Yumi woke up with her head aching again.

Her eyes traveled to her sheets which she noticed that wet and her body appeared to be sweaty.

It had been another bad night.

She gathered enough of her thoughts to realize she was in her school dorm and she needed to get ready for another Monday.

She went over and snatched her regular black clothes, towel, and her robe and slippers, and headed to the showers.

'The fifth night in a row.' She thought, not noticing she bumped into the last person she wanted to see.

"Yumi, it's nice to see you wearing something other than black for once." They said looking at my white robe.

Yumi's POV

"Sissy, I'm not in the mood, just go run to daddy. You'd have better luck with accomplishing something than annoying me." I told her trying to walk past her. She scooted in front of me again.

"You're just not in the mood because Ulrich finally found something."

"And what would that be?" I questioned pretending like I cared.

"Me! Of course, he's always been obsessed with me, I could never help it."

I realized I had wasted about a minute of my time listening to her. All I wanted was my stupid shower.

"Maybe obsessed with getting away from you, I can believe that. I have a nice shower waiting for me, so I should be going, and you probably have….well nothing waiting for you but you should be going anyways."

I pushed my way past her and headed into the girls showers. Sissy had made one last remark before I entered but there was no point and arguing with her, she would always think she won anyways.


By time I was finished with my cold shower after the warm water had run out, I slipped on my clothes and headed outside to our bench seeing Ulrich, Odd, Jeremie and Aelita waiting for me.


Ulrich's POV

I saw Yumi heading towards us and took a quick glance at Yumi that I usually did. She had her black shirt on that always exposed her navel and black pants and her black sneakers.

I felt like such an idiot. I couldn't tell her how I felt. And I was sure I wasn't entirely sure myself. I liked her more than any girl I ever met. I knew she was one of the girls guys well liked since she always had to turn down dates when dances came around. Plus Odd kept frequently telling me to ask her out before another guy did.

No matter how many times he told me, I just couldn't do it. I would be able to go to any girl and ask them out. But Yumi was different.

Noticing us she smiled a little, and I smiled back even though it seemed as though something was bothering her.

Normal POV

"Hey Yumi, what's sup?" Odd asked as she took a seat on the edge of the bench.

"Not much, just tried, you know?" She answered.

"Hey what's up Yumi?" Odd asked. "Nothing I'm just tired you know." Yumi responded. "I never finished Ms.Hertz homework last night." Ulrich said changing the subject.

"It only took me and Aelita about 15 minutes to finish it." Jeremie told everyone.

"Well of course it did! You and Aelita are like walking books!" Odd reassured.

"Uh, Yumi can I talk to you for a second." Ulrich said shyly. "Huh…oh..yah" Yumi said being brought back to reality from her deep thoughts.

She walked and followed Ulrich to the side of the school. "Hey, Yumi are you sure nothing is bothering you today, you seem a little off. You know what I mean." Ulrich asked her, making sure she was ok.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." "Ok. Well, uh… Yumi." He ruffled his hair searching for the right words to say.

"Yes Ulrich." Yumi said getting a little impatient at this attempt to speak.

They were both interrupted by a loud ring in their ears, as the class bell went off.

"Oh well Ulrich tell me later, I don't want to be late for class." Yumi told him. Yumi turned to leave but Ulrich quickly grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Yumi wait. Uh, can you meet me after school in the forest or something so we can talk?"

"Um, ok. That sounds good." Yumi said with a smile appearing on her face, having the slightest idea what he wanted to tell her.

Ulrich and Yumi walked to Ms.Hertz class together and took their seats in the classroom.

"Pop quiz class but before that please pass your last nights' homework to the front. Ms.Hertz announced as a couple of students groaned.

As Ulrich passed his homework to the front he was nudged in the side by his best friend.

"Any luck Romeo." Odd asked him. "What the hell are you talking about, Odd?"

"Do I need to spell it out for you? Everyone saw you talking to Yumi, alone. If you get my drift."

"So did you tell her yet." Odd said raising his eyebrow.

"Well, no, I was thinking about telling her later today after school where we can be alone without any interruptions." Ulrich explained.

"Ha-ha, sure. Only because you probably want to make out with her or better." Odd laughed.

"ODD!" Ulrich growled.

"Ulrich!" Ms.Hertz said. Do you mind explaining the problem on the board.

Ulrich looked at it. He had no idea what the answer was, nor what she was talking about.

"Uh …five." Ulrich said. The whole classed laughed including Yumi.

"No Ulrich the answer is not five. This is science not math. The answer is a simple scientific problem when you add starch plus Lugal's solution."

"In this case the answer is not five it is sugar." She said. "Now pay more attention to the lesson."


Yumi walked down the hall to her dorm after leaving her cell phone. She grabbed her key out of her pocket, opened the door and laid down on her bed. On her desk was her cell phone, right where she had left it. Her ring tone went off and her phone started vibrating.

She picked it up.

"Hello?" Yumi asked.

"Hi dear this is your mother."

"Hi mom!" "So nice to finally hear your voice again." her mom told her.

"How's Japan?" Yumi asked her mother.

"It's great dear! Your father has had much better job offers here. He is new the manager of a very important business.

Yumi was just about to answer until her mother said something.

"Oh, honey hold on your father wants to talk to you." Yumi heard as the phone shuffled around and her father's voice came on.

"Hi Yumi. How have you been doing" her father said "Good" was her response.

"Honey the real reason we wanted to talk to you was because your mother and I have found a modeling agency. It would involve you going to Japan to stay with your mother and I. We showed them a picture of you and they were rather interested in you and would really want you to come down here. It would be a chance for us all to be together. You should do it." Her father explained to her.

"That's cool dad but as I told you when you decided to move back to Japan my friends really need me here." Yumi said

"I know dear but your mother and I think you should do it since it is a chance of a life time. Just think about it, okay. We send you are love."

"Okay I will think about it." With a few more words and goodbyes Yumi hung up her cell phone.


Ulrich's POV

The rest of the day went by pretty slowly. Me practically failing Ms.Hertz class, Odd making his usual wise cracks and Sissy being annoying more than ever.

Finally school ended and I ran into the forest where I was going to meet Yumi. I laid my body against the nearest tree. I thought about what I was actually doing here. 'I'm actually going to tell Yumi how I fell about her' I thought to myself. I herd the crunching of leaves so I turned around expecting to see Yumi sanding there but instead I saw Sissy.

"Hello Ulrich dear. What are you doing in a place like this alone?" Sissy asked pretending to sound innocent.

"Hiding from you." I told her. "Now go away before Nicholas and Herve start looking for you. I'm meeting someone here and it sure isn't you."

"I see." She said. "So you are waiting for Yumi. Well news flash, that lil' slut is already with William."

"You know what Sissy you are really starting to piss me off, so get lost."

She stepped in front of me and twiddled her fingers in my hair, and said "When are you finally going to see you were meant for me."

She leaned in and kissed me before I had a chance to tell her something.

I quickly pushed her off. "What the hell do you think you are doing."

In the corner of my eye I saw Yumi staring at the both of us.

"Yumi it's not wh…" She turned the opposite way and ran.

"Shit!" Was the only word I could think of.


Yumi's POV

I didn't know where I was going, but I ran. As fast as I possibly could. I thought Ulrich was going to ask me…you know, today. But it was a lie. Ulrich was a lie. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say. I ran back to the school within a minute and up to my dorm. I slammed the door shut and took out my phone.

"Dad, I'm taking your offer. I want to move back to Japan."


I know, not the best story ever, but please review. I can always change some things.
