Summery: This is yet another story featuring a tenth member of the Fellowship, but with a Charming Twist. Basically the story is about Jesse, a girl raised by Penny Halliwell, and the discovery that she and her adopted sisters, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige, make that will change not only her world forever, but all of Magic.

Disclaimer: I don't even pretend to own Charmed or Lord of the Rings or any of their respective characters. The only thing I can claim is that Jesse is mine. Also I don't own any of the songs used in this story, I wish I did because they are cool.

Warning: This story contains some graphic language. Not suitable for young children. The words in italics are translations from Sindarin… Of Love and Eternity

Chapter One

"And so it begins"

Nothing ever seemed to be normal for Jesse these days, so what did she expect when her phone rang at three in the morning, blasting her out of one of her usual weird dreams, and this dream had really been a strange one. It wasn't like she was going to be getting anymore sleep anyway so why not save the world again. What else was there for her to do tonight but lie there staring at the ceiling for two more hours anyway?

Crawling out of bed with as much enthusiasm as a dog going to the vet, she glanced at her caller id, not surprised to see Paige's cell number in the little window. "Here we go again," she mumbled as she reached for the phone. Before the phone had even fully connected with her ear she could hear Paige Matthews screeching at her.

"Ok, Paige slow down and while you are at it tone it down a bit," the very exhausted Jesse yawned out. Once her best friend seemed to have calmed down a little she asked, "Now, what is so important that you felt the need to drag me out of bed at three o'clock?" "Well you know all of those papers and books we found when we were cleaning out Gideon's old office. Well I just found some stuff he had saved up and it is all about you. Everything from the day you were left on the doorstep of the Manor till Leo vanquished him. Jesse you just have to see this stuff. I think he had something to do with it all," Paige said, Jesse could just picture her friend about ready to jump out of her skin with excitement. "Alright put on a pot of strong coffee and I will see you at the Magic School in half an hour," Jesse said as she hung up the phone. 'I wonder what Gideon had to do with me,' she thought as she walked over to her closet to grab some cloths.

Jesse's life had always been a bit of a mystery. She was left on the doorstep of the Halliwell Manor barely more than a few hours old, tiny and definitely not normal, with her bright green eyes and delicately pointed ears. As a child she had been raised as one of Penny Halliwell's grand daughters and the only one that actually knew the family's secret of being witches. She always knew she wasn't like Prue, Piper, and Phoebe, but Grams, as the girls called her never treated her any different. To Jesse they were her family and she didn't need anything else, but she always wondered why she had been left in the care of the Halliwells.

When she was seven Prue, Piper, and Phoebe's father, Victor gave her a book for her birthday, saying that she always reminded him of one of Tolkien's elves. Jesse embraced the world Tolkien had designed with every ounce of her being, dreaming that she really was one of the elves in the stories. She read anything she or Victor could find about the Tolkien universe, letting her mind take her on adventures with Legolas through the journeys of the Fellowship, or patrolling the borders of the Golden Wood with the handsome Captain of the Galadrim, Haldir. By the time she was twelve Jesse could speak fluent Sindarin and Quenya and could understand the language of the Dwarves. By the age of sixteen she was more skilled in the use of a bow than even the best gold medal archers, and she could wield a sword as though it were a part of her own arm.

Quickly braiding back her long ebony hair, Jesse grabbed her long leather duster, hiding her sword, bow, and quiver underneath as she walked out of the backroom of P3 and locked the door. Jumping onto the back of her Harley, she sped off down the street heading for Prescott Street and the only home she had ever known, the Halliwell Manor.

As the wind whipped through her hair thoughts of what Gideon could have been up to flashed through her mind. Her past had always been a mystery too her and the idea that Gideon, someone she had once trusted and respected, could have actually given her some answers, both thrilled and terrified her at the same time. What was she going to find?

Pulling up in front of the house at 1329 Prescott street, Jesse guided her bike to a stop, parking it next to Piper's SUV. Shaking herself from her earlier thoughts, she walked to the door and uses her key. Closing and locking the door behind her she made her way up the stairs and with a wave of her hand she made a door appear in the middle of the wall on the first landing. The moment she stepped through the door it disappeared as though it had never been there.

"Well look who finally decided to join us," Piper Halliwell sighed as Jesse walked into the main hall of the Magic School. Not even bothering to speak to her, Phoebe placed a cup of piping hot coffee into Jesse's hand. "Hey, give the girl a sec to get her first dose of caffeine then you can guilt trip her all you want Piper," Paige exclaimed as she walked into the room with an arm load of books and scrolls. Downing the cup of coffee in one gulp Jesse laughed, "Yeah, Piper quit picking on me," sticking her bottom lip out in a pout only Jessica Elizabeth Halliwell could muster.

Walking over to the table where everyone was gathered Jesse grabbed the coffee pot and poured her another cup, before she sat down. "So what did you find Paige," she asked as she sipped at the coffee a contented smile appearing on her face. "Well there is lots of things that we still need to go through and some of it we are going to need you to translate since you are the one with the big grasp of languages, but so far we have figured out that Gideon stole you from your parents the day you were born and left you on the steps of the Manor for Grams and Mom to find. I am also pretty sure he was scared of something you were probably destined to do and that is why he took you. Some of it doesn't makes sense to me but there is a reference to the child of Ereinion, it sounded familiar to both me and Phoebe but we weren't sure where we had heard that name before," Paige said looking down at a her notebook. "Well the name should sound familiar to you two Paige, you guys are both as nuts about the Lord of the Rings as I am, but to educate you all Ereinion Gil Galad was the high king of the Noldor Elves. He died at the battle of the Last Alliance on the slopes of Mt. Doom. Since he died without a living heir the crown was passed on to Elrond Peredhil. My big question is why is that any concern of Gideon's considering Gil Galad and Elrond are both fictional characters, and even if they were real Gil Galad died with no heirs so what is the deal with the child of Ereinion, he had none," Jesse explained. "Ok, all hail the Tolkien Encyclopedia," Phoebe said with a laugh. "Jesse's my name Tolkien's my game," Jesse said with a mock bow.

"I am actually starting to wonder Jesse if it really was fiction. Maybe Tolkien stumbled on to some writings about the elves and the War of the Ring. Hell maybe he even found the books that Bilbo and Frodo wrote about that stuff. Who knows? It all just to seems like too big of a coincidence that you are so much like the elves from Tolkien's works. Hell, Jesse you could run circles around anyone with a bow, you are so graceful it is sick, then there is you ability to grasp every language you see, oh and the not aging bit is a bit annoying, since you are older than me," Paige said as though she were making a list. "Ok, so what you guys think I am an elf. If I am an elf how in the hell did I get left on Grams's doorstep all the way from Middle Earth," Jesse asked as she crossed her arms in front of her, cocking one delicate eyebrow, "Let me see some of this stuff you found."

As she looked at some of the things, Jesse's world started to feel like it was spinning. If this was for real all of the things she had always dreamed about, as a kid could be for real. Questions kept repeating in her head, 'What if I am actually Gil Galad's daughter? What does that mean? Am I the last living elf on earth?' It just all seemed too surreal for her to believe.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Phoebe jumped up after looking through one of Gideon's books. "Oh! Hey! Look at this guys," Phoebe said pointing to a passage on the page she was reading. Looking over her shoulder Leo began to read the words that were written in his former mentor's hand, "We were successful in taking the child from her own mother's arms, right out of the palace gardens. For the greater good they must be sacrificed. The elves must not be allowed to remain in this world. For the Elders to gain control of magic the elves must leave and the heir of Ereinion must not be allowed to gain her father's crown and unite the elves. With that in mind I find I am unable to end the child's life myself. It is with that in mind that I have left her on the doorstep of the Halliwell home. The Halliwell family are prone to living very short lives, do to the number of demonic attacks they tend to attract. It is my hope that the demonic forces of this world will eliminate the child for us, there by leaving the hands of the elders clean in this matter. The only reminder of these events is the spell I used to go to Arda to eliminate the threat of Ereinion's Heir which I have removed any traces of from the schools library the only remaining copy of that spell is here written in my personal journal. I am unable to destroy the spell completely in fear that one of the Istari will interfere and I will have to use the spell again."

"That no good son of a bitch," Jesse screamed, tears streaming down her face, "I was a fucking baby, what kind of threat could I have been that was worth that?" Piper quickly came around to Jesse's side of the table and took the girl she thought of as a little sister into her arms. "Leo is the spell that monster used in that book?" Piper asked still holding a sobbing Jesse. "Yeah, Piper it's here," Leo said turning the book to towards his wife, "What are you thinking Honey?" "I am not sure yet, but it is a fall back. Paige is there anything that talks about how Jesse's absence in that time might have effected events in history?" Piper asked. "Yeah there is some stuff that I believe was written by the Lady Galadriel but it is written in what I am guessing is Sindarin, so I can't understand a bit of it. Jesse will have to translate it for us. There is also something here left behind by Gandalf the White, he basically says that if Gil Galad's child had lived then they would have lost less people during the War of the Ring. Evidently there were people that would have survived had Jesse been there. At least that is what Gandalf said," Paige said reading from a book that looked as though it were thousands of years old, "There is also stuff written by Elrond basically saying some of the same stuff Gandalf did. I just can't read everything he said because some of it is in Sindarin as well."

"God what am I going to do? I don't even belong here," Jesse asked, turning to face her companions around the table, "How am I supposed to fix this? Leo, let me see the spell that Gideon used." Leo handed Jesse the book skeptically and watched her as she looked over the spell it contained, "What are you thinking, Jesse?" he asked worried about what she was planning. Jesse always gave him sufficient reason to worry. She always had something up her sleeve that could get her into trouble. "I can do this spell, I speak Quenya, and the workings of the spell are within my abilities," Jesse said studying the book in front of her, while the others looked at her as though she had lost her mind. As she noticed their stares she added, "Hey you guys know I don't belong here. I never did. Gideon fucked with the timeline that is the only reason I am here. I have to fix this. I may not be able to be with my birth parents but damn it, I can make damn sure things happen the way they are supposed to. Not only that if I am right you guys won't even realize I have even left. The time line will change but I will exist in this time just a few thousand years older is all."

"How do you figure that?" Piper asked very much interested in what Jesse was thinking. Phoebe and Paige were shocked into silence by what they saw in Jesse, and Leo just looked pissed. "It is simple. Gideon interfered by taking me away from my parents. I should have been there when the War of the Ring started and by the looks of it," Jesse paused taking the text written by Galadriel from Paige and reading it before she continued, "by the looks of it I was meant to unite the remaining elves after the War and help strengthen the world of men. Lives were lost because I wasn't there and all of the elves were forced to leave Arda because of my absence. I love you guys like sisters and I always will but you have to understand. Even before I found this stuff out, I felt cut off as though something major was missing from my life, I always felt alone. Now I understand why, I am truly the only one left of my race. I have to do this and not just for me but for every one of us. I have to fix this, so Wyatt and Chris won't have to grow up in a world without elves," she finished tears pouring down her face.

"Guys I am an elf, that means I am immortal, I can't stay here and watch the only family I have ever known grow old and die, while I am always going to be basically frozen in time. I have to do this. Please don't ask me to turn my back on what I am, on who I am," she begged looking into each of their eyes. No one had even thought of being an elf would be like for Jesse. They were all stunned by her words. "I am not going to lie to you, I am scared as hell but the way I see it this is my only chance to reclaim some of what that bastard stole from me," Jesse added as she got up from her place at the table.

As she started walking out of the room, Phoebe hollered after her, "Hey! Where are you going?" "To get my emergency bag I keep in my classroom and to get my knives and bow staff," Jesse said not even turning around. With a resolve she didn't know she had, she made her way down the corridors of the Magic School.

Making her way into her classroom, she walked up to a display case in one corner. Opening the case door Jesse drew her fingers across the weapons it contained. Most of the weapons were made especially for Jesse herself, some had been discovered on the grounds of the school, while others were a complete mystery. It was one such mysterious weapon that Jesse was looking for. A pair of knives with beautifully carved hilts held in an equally beautifully detailed scabbard. They had been discovered with several other weapons all with what, Jesse now knew to be Elven script engraved on their blades, in a hidden chamber of the school former headmaster Gideon's office. Jesse found herself drawn to the knives the first time she had ever seen them, something in them seemed to call out to her and she instinctually knew how to use them. Strapping the scabbard to her back, Jesse then grabbed the bow staff sitting next to the case and closed the doors. Purposefully walking back out of the room she stooped to pick up the backpack that leaned against the wall by the door.

As she walked into the main hall again she over heard her family arguing over everything they had discovered. "We can't just let her do this," Piper said her raised voice carrying throughout the room. "Well we can't stand in her way either Piper," Paige said attempting to calm her older sister. "Paige is right Piper. None of us wants to see Jesse go, but think about what she is going through. Gideon stole her life from her. I don't want to loose my sister, but I won't make her stay here and ignore who she is. She belongs with her people and they need her. If this is what she wants I will not stand in her way," Phoebe said looking into her sister's eyes, silent tears streaming down her face.

"I have to do this Piper," Jesse said kneeling down in front of her older sister and taking her in her arms, "I can't explain it but this is something I just have to do." Paige and Phoebe got up from their seats and walked over to the two women and the girls hugged each other for maybe the last time. "No matter what you guys will always be my family," Jesse said stepping away from them and walking over to her former whitelighter and brother-in-law and hugging him, "Take care of them for me Leo." "Of course. You know I will," he said releasing her from his embrace. Walking over to the playpen that was in the corner Jesse picked up the toddler that was reaching out to her, "You grow up and make your Aunt J proud, ok Wyatt, and make sure and take care of your little brother for me. Chris needs his big brother." Gently picking up the sleeping one year old Chris, she smiled down at his tiny little face, "You will always be my best friend, Chris don't ever forget that, and look out for you big brother for me," softly kissing his tiny forehead she carefully placed him back into the playpen next to his brother.

"Ok, let's get this show on the road," Jesse said wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her sleeve. Grabbing a piece of chalk off the table, Jesse walked to a wall across from her and drew a triquetra on the wall. Stepping back she examined her work. Walking back to the table Jesse picked up a pen and paper, quickly translating the spell that Gideon used. Looking at the faces of her family she began to read,

"On this night and in this hour;

I call upon the ancient power;

Create a pathway into the past;

With these magic words that I cast;

Send me to the right time and place;

In that moment in time and space;

The sands of time will reverse their course;

And set me on my destined course."

Slinging her bag over her shoulder she smiled one last time at her family then stepped through the glowing portal and disappeared in a bright flash of light.