shouted Syaoran

''Well its quite obvious, I saw drooling you at that Kinomoto girl!'' said Eriol

''HOW DID YOU KNOW! I WIPED OFF MY SPIT IMMEDIATELY!'' shouted Syaoran then he slightly blushed

''YOU DID!'' shouted Meiling and Eriol in unison

''Huh? you mean you were BLUFFING!'' shouted Syaoran back then his light red blush became more red like a tomato

''So it is true! you like Sakura! well didnt know you would fall in love so soon!'' giggled Meiling

''If your sisters were here Syaoran they would probably pound you!'' said Eriol

''But why were you soo rude to her? is it because of your ego?'' asked Meiling raising one of her eyebrows

''Hey its not my fault she was dumbfounded!'' said Syaoran

Meiling sighed ''You know with your ego and your insults to her she'll probably think your a conceited jerk!''

''So?'' said rude Syaoran ''oh and if you guys tell anyone both of you are dead!''

''Yeah!'' said Meiling and Eriol in unison

''Hey Syaoran dont you wanna eat the cake that your beloved Sakura gave you?'' said Meiling slyly

''Can you guys stop it!'' yelled Syaoran at the top of his lungs

In Kinomoto household:

"I'm home!" said Sakura

"Where have you been?" asked Touya

"Didnt you know? I took some cake to the neighbors!" replied Sakura

"Oh yeah!" said Touya

Sakura sighed "Onii-chan you really are getting old! your already forgetting things left and right!"

"Well at least I dont go down the stairs trying to break the house and eat like a monster!" said Touya slyly

"Can you stop with the monster talk?'' shouted Sakura

"Oh yeah I almost forgot so what were our neighbors like? I hope their're not those sick-o's that try to rape you!" said Touya

sighs "When are you gonna get over your overprotectiveness?" asked Sakura still sighing

"As long as I live!" joked Touya " now lets stop the chitter-chatter! your making dinner tonight remember?"

"Hmmph! spoil sport!" said Sakura then she stuck out her tongue

Miha-chan: Yay! the first chapter finished! I can now reward myself with these marshmallows that I love soo much! (grabs bag of marshmallows and starts munching on them uncontrollibly)

(everyone else sweatdrops)

Meiling: I think we should do it! shes busy!

Tomoyo: Yeah! lets do it!

Meiling: Reviews, comments, yada, yada please send those!

Tomoyo: Cause Miha-chan would love to hear from you!


(everyone else sweatdrops)