The Shortest Short Stories Ever: What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar?

By Spectra16 (Wow. I finally saw a Klondike Bar commercial on the other day.)

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been so very busy with bigger projects. I'm struggling with my sequel to A Dreadfully Convenient Crossover, working on a Criminality (Artemis Fowl fandom) challenge, and a rock version of Phantom of the Opera. So I'm sorry, everyone. Thanks for hanging in there.

Disclaimer: (wearing a wig and talking with a very bad British accent) Yes . . . I am J.K. Rowling. I wrote all that Harry Potter books. And I'm a babe. (The real J.K. Rowling takes out a frying pan and bashes the impersonating author.)


Chapter Thirty-six: What Would the Sorting Hat Do For A Klondike Bar?

Dumbledore showed the Sorting Hat a small card with some scribbled writing on it. The Sorting Hat snickered a little. Dumbledore smiled.

"I'll give you a Klondike bar if you do this," He said as the Sorting Hat nodded.

Sirius Black, first year, was considerably worried about what house he'd be in. He hadn't slept well for the entire summer before Hogwarts, which was ever since he'd received the letter of acceptance. He wanted to be with James Potter, and James Potter wanted to be in Gryffindor.

Regardless of what the Black family wanted, Sirius wanted to be wherever James was. They'd been friends prior to the school year, closer than anyone could be. Sirius bit his nails, tapped with feet, and groaned a few times before the Sorting Hat was brought out. This was the moment of truth. It would decide on whether his stay at Hogwarts would be a . . . pleasant one. Any house but Slytherin, he decided if he couldn't be with James.

"Sirius Black!" Minerva called, not knowing yet the damage (and gray hairs) that he was about to cause her. Sirius, his legs shaking, stood up and slowly walked to the front of the Hall. With each step, his heart pumped faster. He sat down in the chair as the Sorting Hat was set on his head. He squirmed under it's movement.

"Well, black by nature and Black in heart. Your family has had many great leaders in Slytherin. I'd be wrong to deny you that same fate," The Sorting Hat spoke. Sirius winced with every word. "SLYTHERIN!" The Sorting Hat yelled. Sirius' heart dropped to the floor. This was the worst case scenario. "JK! Just kidding, everyone! He's in Gryffindor!"

From behind Sirius, Dumbledore snickered at his own joke. The Blacks at the Slytherin table all sat there with their jaws dropped.

It was the first year that any student had beat up the Sorting Hat.