
Chapter IX

Disclaimer (n)-When one says something to save one's ass from a lawsuit.

i.e. I do not own InuYasha…and I never will…(;.;)

"Blah" Talking

'Blah' Thinking

Blee Flashbacks/Singing (just in case they break into song…you never know with me…-.-')

(Blah Author's Notes)

Last Time on Wishing

"Okay…spill." Kagome got right to the point the moment he closed the door.

"What happened to not wanting to talk about it?"

She sighed, placing a few fingers against her forehead as she answered. "I told you…I wanted to talk about it when we got home…and now we are. Talk."

He sighed. "You might wanna sit first…"

She shrugged, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm fine."

"No, trust me…you'll wanna sit down."

"Quit stalling." She laughed as she rolled her eyes. "I'm all ears."

He took a deep breath, and began…slowly. "I…I'm half demon."

And now…

Kagome blinked. "What?"

InuYasha sighed deeply. "I'm a hanyou…I'm half demon…" he couldn't bear to look her in the eyes.

He didn't want to see the disgust.


Here it comes…was all that went through his mind.

"That's so cool!!"

He face faulted. "What?!"

"Where are your demons features? Don't hanyous look a little more…demony?" Kagome touched his head and glanced at his hands, looking for something out of the ordinary.

"You…You're not disgusted by my demon blood?" he asked, amazed.

"Why would I be? You're still you." She shrugged. "What kind of demon are you?"

He answered bewildered. "D-Dog, but-!"

"Don't you have anything that shows you're half demon?"

He nodded. "Ka-!"


He blinked. "Well what?"

"Where are your demons features? I wanna see them!!" she grinned.

"You…want to…want to see my true form?" he asked, bewildered.

She nodded violently. "You use a spell, or is it a time of the month for hanyous?" she cocked her head to the side a bit.

He blinked. "Have you thought about this before?"

She nodded slightly. "Yeah…I mean…for most-since the only written documentation of hanyous are about in feudal times when everyone knew about their existence-they showed their true forms all the time. So, you know…I was wondering how it all worked…" she smiled.

He continued to blink before grinning and kissing her on the cheek. "You amaze me…"

She gazed at him, blushing. "W-Why…?"

"I thought you would be disgusted…that you would hate me…and…you still can look at me the way you always have…" he smiled.

She looked at him like he had lobsters coming out of his ears. "Now…why in the world would I think that? I love you and nothing is going to change that…"

InuYasha blushed madly as Kagome added. "Show me!! Please?" she gave him the big-eyed look.

He rolled his eyes before closing them and looked like he was concentrating on something.

Soon, his human ears disappeared and were replaced with two triangular dog ears on top of his head and his nails grew longer and pointer-into claws.

He opened his eyes to reveal his amber orbs.

She glomped him, making him fall backwards onto the bed with her on top of him.

"Kawaii!!!" she shouted as she tweaked his ears.

He smiled at her reaction to something he hated. His ears twitched, earning another "Kawaii!!" from the girl above him.

Finally, what felt like hours later, the initial shock and "kawaii-ness" of the ears wore off. She laid her head down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as she drew patterns with her finger. "Anything else you wanna tell me…?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the crown of her head lightly. "Have I told you lately that I love you…?"

She smirked. "Nice try…that's a song title…" she kissed him on the nose. "I love you too…"

They locked eyes for a moment before his lips touched her's in a gentle kiss.

She pulled away, blushing. "Okay…c'mon…help me with my history project!!" she got up and pulled him after her by his wrists, him groaning slightly before standing.

Sesshomaru awoke to a warm, heavy feeling on his arm and shoulder.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before glancing over to his right to see his girlfriend asleep.

She's…finally mine… he smiled a bit before resting his head on her's and dozing off.

Rin awoke to a heavy pressure against her head.

She was able to look up in the general direction of what was on her head, and quickly saw-and smiled at the fact that-it was her boyfriend, the man she had been in love with for three long years.

She tightened her embrace around his torso, making him squirm a bit before opening one eye. "Hello, Rin…" he yawned.

She blushed. "H-Hi…sorry…I didn't mean to wake you up…"

He smiled. "No problem…I like waking up like this…" he placed a light kiss on the crown of her head.

They sat there in a comfortable silence when Kagome and InuYasha walked down the stairs to see the couple on the couch.

"Hey there! How were your naps?" Kagome inquired politely.

"Fine, thank yo-!" Rin's gaze landed on InuYasha's new ears.

Kagome followed Rin's shocked gaze to the top of InuYasha's head.

Her eyes became as big as dinner plates before whispering not-so-softly-or-quietly "InuYasha!! Your ears!!"

InuYasha stared at her like she was insane until he figured out what the spell was. "Shit!!" he tried in vain to cover them with his clawed hands, which didn't help.

"Oh…my…" Rin couldn't speak.

She was in shock.

Sesshomaru's gaze…let's put it this way-if looks could kill, InuYasha would have been a small pile of ashes.

Sesshomaru grabbed InuYasha and Kagome and pushed them both into the kitchen. "What the hell is wrong with you, InuYasha?!"

"I was telling Kagome the truth, and I forgot to put the spell back on!!" the younger brother explained.

"She knows?" Sesshomaru stared at Kagome.

She nodded. "Yes."

"You…You don't care…?"

"Of course not!! I love InuYasha!! It wouldn't change anything!!" she huffed, latching herself onto her boyfriend's arm, as if it would protect InuYasha from his brother's wrath.

And in a way, it didn't need to.

Her words had saved him from the beating of a lifetime at the hands of his elder brother.

Sesshomaru put down his younger brother-since after they walked in-he decided to grab InuYasha by the scruff of his collar and hold him three feet above the ground.

He walked out and saw Rin, still sitting wide-eyed on the couch.


"He had…dog…dog ears…" she stuttered.

"Yeah…" he sighed sadly as he sat down next to her on the couch.

"Sesshomaru…what's wrong?"

He looked up to realize she was more concerned with his well-being than InuYasha's dog ears.

"I…probably should've told you this earlier…" he sighed.

"T-Tell me what…?" she asked worriedly.

"My brother…InuYasha is half-demon…and…I'm full demon…" he answered, looking into her eyes, hoping to find some sort of reaction.

She blinked a few times. "What?"

"I'm a demon."

"What…What kind?"

He couldn't make out any sort of emotion in her eyes, but was thankful to not find disgust. "D…Dog…dog demon…our father ruled the Western Lands and…he was engaged to this female dog demon from birth, and they had me…then my mom died…and then he met InuYasha's mother…and they had him…"

Rin nodded slowly. "So…"

He braced himself.

"Do…Do you have a form like he does?"

Sesshomaru stared in awe. "What?"

"Well…I mean…I love his ears." She smiled.

He practically jumped her, making her squeal for a second before crashing his lips down on her's.

She moaned a bit from the lack of air before easing into the kiss.

His tongue rolled across her bottom lip, begging for entrance, which she eagerly granted.

When she pulled away, she breathed "What was that for…?"

He smiled and pulled her close. "I thought for sure that you would be…abhorred…and hate me…" he kissed the apex of her neck lightly.

"Never…" she held him close.

They sat on that couch in pure bliss for about…000000.1 of a second before Kagome came in and glomped Rin. "Kawaii!!"

InuYasha rolled his eyes(he put the spell back on in the kitchen) at his girlfriend. "Didn't you need help with your history project?"

She nodded. "Hai!! I needed Rin-my partner!!" Insert a brief pause for a hug. "And, I need many arts and crafts supplies."

Rin added. "Emphasis on the many."

The girls smiled, making the boys blush.

"You wanna split up and get whatcha need?" InuYasha suggested.

"Sure!" Kagome smiled, jumped up, and kissed him on the edge of his lips.

InuYasha smiled and was about to swipe in for a deep kiss when Sesshomaru got up, suggesting that they split the list in half and he take Rin while InuYasha took Kagome.

He smiled at the idea, nodding, along with the other 2 girls.

Kagome rambled off a list of what they needed, while Rin wrote it down, Sesshomaru thanking God that he never had to do this project, and InuYasha realizing he needed to call his partner-some guy in their class named Naraku(A/N dun dun DUN-and get to work on their project, too.

Before he knew it, InuYasha found himself driving madly around Tokyo, trying to find the stupid arts & crafts store, with Kagome trying to give him directions, sometimes laughing that his left was her left, making him growl a bit to himself, which usually made Kagome laugh harder.

They finally arrived after a long…long journey at the store, which InuYasha cursed for being hidden.

Kagome immediately jumped out of the car, grabbed a cart, and shouted at InuYasha for taking so long, as he hadn't even unbuckled his seatbelt yet.

How is it that the one with demonic powers and speed is out run by a teenage girl...? InuYasha pondered this thought as he followed almost shamefully after the very hyper girl.

They walked down the aisles, InuYasha pushing the cart, and Kagome bouncing down in front of him, grabbing stuff off the shelves, throwing them into the cart, and crossing it off the list before moving onto the next item.

"What the hell is this project, anyways?!" InuYasha groaned, having glanced into the nearly full cart.

"We have to make a…" Kagome thought for a moment.

InuYasha laughed. "Do you even remember?"

Kagome huffed. "Of course I do!! We hafta make a…um…a…thing…"

InuYasha walked away from the cart and embraced her, burying his head into her shoulder.

Kagome flushed, not really sure how to react to this. "In…InuYasha…?"

She felt him trembling, moving her along with him. "Oh my…Are you crying?!" she asked worriedly.

She shoved him off of her, to see that he was laughing hysterically.

Kagome shoved him harder, but he didn't move anymore. "You…forgot…about it…!!"

Kagome fumed. "So did you!!"

InuYasha nodded. "But you made this huge show about rushing down here, and buying all this crap…!!"

Kagome shrugged. "You're paying for it—call it what you will."

InuYasha stopped laughing, and groaned. "I do get to use some of it, right?"

Kagome nodded. "I got the biggest packs for a reason."

InuYasha pecked her on the lips, and pulled away, going back to the cart. "Shall we continue?"

Kagome smiled sweetly. "Yes! Let's."

Rin and Sesshomaru had found and gotten to an arts & craft shop almost immediately, sine Sesshomaru knew how to follow direction from his girlfriend.

"I think that's everything!!" Rin smiled, pushing the cart to the check-out.

The cart didn't move.

Rin huffed at it, and shoved it harder.

Still, it did not move.

Sesshomaru smiled. "Need a little help?"

Rin shrugged, like nothing had happened. "If you want."

Sesshomaru pecked her on the cheek and pushed the cart along to the front with no effort.

Rin frowned and followed behind him. "Stupid demon strength…" she mumbled.

Sesshomaru laughed. "I have exceptional hearing too, you know?"

Keitti—Okay, well, I'm sorry it took so long!!! TT I got my laptop taken away, and then I couldn't get it back.

See, my parents said that I could get it back once I did all my hw for a week—so I did, but they wouldn't give it back.

So, I worked all summer and bought a new one. YAY!!! D

Kagome—So now you can type up more chapters, right?

Keiiti—Well…once I find where my muse is!! TT I wanted to write a really long chapter to make up for taking so long, but that idea…died…I mean, this one is only 7 pages!!! TT


Keitti—Shut up!! TT

Kyou—Well…the quote of the chapter is…


If there is no laughter in heaven, then I do not want to go there.

--Martin Luther

[End Quote

Keiiti—Next time, I promise to write a longer chapter, and….stuff…um…Bye.