"Fire Emblem: Yu-Gi-Oh! Style"

By: Cherry Romancer


Cherry: This is a crossover with the general idea of Fire Emblem, one of my favorite games. When I sat general idea of Fire Emblem, I mean, that I'm not going to use one of the storylines from a previous game, rather I'll make one up using the concept. You know, archers, lords, myrmidons (forgive me if I misspelled that), that sort of thing. I'm writing this as an apology for "Forests of Altara." Also, so you know, this story will also have GX characters in it. Enjoy. (And forgive me.)


A crowd had gathered in the village square, yelling and cheering, causing a general commotion. One could hear the ruckus for miles. He had to see what was going on, so he eased his way through the crowd to the front.

Ah. Now he understood what was going on.

He had stumbled upon a makeshift arena, and there were two men going at each other with heavy practice swords. It was not a death match, but the crowd was excited by it all the same. The young man looked over the two combatants.

One was fairly tall, had long brown hair, was slightly tanned, had brown eyes, and was fairly handsome. He seemded to have a decent sword arm, though it was clear that this was not his weapon of choice.

The young man turned to observe the other battler, and was stunned into silence.

This person seemed to be barely more than a child, though it was clear from the way he fought that he'd had many a year of training, meaning he must be older than he looked. He was small, had an interesting hairstyle; blonde bangs, black roots, and red tips, all done up in spikes; and had a youthful, rounded face. But what drew attention more than anything were the eyes. They were large and round, a deep amythest color, and shining with a brilliant innocence.

He had never seen anyone so beautiful in all his seventeen summers. (A/n: That was how they charted age in those times, by how many summers, springs, autumns, or winters you had seen, depending on which season you were born in.)

He watched the battle with heated interest now, though it was clear from the tall one's body language that the fight would not last much longer. Sure enough, a few more sword-on-sword blows, then the beauty brought his sword down heavily on the tall one's head, knocking him out cold and drawing equal cheers and groans from the audience as those who had gambled on the battle exchanged agreed amounts of gold pieces.

As the loser of the match awoke and the crowd dispersed, the victor began to walk away, having collected his winnings from the referee.

Now, the young man wasn't about to let that happen.

"Hold a moment!" he called. The battler, surprised, turned about to face him.

"Yes?" he asked.

"That was an excellent bout. I've not seen such skillful swordplay for a long time."

The small man smiled. "Thank you milord." He bowed.

"Please, there's no need for formalities," the young lord said. "My name is Yami. Yami Coular. Would you perhaps like to stay at my manse this evening?"

"Coular?" The young man seemed intimidated. Not surprising, really, since the Coular house was one of the most prominent in the nation. The young battler bowed deeply. "I am sorry, milord Coular, but I cannot. I have friends that I am to meet soon, and we take our leave of this town tonight."

"A shame." Truly it was. He had hoped to persuade him to stay at the manse and maybe teach him some skills with the sword.

"My apologies."

"There is no need to be sorry. You have done nothing wrong," Yami assured him. As the youth turned to walk away, one last thought occurred to him. "Will you at least tell me your name?"

The man stopped a moment, then moved on, but not before replying, "Call me Yugi."


Cherry: Not too bad, I'd say, especially considering I've never written anything Fire Emblem before. Anyways, reviews are always appreciated, and flames are used as kindling to start a nice fire at the nightly camp. Thank you!