(((Quick Note: I changed one little word in chapter four. Instead of her scares reaching from nose to cheekbone, it's nose to JAWbone.)))

Chapter 7: The Vision


"Hey Riku!" Demyx said as he entered Riku cringed as he sat up.

"Oh, It's you." He said accusingly.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. What do you want?" Riku asked laying back down again.

"Well, I wanted to know if you know who ate the last piece of fudge."

"There are 13 other people in this castle. And you had to ask me about the fudge?"

"Yes, you look like some one who would eat the last of the fudge just to spite me."

"Thanks for the idea, but I didn't do it this time. Now go!"

"THIS TIME?!" Demyx yelled as Riku got up and pushed him out of the room. He sighed as he fought with him for a moment to get him out and quickly locked the door. He sighed heavily as he could hear Demyx storm off.

"Thank God he's gone…." He mumbled as he listened closely. He may live in a castle but the walls were extremely thin. Everything was quiet except for the sound of Axel reveling his defeat against Luxord in a game of Go Fish and the sound of Kaxet's foot steps in her room. They stopped for a long time. He guessed she went to sleep but then he heard a loud thud and then nothing. This worried him slightly so he got up to go see how she was and what happened. As he approached her room he though he was hearing a faint gasping sound so he ran off to her room. When he got there he threw the door open and looked only to find her not in her bed but on the floor with her arm up grasping for something. Her eyes were wide open but the pupils were gone completely. Her skin was turning pale and her face purple from lack of air. He rushed to her side but she didn't see him. He picked her up and put her on her bed. He panicked slightly as her arm stayed up grasping. He saw her lips mouth the word help and he could hear it slightly. He tried CPR but it wasn't working. He took her free hand and held it, he silently prayed to himself asking for help some kind of help from anyone.


Diz was looking through the books in Hallow Bastion. He was trying to find something on her. He had pulled many books on other worlds that had accumulated there when the darkness came. He found one book that looked promising. It was on legends and myths. Maybe something about her was in there. Once he had seen the title of each and every book in there he stood and got up to leave. He had only two books. One was the legends book and the other was a book of interpretations about the legends. For many of them were still in there original form. When he returned to Twilight town he entered the mansion and sat at the consol for the second Twilight Town. He opened the book of legends and though there wasn't much he found something. It was about someone who would break her loves heart and then break her own. It went kind of like this….

In the days of old there was a stunning girl with eyes that changed. Many men would fall under her hex because her eyes placed a trance on them. One after the other their hearts were broken when she cast them off. The whole time she did not know it was her eyes that caused this. For days and days she searched for some one like her, some one she could truly love.

One day she realized maybe he wasn't in her village. Maybe he was out beyond the boundaries of her home. No one had ever talked about villages and towns beyond theirs so she didn't know if one existed. She tried time and time again to get out but something held her back.

One day she woke to fire all around her. She raced out but when she got out no one was there. She looked around and it was the middle of the night. Flames danced around her almost like they were taunting her, embers flew high into the heavens, and she knew she had to do it. She took off for the gateway. All her life she never saw anyone go in or out of the gateway. She didn't even know if it could open anymore. As she ran little, black creatures appeared around her. She had no idea what they were so they frightened her.

When she reached the door she----------

It was cut off because the next page was gone completely. Diz sighed deeply. He wanted to know what happened and who she was. It was the closet thing to Kaxet but it was still far off. The only similarity was the fact their eyes changed colors. He stood and devised a plan on how he was going to find that paper.


Riku didn't know it but Kaxet herself had managed to pull Riku into her mind. He didn't know she was having a vision. Her second one. When he opened his eyes everything was dark except a small light ahead of him. He started to walk to it.

"Kaxet!" He called out hopeful to find her. There was no answer. He walked a little faster to the light but it still seemed far off. Finally after what seemed to be forever he reached it. When he reached it Kaxet was on the ground face down. Infront of her was a black-cloaked figure with it's back to her. Riku kept his distance so as not to disturb them.

"H-h-how could!" Kaxet screamed at it through her tears. She looked up at it. Tears streamed down, they were grey and black, mixed with her mascara. He could see her face. There where her scares only much deeper and more visible. Had she been wearing makeup that day to cover them up as best as possible? He glanced back up at them and saw the cloaked figure had turned to face her. He crouched down so he was more level with her.

"So my sacrifice was in vain?! If I had known that I would have just let the heartless kill me then and there instead of going through all of this!" She retorted to what he had said. But Riku heard nothing of the strange figure.

"No! It wasn't. But now! Now we can finally be together! Kuyo isn't in out way anymore!" Now Riku heard what he was saying. He deciphered it was a boy speaking to her. Not yet 18 but not younger then 15.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that…" The boy stood and walked off. Riku walked forward to her.

"Kaxet? Are you Okay?" he asked her. She looked up and hid her face.

"No! Don't look at me!" She yelled out. She shrunk away from him. But Riku still came close.

"Look. I don't care what you look like. You're my friend and that's all that matters!" He protested.

"NO! You can NEVER look at my face. It does things to people. GO NOW!" her last two words were not her own. Then what happened next would scare Riku forever.

"Yes Riku. Do what she says. Go and never come back." The words came from her mouth only they were not her own, they were Ansem's. And slowly her body was not her own, her form was taking Ansem's. Riku was shocked and started to back up.

"But… How?" He asked. Ansem laughed at him.

"You should know your self. She made a deal with the light and darkness. She gave her mind up to the darkness and her heart to light. This is why she can feel the fear of people. The fear in your heart now is causing her pain. I've been in her mind for years now. And now that I have you I can take her power and-" Ansem was cut off because Riku went into a full sprint away.

Then both Kaxet and Riku were thrown from the vision.


Riku woke with a start. The sun was shining in from his window blinding him. He shut his eyes tight and pulled his pillow over his head.

"Was it a dream? Why did it feel so real though? Maybe it was a dream. Yea, it was a dream." Riku concluded to himself.

He swung his feet around the bed and slipped out. He walked over to his bathroom and began his daily routine. He showered, and then attended to any wounds he might have or might re-open, he dressed, brushed his hair and teeth, then went to the kitchen for breakfast. He walked past Kaxet's room and heard no noise. It didn't phase him but he just shrugged it off. When he got into the kitchen no one was there. A pot of coffee was brewing, someone was just there. He made his bowl of Peanut-butter Captain Crunch when he finished and left Luxord and Xaldin walked in. Luxord poured both of them a cup of coffee.

"So how's she doing?" Luxord asked.

"Her state doesn't seem to be changing. It's better then when he found her though."

"She scared us there. I just wonder what happened to her."

"Don't say much to him though. I think he's completely forgotten. It's best he did." Xaldin said as they both walked out the opposite exit. Riku was confused for awhile but half way through the day he had forgotten.

His day was very uneventful. He trained some and waited for Kaxet to call on him to take her somewhere or train with her. But the call never came. It worried him slightly but not enough to make him go look for her. When he fell asleep that night he heard someone struggling to walk and his door creak but he was so out of it he slipped off into sweet dreams and freedom.


Me: I know this is very short but I just want to get something up to show you guys I'm not dead. But lots of stuff has happened to me and I'm hoping to get back to writing. I've had some really cool idea's and my writing skills have developed a lot so you're going to like the next chapter. I know you want to know what happens next but you're just gonna have to wait a little while. But please review. The only reason I got off my lazy butt and wrote more was I got a review from Levidicus. So Ya'll better review! It makes me want to write more! (Sorry about the ya'll. I've lived in the south a lot so the accent has rubbed off on me!)