Disclaimer : I don't own the characters mentioned , if i did i would be rich !

Chapter one : The next

Haruka stared at the screen in front of her.She hadn't slept in two days , she couldn't risk another murder. Two years ago a haunt on the most wanted criminal had started , all police officers all over japan and even other places had started a search for the murderer. It was known that every two months he would look for a victem to kill. Haruka had studied his patern hard but she couldn't find anything the victems had in common , except for the fact they were all women , well it did narrow it down but still , looking for the chosen woman who could be anyone who lived in Japan was the same as looking for a match in a jungle.

'' Tenoh , why don't you rest ah ? I can look through the video's if you want.'' A male voice said causing the blonde to snap out of her trance and to turn around.

'' No thanks Kenji , i need to do this myself.I feel like something is missing , we're not seeing something.'' Haruka answered with a sigh.'' But i would like some coffee.''

'' Well you know where you can find the kitchen and second , you're just worrying too much. This guy is a idiot who is playing with us by making us think his victems have something in common , they don't.'' Kenji said. He and Haruka had decided to live together in once apartement ever since they became partners.

'' They are all woman.'' The blonde said as she focused on the screen again.

Kenji just shook his head and sat down next to the blonde.'' Haruka , that's all they have in common , nothing else.They don't have the same hair color , the don't live in the same area and neither do they know eachother or someone that connects them.Give up , he's just playing around and it makes you go...what ? Why are you looking at me like that ?'' She asked a little worried as he saw the smirk on Haruka's face.

'' You are a genius Kenji , i could almost kiss you !'' She jumped up and walked over to the huge cupboard that stood on the other side of the room.

'' Well i'm not stopping you , what are you doing in the first place ?'' He asked annoyed. He couldn't stand it when Haruka was being all mysterious and didn't let him know what was going through that blonde head of hers.

When Haruka was done looking through the drawers she came back with a big dossier in her hands and handed it over to the black haired man who still sat at the table.While rolling his eyes he took the dossier from her hands.What was she up to this time ?

With a grin on his face he opened the dossier which was full of photo's of the victems of the past two years.'' What ? I've already seen these , i've looked at them and i've noticed you are crazy to think we're dealing with a killer who is aware of the victems he picks.''

'' Look at the girls , what do you see ?'' Haruka asked with an annoyed tone in her voice that told Kenji not to push her patience any further. He did as he was told , still he couldn't see a pattern. None of these girls looked a tiny bit like the other.One had brown eyes as the other blue , their hair wasn't even the same color and when he looked at the dates of birth they all were in another month , what could possibly make them so special ? What was the resemblance ?

'' I see pretty death woman with both their eyes , ears , a nose and lips , what the hell are you expecting me to see Tenoh , give me something , one hint is all i'm asking.'' Kenji muttered.If there really was something they had in common how come he couldn't see it and Haruka could ?

Haruka shook her head amused.Was he really that stupid or was he just playing with her patience.'' It's not what they have in common Kenji , it's what they don't have.''

'' A hot boyfriend like me ?'' Kenji joked earning a cold glare from the tomboy next to him.

'' No their hair.'' The blonde finally said after letting Kenji think it through for two more minutes.

The black haired man gazed at the pictures trying hard to see what was wrong with it.The first victem was a red haired girl , the second had orange colored hair , the next was blonde like Haruka and the last one was green haired.What was there suppossed to be special about that ?

'' You still don't see it ?'' Haruka sweatdropped.Kenji just shook his head causing Haruka to fall from her chair and land on the ground with a loud thump.'' Dammit , look at the order of their hair color , which other thing has that order of colors ?''

Kenji looked at the pictures again and gasped in shock.'' Why haven't i seen this before , so what comes next to Green ?''

'' Blue.'' Haruka answered as she stood up again.'' Let's report this to the office , Meioh-san should we very interested in this information.'' The other simply nodded and put the photo's back into the brown dossier.

(Crime lab)

'' Ami is it okay if i leave earlier ?'' A aqua haired girl asked her friend who was still busy looking at their experient.Three weeks ago they had been promoted to work in the lab after both working their fingers to the bone.

The blue haired genius looked up from the microscope she was using and turned around to look at her friend with a smile.'' I'm almost done too.''

Michiru just nodded and smirked.'' So are you going to meet him tonight ?'' The blue haired girl blushed slightly.Why had she ever told Michiru about her secret love she had met through the internet. Actually he had found her , before she knew him she wasn't really into dating but this mysterious guy seemed to have so much in common with her. He loved science too and he claimed to be a swimmer. Ami really enjoyed her job as laboratory assistant but swimming really was her passion just like music was that of her aqua haired friend.

'' No , we agreed on meeting eachother in one week. He said he was taking me out for a fancy dinner into the city.'' Ami said turning back to the table on which the microscope stood.

Michiru thought about it for a moment.She really was happy for her friend but Ami should know how dangerous is was to go out with someone you hardly knew , let alone stand someone you never met before.'' It's a full moon over a week , don't you think that's suspicious ?''

Ami took a deep breath.'' Michiru i really don't mind you being worried but he's really nice and about that full moon he probably didn't even know that.'' The aqua haired girl just sighed.Something just didn't feel right about all of this. That guy popped up out of no where and ends up talking to Ami and share the same interests ? Something was without any doubt , very wrong.

'' I'm done now.'' Ami said as she put her pen down.'' Shall we walk home together or are you going to worry the whole time because i really feel like i've met the one Michi. By the way when are you going to find yourself a nice date ?''

Michiru strugged.'' I don't know but when i do i'll make sure i don't met that person on the internet.''

'' Haha very funny.'' The blue haired woman said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.'' But seriously , why aren't you going out with someone , there are a lot of guys out there who are dying to date you.''

'' I don't know Ami , dating just isn't my style and besides i'm don't want a guy i want the one and it has to be a she , why do you keep forgetting that or can't you just don't deal with the fact i don't like guys ?'' Michiru asked anger clearly written on her face.

'' No , no. I'm sorry , it's just so normal for me to ask it , i mean...you know.'' The other just nodded letting her friend know it was alright.

'' I know Ami , i'm sorry. It's just...'' She paused before saying it was nothing.She didn't want to bother her friend with these strange feelings.'' Let's go home , it's getting late and we have to work early tomorrow.''

Ami was very aware of the fact her aqua haired friend changed the subject to fastly it made her worry herself.Did it bother Michiru so much she was going to meet someone she met on the internet ?

Setsuna lay the file down on her desk as she looked up at the blonde tomboy in front of her.'' Haruka you've worked here for five years and although you never let me down before you assume i believe that the killer we are chasing for two years can possibly pick his victems by hair color !'' The green haired woman seemed to be angry.

'' I do , it's the only thing that forms a pattern...'' The blonde cop was cut off by the voice of her boss.

'' Listen Haruka , I know you want to catch this bastard as much as i do but this theory of yours..''

'' You think i'm wrong ? Are you going to risk doubting me ? And what if the next victem has blue hair , then what ?''

Setsuna strugged.Haruka really was stubborn , she was glad she wasn't in Kenji's shoes.'' Haruka let it go.If you love your job , then please just do your damn job ! And now please leave , i have tons of work to do.''

'' Whatever.''

Setsuna looked up with a warning look on her face.'' Your father was a good man don't force me to...''

'' I know i know , i'm sorry.'' Haruka said as she took back the file she had given the green haired woman.She wasn't going to give it up.She would find this chosen blue haired even if it meant losing her job. If her mind served her right the murderer would strike when it was full moon , that meant she had one more week to solve this case before heads would role.

Let me know what you think !