Hello everyone! Im back....well not really. Ive come to tell everyone im deleting my story soon. it....sucks. Im embarrassed to have it up here. I might rewrite it. Maybe. I do need a beta if I do.

I was reading through my reviews and I came across Maddie F. I forgot about her. Maddie, you were right. My story is atrocious really. You were a bit mean in your reviews. You were set on insulting me. And in one of them you said you would send me some of your stories. I actually would appreciate it if you do. Im not going to be a bitch and flame. That was 2 years ago. I actually want to read them. So if you see this. Could you send me your stories. I havent found any good ones lately so im hoping your will change that.

And believe it or not I want to thank you. Though you were mean you couldnt have been more right about the story. If I do rewrite it I think im going to follow some of your ideas. But yea thats all really. Please send me your stories.

Now back to everyone else. Again im deleting the story in a while. Go to my profile at the bottom there is some news. More info for everyone. And feel free to send me stories of your own. I need something! Or if you want to send me ideas for a story I could write that would be great too.

Thank you everyone.

