Okay, so this is my first story! So yay for me! >. but now i'm getting cold feet and feel like deleting this, but yeah, if you like it, tell me and i might type the next chapter faster. If u don't like it...don't tell me, lol yeah, i'm like a big baby, so anyways! I hope you enjoy it!

Naruto was sitting at the bridge, it was spring so at least the flowers were in bloom, and it was a beautiful day! The birds were chirping, and the bees were buzzing and the butterflies were flying! The sun was being sunny! The only clouds were the big white puffy ones, and little kids were laughing and playing. It was a perfect day! And here was Naruto, sitting at the bridge, waiting for Kakashi to show up. He was in a fowl mood.

"Ah why the hell do I have to go on a mission! Why can't Sakura or Sasuke come as well? I could be with Iruka- sensei eating some ramen right now! I even missed breakfast! I'm starving!"

He sat there, Kakashi was already half an hour late and still no sign of him even coming. He stared at the trees, he yawned lazily, it was early in the morning, early for him at least, it was before noon. His team had just come back from a long mission and Kakashi told him that there was a special mission just for Naruto. He was lost in a daze, as he admire the beauty around him. Before he knew it, he was surround by water, and his lungs had swallow more then a mouthful. He snapped out of it quickly and swam to the surface, spitting out the water, he looked around, trying to find out who pushed him.

"Who did that?"

He heard laughing, he sharply looked up, and there, all high and mighty, was Sasuke Uchiha! He wasn't laughing no more, he was standing where Naruto was sitting a few seconds ago, looking down upon him. Naruto glared at him, even thought Sasuke was too far to even see it. He had a sudden urge to strangle him at this very moment, knowing that it was going to be the start of a very bad day.

"What was that for?"

Sasuke looked over the bridge, with a smug look on his face, but he had a genuine smile on his face and his eyes spoke the pleasure he had, watching Naruto fall. Naruto growled. That was one of his rare smiles, only Naruto ever got that smile…when he made a mistake. Of course, it was also when they were alone. Naruto was a bit happy when he first got it. He felt special, but then Sasuke did it more and more when Naruto messed up, and Naruto hated it ever since.

"Hurry up dobe! Kakashi is waiting for you outside the village."

Naruto swam out of the river, silently happy that it wasn't Sakura who saw him fall, Sasuke smirked, but Naruto could see the smile that was tugging at his lips. Naruto looked like a wet dog, an orange wet dog. Naruto tried to shake some water off but it was useless, he had to take off his jacket and carry it across his shoulder. He shot Sasuke a warning glare before he started to walk off, Sasuke followed him.

"Dobe, where do you think you're going?"

Naruto tried to ignore him, trying to keep his cool

"I'm going to Kakashi! Leave me alone!"

He was now going to try to be more mature, since a few days before Iruka said that if Naruto acted more mature, he would buy him some ramen, as a reward. Sasuke though, was making it very difficult

"Do you even know where you're going?"

Naruto stopped walking, he noticed, he was walking in the opposite direction. He blushed slightly from embarrassment. He knew Sasuke somehow did this on purpose! He did the only thing he knew, and prayed Iruka didn't see it. He was going to blame Sasuke for everything.

"It's all your fault! You distracted me! Now I'm going to be late!"

Sasuke put his hands in his pocket, with his famous grin on his face

"Don't blame me for your stupidity."

Naruto grit his teeth, Sasuke was annoying him

"Well I'm not stupid! And it is your fault! You had to push me in the river!"

Sasuke stared at him, still that smirk on his face, that grew slightly

"I didn't push you, you fell on your own, I just saw you fall, you're always unbalanced, I'm not surprise." Naruto gritted his teeth more, he wanted to have a fit but he couldn't. He never seen Iruka have a fit so it mustn't be very mature, he then remembered something Iruka told him.

He smiled to himself, he put his hands in his pocket, he walked pass Sasuke, "Stop being a jerk and act your age for once!" Naruto closed his eyes and walked pass him, heading in the right direction. He felt awesome! He got out of an argument with Sasuke, being the better man for once! He felt like skipping and telling the world that he told Sasuke to act his own age! He felt like he was walking on clouds! That was, until Sasuke pinned him to the floor.

"What did you say dobe?"

Sasuke had pinned Naruto's arms with one knee and one hand, Naruto was squirming around a lot, trying to get free. He tried to kick him but it was useless,

"Let me go! I'm going to be late!"

Sasuke put more pressure on him, trying to silence him

"You're not getting free, so give it up already."

Naruto whined and kicked more, he was getting really frustrated.

"You're such a little kid! Why can't you be mature?"

Sasuke glared at Naruto, and Naruto instantly shut his mouth. He felt kind of weird saying that, it was like deja vo, a lot of people told him that, all the time. He would have never guessed that he would have said that. Sasuke let Naruto go, Naruto got up and spun around and attacked him, but as soon as he landed on Sasuke, he regretted it.

Sasuke was standing in front of a tree, so when Naruto jumped on him Sasuke easily turned around and pinned him to the tree. Naruto growled, Sasuke was always a step ahead and it was frustrating! He tried to get out but Sasuke pinned him with some kunais, Naruto growled as he tried to get out.

"Let me go this instant! Grr, wait till I get out of this!"

Sasuke stared at him, Naruto kept his glare, Sasuke was a bit scary, or maybe he was just being normal. Naruto had normally seen the nice side of Sasuke, so it almost forgot that Sasuke was really a cold person.

"What are you going to do if I don't?"

Naruto was about to say something when he froze, Sasuke's lips were touching his, Sasuke's lips were rough. They were hot and wet, Naruto thought about fighting back, but his mind didn't have control over his body. He kissed him back, Sasuke stepped away from Naruto, letting him breathe.

"I'll let you out, if you promise to become my slave."

Naruto's eyes widen, Sasuke's slave? Is his nuts? He wouldn't become his slave, but for some reason, the idea crawled into his head. He thought about what it would be like to be Sasuke's sex slave. He couldn't help but drool, just ever so slightly, Sasuke noticed and kissed him again.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Sasuke took out the kunais, Naruto stood on his own feet, Sasuke carried him bridal style, Naruto had lost all control of his body. It was as if he was a puppet and Sasuke was the puppeteter, controlling him. Sasuke smirked, with a clear hint in his eyes, that Naruto was going to regreat it.

"Hang on tight, we're going to my house"

"What about Kakashi sensei?"

"What about him? I'm sure he's busy with Iruka anyways"

Sasuke slipped into the shadows with Naruto in his arms, taking him to his house

The end! Sorry for being so short, well sighs this is the first time i ever wrote like this...it's hard to write like this, i normally put it in paragraphs, i wonder how people do it? I mean, naturally type like this, i had to write the whole story, then seperate it, and of course, add more parts and...urgh! it was just hard and annoying, well enough with me! I hope you liked it! I'll try to put up the next chapter, oh! And the next part is a lemon, hehehe, yeah, i might butcher it though, so i warn you!