Hey guess what Im doing?Not closing thats what!

Now Im gonna time skip a little cause if I dont time skip sometimes it will take a million years to finish.

I might not update all the time because well, I dont feel like writing ALL the time.



Umm which chapter are we on?


They arrived by boat, everyone but the Inuyasha ppls. Well Kagome was there but she was dazed by the fact that she was now standing in a fricken ninja village.Sasuke and Sakura were standing beside each other with Ino behind them glaring constantly.Shikamaru stood beside Ino mumbling about how troublesome Ino was.

Naruto stood infront of all of them and smilied, Kagome swore she saw a tear fall from his eye as he glanced at the ramen shop.Hinata stood beside her cousin pokin her fingers together out of boredom.Kiba was beside Shino with his hands in his pockets and Akamaru at his other side.

"Um..Guys?Where are we supposed to live?"Sakura asked looking around"Well since it was Kagomes idea to move back here she should buy a place for all of us"Neji said crossing his arms and nodding.Hinata blinked and nodded with her cousin, the others nodded as well.

Kagome sighed."Fineee"She said looking around.After a few mintues of looking around town they had found it, it was an old bed and breakfest hotel, which seemed to ahve a hundred rooms."IT WILL BE A SHOP/HOUSE AND IT SHALL BE MINE!"Kagome exclaimed placing her hands on her hips and flashing a smile.



Summary of what happend during the 6 month time skip:

Sakura and Sasuke stayed together.

Neji and Hinata got together.

Kagome opened the shop that they were living in as a Dango shop.

Naruto did nothing...BELIVE IT!

Sakura's pregnant.

Kagome and Gaara got together after a few awkward hellos in the hall.

And Kagome and Neji are now BFFLS which mean Best friends for live. To Neji thats means she does whatever the hell he asks her too.

Lee and TenTen moved in too since Neji invited them to stay with him and his BFFL.

Lee and TenTen are NOT together.

Hinata despises TenTen for liking Neji and Sakura because Naruto loves Sakura.And to Hinata Naruto is god.

Oh and Naruto's hokage, belive it.


(We Resume)

Kagome sat behind her counter, clicking the cash register open and closed.






"Gooooodd morning! ISNT IT THE MOST YOUTHFUL DAY YOU'VE EVER SEEN?"Lee shouted as he sprinted out of his room.

"It was."Neji mumbled from the corner of the shop part of the house where he sat munching on dango.

TenTen storlled in and sat at a table near Neji and stared at him"What?."Neji asked"Nothign love."She said drooling."What?"Neji asked freaking out as she became a human waterfall of drool.

Neji walked away as the drool began the flood the floor.Lee sprinted over in a ft of youth and slipped on the drool breaking his leg."OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW YOSH!"

Kagome sighed and looked at the window.It was dark and the street lights began to turn on."Well closy uppy timey againy!"She said running over to a table where cutsomers were siitting and grabbed two of them by the scruff of their cloths. ANd walked to the door." PLEASE COME AGAIINN!"She shouted throwing them out onto the steet.

After she had evactuated evryone out of the shop she stopped and looked back outside."Wasnt it just like morning five minutes ago?"She said as she locked the cash register"Whatever I was bored anyways." she said walking upstairs to the house part of the shop."Hi Hinata!"She said noticing the girl sitting on the couch.The girl looked at her and paled."h-he-hello..."She mumbeld getting up and runnign away.

"HAY GUYZ!"Naruto said running into the room."Hi Naruto."Kagome said walking past him."THATS MR.HOKAGE MAN NARUTO AWESOME TO YOU!"He yelled throwing his shirt off and running donwstairs."Okay then..."She mumbled going to her room."Hey Gaara!"She said. "Going to sleep?"She asked."..."He didnt say anything but he left the room."GOOOOOOOLY GEE!" Sakura yelled throwing a door into kagomes room."Heres a door so you can close it!"She said as Kagome looked at her funny."But I already have a door it just wasnt closed."Kagome said confused."WELL NOW YOU HAVE TWOOOO!:Sakura said runing away.

"She really has been moody lately."Kagoem mumbled/"Yeah I know."Neji said from beside her."Oh Hey Neji whend you get here?"She asked the grumpy Hyuuga."Whenever I felt like it."He said crossing his arms."Oh... Okay then!"She smiled as Kiba ran into her room."HEY KAGOME AND NEJI!"He yelled jumping onto the bed."Wheres your door?"He asked wiping her pillows."Its just not clos-"She started but Kiba interupted her."Cause i have an extra!"He said standing up."ILL GO GET IT FOR YOU!!!"He then ran away."But I already have two..."She said glancing at the doouble doors."Life sucks because thats your fate."Neji said angrily."Now lets gossip."He said as she nodded."Okay Jonny.." He glared."Jonny?"He asked."Uhmmm sorry I meant Harold, sorr bout that Harold."She said frowning."Thats not my name."He snarled."Oh sorry Naruto, hows Hokage stuff?"He frowned."Right not you either. Uhmmm OH I GOT IT! Sorry bout that Hinata."She said smiling."Close enough."he mumbled as they began their girl chat.

Sasuke glared at the Tv.Because he was Sasuke giving him all rgiht to glare at it.It was in his room, Sakura had put it there because she hated him.He was sure of it, ebcause she knew how much he hated television.She said it was because she wanted to watch it.But she was LIEING! And Sasuke was damn pissed.

Sakura walked down the halways happily humming.Shino was walking down the hallway too, and when she passed him she punched him in the stomach."SAKURA WTF!"Kiba ytelled running up with a door under his arm."Why did you jsut punch Shino!??"he asked."Why do you have a door."She asked frowning."Its for Kagome."he said smiling."But...I JUST GAVE HER ONE!"Sakura yelled punching Shino again."WELL MINES BETTER!"Kiba yelled also punching Shino."WELL LETS SEE WHAT KAGOME THINKS!"She yelled as they ran off to Kagomes room leaving Shino on the floor."KAGOMEEE!"Kiba yelled."WHOS IS BETTER?"Sakura yeled holding up their doors."Uhmmmm"Kagome said from her spot on the bed where Nej iwas painting her nails."HEY GUYZ!"Naruto yelled sliding into the room.



End Chapter. REVIEWS PLZ.