Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

The first time Orochimaru had seen Naruto after his birth was when the blond had turned one year old. It had been on the baby's birthday, which was also the one-year anniversary of the Kyuubi attack. Everyone was at the festival, or too depressed to notice that the snake-man had snuck into the village. He wasn't going to start anything, at least, not yet, all he wanted to do was see his son without having to worry about any one kicking him out of the village.

Naruto was currently at the orphanage, which was where he would remain until he got adopted, died, or he turned five years old, whichever came first.

In Konoha, people never abandoned their children, the only way a child would end up in the orphanage, is if their parents and family members all died. No one ever adopted a baby, because most of the villagers in Konoha were ninja's, and they wanted their own child to continue their bloodline. Even couples who couldn't have children didn't adopt one.

It was a sad thing, really, how uncared for the babies were. If they did survive until they were five, they were given a shitty place to live, and a specific amount of money each week to spend on food. The village paid it all, but it was a very low amount of money, and sometimes, they were completely forgotten, leaving the poor children to fend for themselves.

The five year olds never made it passed the age of seven, because living alone and not knowing any type of love was one of the hardest things any one could ever do. But what Konoha didn't know, was that if any of them survived, they'd be one of the strongest ninja's to ever live.

Orochimaru flipped the switch on in the baby room. There were three cribs there and about four or five beds. He looked to the far left corner of the room, where he saw the dirtiest and smallest crib. He knew it was his son, because he knew Naruto was already hated at such a young age. The people at the orphanage were probably hoping he would die.

As Orochimaru approached the crib, he looked down at the sleeping form of his son. Naruto had on raggedy black shirt and a diaper that looked a tad too small for his body.

As if Naruto had felt the mans presence, he opened his eyes, and Orochimaru gasped. It was almost as if Naruto knew that he was his father, almost as if Naruto's beautiful blue eyes were searching deep into his soul. He reached into the crib and pulled Naruto out of it, holding the baby in his arms. Naruto nuzzled into his chest, seeking warmth. He whimpered slightly.

"He's warm, he has a fever yet no one is tending to him." Orochimaru thought. It seemed as though Naruto had a fever, and had it for quite a while. He looked very pale and coughed every minute or so. Orochimaru knew that none of the people at the orphanage would do anything about it. They didn't care. As a matter of fact, they probably didn't tend to him so he would die, and they would have one less mouth to feed.

"Wow mister! He likes you! He always cries when I try to play with him! But he's still so cute! I really wish he would let me hold him." A little boy said. He looked to be around the age of four or five. He had white hair, and there was something vaguely familiar about him.

"Is that so? Tell me, what is your name?" Orochimaru asked.

"Kimimaro!" The little boy stated proudly, his white hair flowing from side to side.

'Kimimaro? The only known survivor of the Kaguya clan? But what is he doing in Konoha? He's comes from Kirigakure. Could it be perhaps Konoha found in within the battlefield?' Orochimaru asked himself, watching the young boy out of the corner of his eye.

"Why are you not celebrating with everyone else, Kimimaro-kun?" Orochimaru asked, holding his whimpering son to his chest. Naruto clutched onto his fathers shirt, in a fickle attempt to get warmer. Although he had a high temperature, and he felt very warm, Naruto was actually freezing. The orphanage hadn't given him enough blankets.

"The people here won't let us leave. And Naruto is sick too! I'm afraid he might die soon." Kimimaro frowned. He stood on his tippy-toes in attempt to reach for Naruto, but Orochimaru pulled him away.

'Die? No. He will not die. If he dies, then everyone in this village will die with him.' Orochimaru thought. There had to be some medicine somewhere around! Surely these people at the orphanage weren't that cruel.

"There's a medicine ward down the hall. I tried to sneak in and get him some medicine, but it's always locked. Can you do something to save him?" Kimimaro asked. All of the children in the orphanage played together, because they only had each other. The caretakers were very cruel and could care less about what happened to the children. However, Kimimaro wasn't very popular, and he assumed it was because he wasn't originally from Konoha. He was found on the battlefield, half-dead.

Since he wasn't popular, and the children absolutely hated Naruto, Kimimaro always tried his best to take care of the little baby. But it was getting more difficult everyday. Especially because the orphanage was getting ready to throw him, out soon, because he was of-age, and there was no room for him anymore.

"Show me where the room is, and I can get in."

"Wow, really? You must be strong if you can break in! There are so many traps that protect the room." Kimimaro said as he left the baby room, and led Orochimaru down a long corridor to where the med-ward was. Within mere seconds, Orochimaru was able to break in and get the medicine Naruto needed to get better.

"Bye mister! Thank you for healing Naruto!" Kimimaru smiled, holding the baby in his arms. Naruto was sleeping peacefully, the medicine taking full affect on his young body. He was breathing properly, and his fever had gone down immensely.

"Kimimaro-kun, would you like to leave this place?" Orochimaru asked.

"I'm leaving in a few days, because they're forcing me to. I'll be turning five in four more days, and they always make orphans leave when they turn five." He responded, placing Naruto in his crib and pulling a blanket over him.

"Yes, I understand that quite well. But I meant would you like to leave Konoha? I am looking for a loyal servant and I think you will do quite well." Orochimaru offered.

"But what about Naruto?" Kimimaro asked, concerned for the well-being of the baby.

"It is not his time yet." Orochimaru responded.

"What do you mean?" Kimimaro asked, his expression turning into confusion.

"You will learn, in time."

"Wha…what is that?!" Naruto yelled as he pointed at a large snake that decided to attack him, Sakura and Sasuke. They were having enough trouble as it is, protecting their scroll, when all of a sudden the giant reptile attacked him. Of course, they knew it had to have something to do with the exam, because there was no way that a snake that large lived in the forest without anyone in Konoha noticing it.

"Moron, what does it look like?!" Sasuke yelled at the younger shinobi, getting into a fighting stance. The snake looked as though it was ready to attack, and Sasuke wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"Shut up, Sasuke-teme! I know what it is! I was just…" Naruto trailed off. Of course he knew it was a snake. But when he asked what it was, it meant more so along the lines of what the hell is this huge snake doing here and why is it attacking us?

"Being stupid, as per usual, dobe." Sasuke glared at his teammate in annoyance. If Naruto didn't shut up, then there was no way they'd survive an attack against the giant snake. Sakura was certainly useless at this point, and could not put up a fight, so it was the two of them, against the giant snake.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" A shadowy figure appeared upon the giant snake.

"Y…you! Are you stalking me or something?!" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at the man. It was the same freaky person from the beginning. The same person who said hello to him before they entered the forest. And the same guy who had mentioned something about his father.

"Kukuku, why yes, Naruto-kun, it is I. And who may I ask, are these other two?" Orochimaru asked. Hmm, Uchiha Sasuke, of course he was well known. But who was the young, pink-haired kunoichi standing beside him? Surely these two were Naruto's teammates, right?

"Why the hell would I tell you? How about you tell me who you are first?!" Naruto shouted. Sasuke and Sakura stared at him, wondering why he was taking to the strange man, and why Naruto seemed to know him so well.

"Who am I? You will learn that in time. But as of right now, I shall dispose of the other two annoyances." Orochimaru stated, jumping off the snake. Immediately, the snake backed up slightly, as if it were about to attack. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto took notice, and backed up.

"NO!" Naruto shouted, just as the snake struck forward. Upon hearing Naruto's words, it stopped, just inched before it had reached Sasuke and Sakura.

"Oh, it seems as though you care for those two, Naruto-kun." Orochimaru said. Looking at the anger in his sons blue eyes. After he left Naruto, when he was a year old, he expected the boy to grow up hating the world, because the world hated him. But it was the complete opposite. Instead, Naruto was cheerful and caring to all of those around him. Instead of hating people for the evil glares and the cruel words they threw at him, Naruto simply smiled back, knowing, thinking, that one day, they would be the ones smiling.

"Ah! What the hell do you think, bastard! They're my teammates, and above all, they're my friends!" Naruto clenched his fists. Something strange was taking over. He suddenly felt more powerful than normal.

"You've grown up in an interesting way, Naruto-kun. I will make these exams frightfully easy for you, and your friends as well. All you have to do, is beat your opponent in the actually fight." Orochimaru stated, reaching into his pocket slowly. Sasuke, who thought that he was pulling out some sort of weapon, pulled out a kunai, and tossed it at the man. But Orochimaru simply dodged it, poofed away, and reappeared in front of Naruto, whispering in his ear.

"I wish you the best of luck." And he was gone, leaving behind a scroll in his wake.

"Don't you dare try to ignore me Naruto! I will ask you one more time, who is that man?" Sasuke asked as he followed Naruto around the tower. After Orochimaru had given them the scroll they needed, they made it to the tower in record time, without being attacked once. It seemed that the mysterious man was protecting them for some reason.

"Sa…Sasuke-kun, I'm sure Naruto would have told us if he knew, but-"

"Shut up." Sasuke glared at the pink-haired kunoichi. She really didn't know why she was defending Naruto. But she figured it may have been because he helped save their lives. If he hadn't yelled 'stop' the snake would have surely struck and killed both her and Sasuke.

"OI! Don't tell her to shut up! And I told you, I don't know who he is! I saw him before we entered the forest. He mentioned something about my father, and disappeared!" Naruto stated. It was the truth! He had never seen the man before in his life. But there was something vaguely familiar about him, however, Naruto couldn't quite place his finger on it.

"Ah, what a surprise! I didn't think you three would make it here this quickly." Team sevens sensei, Hatake Kakashi greeted. When he had heard that a rookie team had already made it to the tower, in record time, he went to see whom it was. And to his shock, he saw his two male teammates, bickering with each other. Well, that wasn't a shock, because they always fought. The shock was that is was actually his team who made it back. Not that he didn't have faith in them. He had all the faith in the word that they would get this far, he just didn't think they'd do it in record time.

"Yes, that's because we're so strong, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto smiled, and Sakura rolled her eyes at Naruto's over enthusiasm.

"Is that so?" Kakashi asked. Actually, he was quite anxious to see how they finished so easily.

"Don't listen to him, Kakashi-sensei. I can tell you what really happened, if you'd like." Sakura stated.

"Aww, Sakura-chan!" Naruto whined.

Sakura explained the story to Kakashi, while Naruto and Sasuke sat on one of the bleachers.

"A giant snake, you say?" Kakashi interrupted, raising an eyebrow. Anko, who was passing by the door, froze. Giant snake? Did…did that mean that Orochimaru was around? Was he back in the village, preparing to take it over? If that was the case, then she had to warn Hokage-sama! Konoha had to be prepared in case Orochimaru launched an attack against the village.

"Going somewhere, Anko-chan?" A voice hissed, and Anko slowed her pace until she stopped completely. That voice! She knew that voice!

"Orochimaru!" She gasped. Her former sensei was leaning up against a tree, hiding in the shadows. She cursed herself, because she decided to take a short-cut to the Hokage, but the short-cut was in a very secluded part of Konoha, and there was never anybody around.

"Why yes, Anko-chan. It has been quite a while, hasn't it. And from the way you are running, and the look upon your face, it looks as though you are going to tell your dear Hokage about my arrival. But Anko-chan, I cannot allow that to happen. You see, I'd like to take my son back to Oto with me, and I cannot have you interfering with my plans." Orochimaru stood up straight, and slowly made his way over to his former student.

"Son? No, you don't have a son!" Anko shouted. If Orochimaru really did have a son, he would have surely been put to death years ago! There was no way a spawn of Orochimaru would ever deserve to live!

"Why, yes, yes I do. It's a shame really. After he was born, I did plan to change my ways. But alas, Tsunade-hime and Jiraiya held me back, as your precious Yondaime sealed the Kyuubi no Kitsune inside of my newborn son." Anko's eyes widened as the truth sunk in. Uzumaki Naruto was the son of Orochimaru. The hyperactive, caring, egotistical, troublemaking, young genin was Orochimaru's son.

'No, I cannot let the boy live! There's no telling what Orochimaru will use him for! He'll use his own son in some sick, twisted experiment, and force him into doing things he does not want to do. I have to stop Orochimaru! I have to kill Naruto before it's too late!' Anko though, taking a step back from Orochimaru. She waited a moment, before dashing off. But of course, she could not outrun the man, and within seconds, he was in front of her, and he knocked her to the ground, stepping on her back, to keep her down.

"And tell me, Anko-chan, what do you intend to do to my son? Kill him? No, I will not have that." Orochimaru smirked, and Anko's shriek of pain and agony could be heard throughout Konoha.

Yes! I have finally updated! And it's all thanks to Gof22, who kept emailing me. Haha, I wasn't annoyed though, Gof-chan. I enjoy talking to you, so continue emailing me, please! You are my inspiration, dear!

Kimimaro: At first, I was going to make it Tayuya who was at the orphanage, but instead, I changed it to Kimimaro. I am award that Kimimaro is from Kiri, but for the sake of my plot, after his clan was killed, he was found on the battlefield, and brought to Konoha.

Anko: Is she really dead? Hmm, maybe, maybe not. Also, I don't remember what Orochimaru calls Anko, and vice-versa. Any one remember?

Pairings: NO! There will be NO pairings AT ALL in this story. So you can all breath safe now. There are way too many people reading this who like a lot of different pairings, and I do not want to disappoint anyone by adding a pairing in, that will cause someone to stop reading.

However! I am writing an alternate version of this, which will include pairings. For more information, visit my profile and scroll all the way down to the bottom.

On another note, I'd really like a beta for this! So if anyone is interested, please let me know. I will also be throwing idea's and asking your opinion(Goff22, I will do the same to you, regardless, so no worries!)