Me: ok, this is my second story. I'm glad someone reviewed my last one. Thanks again, Yaoi Goddess of Ramen. Anyway, this is another Yugi/Yami fic. This one is a bit longer than my last one. But, I will only put one chapter until I get some reviews, ok?

Yugi: Please review! I want to see the other chapters. Yami Half-Demon won't let me see them! vv.

Me: Sorry, Yugi. But there's no point in putting up all the chapters if no one will review.

Yami: Besides, Hikari, do you think that she'll actually write anything to harm us?

Yugi: Well, no, but I really want to know what this story's going to be about.

Me: Don't worry, you two. I'll make sure you find out what happens after this chapter, ok?


/ speech/ -Yugi to Yami or Yugi's thoughts

/ speech / -Yami to Yugi or Yami's thoughts

Chibi Love


One regular day at the game shop…

"Yami? Where are the boxes of new shipments of cards?"

"There in the storage room, Yugi, where they should be!"

"Ok, thanks!"

Of course, Yugi knew where the boxes were. He put them there himself. He just wanted to hear his Yami's voice from upstairs. Ever since Yugi put the puzzle together, he's been falling in love with his Yami. Throughout all the adventures they've had, those feelings continued to grow. He's just never been able to express his feelings to Yami. It seems as though he's afraid that Yami will reject him if he says anything, so he might as well not risk it. Of course, what Yugi is thinking is the complete opposite of what Yami feels. He is also in love with his Hikari. He, like Yugi, doesn't think that Yugi will love him back. His feelings for his hikari have developed throughout their adventures and they continue to grow. Every time he hears Yugi's voice or sees that smile on his angelic face, he blushes. Of course, he hides it hoping that Yugi doesn't see. Naturally, Yugi has the same problem. He can't seem to get Yami out of his mind and just has to hear his voice or see his face.

/ sigh If only I could tell him how I feel /he thought.

At the same time, Yami had the same thought…

/How can I tell him how I feel? I can't keep hiding it forever. Every time I see him I just want to kiss him. Oh, Ra, why is this so difficult/

Unfortunately for Yami, he had the mind-link open for Yugi to hear that last part----

/Why is what so difficult, Yami/

/Uhh… nothing, Hikari /"Shit. I need to be more careful with that" he cursed to himself.

Later that night…

"Goodnight, Yami" Yugi said as he slipped into his bed

"Goodnight Yugi" Yami said as he slipped into his own bed in the room that they shared. Soon they fell into a deep sleep.

Later that night…

"Hmm… it looks like these two need some help expressing their feelings for each other" said a figure from outside their window. She was a magical creature, a witch. She phased through the wall and walked to the center of the room. She looked down at the two boys with her piercing blue eyes.

"Now, what can I do to help you two find out each other's feeling? Hmmm…. I've got it!" she said and with that raised her hand over the two boys and said an Ancient Egyptian incantation. Both boys glowed with a yellow light and soon died out.

"Good luck to you both" she said and with that vanished without a trace.