I had been in Hogwarts Great Hall for less than ten minutes and I already could tell the impact my grandfather's death had had on the place. The magical ceiling was carrying a thunderstorm. I hated seeing everyone so depressed. Minerva McGonnagal sat in the headmaster's seat and beside her was, my mouth dropped open when I saw him, Professor Remus J. Lupin. I guess seeing him surprised Ron as well because I heard a gasp of pure shock escape from him.

"Ron, what is it?" Hermione asked.

"Look up at the chair beside Professor McGonnagal."

Again, I heard a gasp of shock. "Why is he here?"

"Who?" came Ginny's and Harry's voices.

"Lupin." Ron said. I saw Harry's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, and I saw Ginny's jaw drop.

"Isn't he a werewolf?" I mouthed the last word.

"Yeah, but I guess they needed someone from the Order here," Harry finally said.

Just then a group of kids about eleven and tweleve years old came through the entrance hall doors.

"What the heck is going on?"

Harry and Ron stared at me like I was crazy. "The Sorting," they said in unison.


"They sort the first years into their houses," Hermione said glaring at Ron and Harry.

"Oh." I looked at the line of kids and watched as Professor McGonnagal sat an old hat on top of a stool. A place near the brim of the hat opened up and said,

"Welcome old friends, and new

I've got a pleasant surprise for you

Dark times creep, dark times come

But here at Hogwarts it is calm

You may think The Sorting is separation

But it really helps find your career destination

You could be the Minister or more

You could be just the guard at the door

Whatever it is, you will show the way

For the victory of future days

So, put me on and I will show you

The good surprise that you will come to."

Slowly, everyone started to clap. Professor McGonnagal quieted everyone down and took out a long scroll. "When I call your name come sit on the stool and put the hat on to be sorted. Avery, Brianna." A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes made her way to the front and climbed up to the stool. Once she sat down Professor McGonnagal placed the sorting hat on her head. "Ravenclaw!"

Brydin, Cecily went to Gryffindor and Daniels, Zoe went to Slytherin. And so it went until Walker, Haley went to Hufflepuff. When everyone was sorted Professor McGonnagal clapped her hands twice and immediately food piled onto the tables. Everyone dug in. It was delicious. Cecily Brydin was so excited about being the first witch in her family. She had told us how her parents were so proud when she recieved her letter. For a century the only people who were sent to Hogwarts from her family were all males. For the first time in awhile they finally had a witch in the family. The feast went on until, finally, Professor McGonnagal told us all to go to our houses.

I hadn't been at Hogwarts for a week and I already knew my way around becasue I've heard my grndfather describe this beautiful castleall of my life. Professor Lupin's class by far had been everyone's favorite. The four of us, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I, hadn't been yet. We were actually on our way up when we ran into Neville.Neville, who always seemed so nervous, was actually kind of looking forward to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "I hope that he shows us some great curses like Mad-Eye Moody did back in fourth year."

"That wasn't really Mad-Eye remember?" Hermione pointed out.

"Well, when we thought it was him those were some pretty wicked curses," Ron said.

"Well, I'm just glad that we actually have a teacher that we like here," Harry said.

"My grandfather told me about some of your teachers like Professor Snape, Professor Moody, Professor Umbridge--" At the mention of Professor Umbridge a grim look passed over the faces surrounding me. I saw Harry glance down at his hand, his face expressing the grimmestlook of all. "Yes, Harry, Dumbledore told me about how she gave you detention." Ron faced me and the meanest look crossed his face as he said, "Umbridge was nothing more than a--"

"Ronald Bilius Weasley, if you finish that sentence I swear I will slap you across the face," came Hermione's voice. A nervous chuckle ran among us.

"Hermione, you know she deserves whatever I call her."

"No, no one deserves name-calling."

"Women," Ron said.

"She makes a good point, Ron,"I said, "Do you remember your second year when Malfoy kept calling her 'Mudblood'?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,Kristian. I still want to kill him for it." We all laughed at that. Five minutes later, we entered the classroom still chuckling.

"All right students, have a seat." We all sat down in seats we had found that were close together.