Chapter two: Forgiveness

"Hey kids! Breakfast!" Tifa yelled.

"I'm hungry!" Marlene exclaimed.

"Me too," Denzel yawned. "Ah, Tifa, has Cloud returned yet from yesterday?" the child tugged at the woman's shirt. Tifa frowned, remembering the small argument between her and Cloud from last night. "...Yes."

"Really? Where is he?"

"I'm not sure, but I think he's still sleeping upstairs..." Tifa brushed a finger against her cheek.

"I'm here." A voice came from not too far.

Cloud walked up and smiled at the two children.

"Cloudo!" Both of them yelled, running up to hug his leg. Cloud almost lost his balance, but managed to stand without falling. He smiled softly, one gloved hand gently ruffling Denzel's hair, and the other resting on Marlene's shoulder.

Tifa's anger started fading as she only watched Cloud's smile grace his features, and it was rare for her to see the man smile for once. She smiled, walking up to the threesome. Cloud noticed her approach, and his smile quickly faded into a small frown of sadness.

"Tifa..." He spoke softly.

"Cloud," Tifa smiled, reaching her hand out to him. Cloud looked down at it, then slowly took her hand in return. "Are you hungry?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine."

"Where are you going?"

"...I-I don't know. I just need some fresh air, but I'll be back soon. Tifa, can you please take care of Kadaj in the meantime?"

"What? Me?" Tifa opened her mouth.

"Hn," Cloud nodded, the usual serious look on his face.

"Oh have to be joking---"

"No, I'm not." He interrupted her. "Tifa, please,"

"Oh, alright!" She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

"Oh...Tifa..." Cloud added slowly, "I noticed something about Kadaj...I don't know what it is, but it appears to be that he has these odd mood swings."

"Mood swings?"

Cloud nodded once more. "He acts differently at random times when you wouldn't expect it." he told her more seriously, voice low.

"Are you telling me he has a multiple personality?" Tifa blurted.


"I see." Tifa scratched her head, relieved.

"He's probably just...really lonely, and I'm sure it's frustrating for him since the treatment he's recieving is something he isn't used to, so he's not comfortable with it. Please...don't be too hard on him." Cloud lowered his head, frowning.

"I understand." Tifa sighed. "I guess everyone deserves a second chance after all, but I'm not sure how well the others would take this as well as you and I are..."

"You're right." Cloud sighed.

"Leave it to get going." Tifa lightly pushed Cloud towards the door. "Go now, but come back soon."

"Ja," Cloud walked off, and rode his motorcycle.


Kadaj moaned softly, eyes shut tightly from the pain. The wound had stopped bleeding, but it was sore and swollen badly. Beside his bed the youth heard small whispers, and his eyes shot opened with wide orbs, the teen gasping loudly. He heard small gasps beside from where the voices came from, and he jerked his head quickly towards the source of the commotion. Marlene and Denzel stared at him wide eyed with fear, mouth slightly opened. Kadaj quickly got up from his lying position, cringing badly in pain in the meantime while attempting to sit properly.

"What do you want?" He demanded coldy, eyeing the children at the corner of his green eye." Well?"

"What's all the racket?" The boy heard a female voice behind the door, and soon it opened. It was Tifa.

"Tifa!" Both marlene and Denzel ran up to her, clutching at her shirt tightly.

"It's okay kids..." She then glared at the teen sitting on the bed. "So...its you..."

" what?" Kadaj took his attention off the woman and stared at the window on the opposite side, brushing his long bangs away from his face.

"Look, you might as well show some little respect while you're supposed to be the guest in someone else's house."

"I never asked to be taken here." He pointed out simply. "Nii-san was the one who took me here in the first place."

"Nii-san? You mean Cloud?" Kadaj glared at her.

"Well...I trust you...for now that is." Tifa sighed, turning her back.

" do you know I won't try anything to kill any of you again?" Kadaj sneered, despite his current weak state.

"Because I would have to kill you by my own hands then."

The silver haired boy smirked, slightly shaking the hair out of his face once more. "Wow... I didn't know a bitch like you could actually put up a fight. From what Loz told me with his battle with you in the flower fields, I heard you were pretty good at it."

"Look, you little-" Tifa then remembered the words Cloud had spoken to her, and how the man begged her not to be too hard on the boy. She sighed, lowering her fists.

"Something wrong?" Kadaj interrupted her thoughts, and she stared at the boy. He was so young looking, almost very feminine-like. Despite his young age, she knew very well how the youth was still very strong and skilled in fighting, so she didn't really take him that lightly after all.


"Where is he?" Kadaj changed the subject.

"He said he needed to go somewhere, but he didn't specifically tell me where and why..." Tifa sighed. "He's so weird sometimes..."

"What's so weird with wanting to be alone? Maybe he just wants to be alone..."

"But he hates being lonely."

"No one ever said anything about you're lonely if your wanting to be alone for a good reason..." Kadaj simply pointed out.

Tifa was surprised at hearing the teen defend the blonde man himself, his own enemy. She sighed heavily, feeling sorry for the blonde. "He looks so depressed lately...I don't know why..."

"You should know by now that Nii-san is a pretty serious guy, so maybe it might seem to you that he's always depressed when he's always serious."

"That's not it. I know he's always serious...but... it's nothing. You don't understand." Tifa told him.

"Heh," Kadaj smirked, playing with the ends of his silver hair. "Nii-san...when is he coming back?" The smirk almost instantly faded from his face.

"I don't know. Why do you keep asking about him anyways?" Tifa asked curiously.

"Just wondering." was the boy's simple reply.

"Oh kid...and you might want to change into a different outfit. That leather one you're wearing is dirty and might as well be more clean. Oh, and come downstairs to eat some lunch, would ya?" Tifa went to the closet and picked out some random clothes, throwing them onto the bed. Kadaj simply stared down at the huge pile of clothing, and returned his attention back at the female, but noticed the woman had already left the room.

"Damn," The boy cursed lowly, picking up one of the shirts with a disgusted look.


Cloud looked out into the ocean, a small sadness casted upon his facial features. His motorcycle was parked not too far from where he was at. The cool wind in the air gently russled his spiky bangs, pushing them back from his forehead, and he closed his eyes for a brief moment, attempting to clear out some thoughts. The blonde man needed some time to think everything over carefully, whether or not he made the correct decision or not.

It confused and frustrated him greatly, and it drove him almost insane, but Cloud never showed his emotions of feelings that easily towards others since the concern only made it worse for other people surrounding him. He wanted to be forgiven for everything, and he knew blaming himself constantly all the time for the death of Aeris and Zack didn't help at all. He learned to live on with his own life and accept it, but it still haunted him greatly. And now having a new problem with Kadaj, his own enemy, saved by him himself, was added to his new problem to deal with now.

He remembered when he stood back to back with Aeris in the flowerfields, her arm resting softly against his shoulder, comforting him. He liked the feeling; it felt warm. And at that exact moment he knew himself that he wasn't really alone. He was surrounded by a lot of people. Tifa, Cid, Vincent, Barret, and everyone else that he had encountered had been by his side in the battles. He wanted to think about life more positively, and he knew he always had friends who would always be there for him, but something else always bothered him. Was it that young boy, Kadaj?


He felt some kind of strange bond between him and the teen, but he didn't know what. He knew no one would understand him if he told anyone about his new relationship with the boy, except that everyone knew that both him and the silver haired youth had fought countless times.

Cloud hopped back onto his motorbike, putting his sunglasses back on from the bright shining sun, and drove to where he could possibly find some new answers for himself.

It had been several hours ever since then, and it was getting dark once more.

Tifa had stayed with the children all day long, and was exhausted after taking care of them. Kadaj was her only concern at the moment, knowing the boy really didn't come out except the only time when she had to almost force the young man to eat for once.

"What's wrong with that brat? He also has the nerve to complain about my cooking..." Tifa thought mentally, crossing her arms and pouting with frustration. She continued washing dishes from the meal that the silver haired teen had ate a couple of hours ago along with the other's, and cleaned the counter.

"Tifa," Marlene spoke softly, "I'm scared of him. Does he have to stay here?" She lightly tugged onto the older woman.

"I'm afraid so," was her only reply, staring at the foor where the youth had shut awhile ago to go back to his room.

"But he's the one who possessed Denzel!" the child complained.

"Listen, Marlene," Tifa gradded her shoulders. "He has no where else to stay, and he's sick...Cloudo told me to take care of him until he comes back..."

The child bit her lip and looked down, and the woman smiled.


"Who could that be now?" Tifa sighed, releasing her hands off the girl. "Ah, Cloud. Back?"

"Hn," Cloud answered back with a small nod, sapphire blue eyes casting down slowly. "And Kadaj?"

"He's fine...he went back upstairs." Cloud's eyes widened.

"He's awake? He didn't try to do anything, did he?"

"No, no...stop worrying so much Cloud. He was looking for you earlier...don't know why."

A pause.

"You should go see him..." Tifa smiled at the man.

Cloud lowered his eyes once more, not replying...

Kadaj heard the conversation between the blonde swordsman and the woman behind the door. Curious, the silver haired teen pressed his face softly against it. He heard footsteps approaching; it got louder and louder. He suddenly jerked back, almost frantically, but loosened up when the footsteps faded away lightly, causing the boy to continue listening intently of any more words from the ex SOILDER, but cursed very lowly when he could no longer hear any more sound. Then, suddenly, the door opened, sending the youth in an instant jump.

Pair of green eyes met with sapphire blue ones, and a small gasp was heard almost faintly when Kadaj only stared at the other man standing before him.

"Nii-san," Kadaj looked down, his bangs hiding half of his face. "You're back."

Cloud blinked slowly, staring at the new clothes Kadaj wore. Kadaj noticed this, and suddenly glared softly at the blonde man. "What?" He demanded lightly.

"You're clothes." Cloud told him.

Kadaj scoffed softly, turning his back to the other. "That girl..."

"Tifa?" Cloud asked, voice sounding half curious. The blonde suddenly paused, looking thoughtful, but Kadaj didn't see him. "Your wound-"

"It's fine." The boy interrupted gently. "I want to kill that girl..." he spoke suddenly with a strong passion. Cloud narrowed his eyes.

"She took care of you---"

"I never asked for it." Kadaj spat back, turning around and catching the slight surprised look in Cloud's blue eyes. "Tell me, Nii-san," He walked up to the 23 year old blonde, almost very closely. "What makes your eyes so blue?"

Cloud was silent, unexpected by such a random question from the curious boy.

"Mako." Was the man's low response. He turned his head slightly to the side.

"Ahh," The youth smirked softly, eyes half lidded. "They're pretty." The boy brought his face closer to get a better view of them, but Cloud, suddenly making a quiet noise and feeling a bit uncomfortable, stopped him by gently grabbing the youth's shoulders, slowly pushing him back. "Stop..." he told the boy quietly. Kadaj blinked.

"I wasn't going to do anything." Kadaj said gruffly. He turned hishead to the side and looked away immediately, almost childishly. Cloud stared at him, never taking his hands off the youth's shoulders. "Why...why did you save me?" he asked again in a more quiet voice.

"I told you."

"And mother-"

"Enough about her!" Cloud cut the boy off, closing his eyes tightly shut. "You're free now." The blond whispered. Kadaj stared at the blonde man, and noticed the great look of frustration and anger shown strongly on Cloud's face. The man kept his eyes closed tightly, seemingly not wanting to open them from some kind of pain hidden behind them, for he himself didn't know of for sure.


Cloud opened his eyes again, slowly. The blond swordsman felt himself loosening his muscles when the young man standing in front of him doesn't even try to stop the momentum from sending him staggering forward as he rested his head against the man's right shoulder. Cloud turned his head, his lips almost brushing against Kadaj's soft hair.

"I'm tired." Kadaj sighed, feeling weak once more.

"Then go get some rest." Cloud's voice was calm and low.

"Will you stay?" Kadaj murmured, sounding a bit more serious.


"Nii-san," Kadaj said again, because he can, because he knows now that Cloud hasn't denied him after everything he had already done. "Do you despise me?"

Cloud hesitated, but spoke softly, "No..."


"Because everyone deserves a second chance." Was Cloud's final word, before resting one hand hesitantly on the teen's back. Kadaj's lips widened, smirking softly again by the man's words. He closed his eyes with that same small smirk on his face, slightly shifting his head against Cloud's shoulder. "Do you always give everyone second chances? Is that part of your personality?"

"I learned to forgive myself and other people." Cloud whispered, closing his eyes for a moment as he felt the boy's silver hair press against his bare neck.

"You're too serious, but a good person...aren't you..." Kadaj groaned softly, falling foward. Cloud caught him, eyes widening in surprise.

"Kadaj...!" Cloud said the boy's name quietly when he caught the teen by his shoulders. The boy had passed out from lack of energy. Cloud then only heard one more last word escape from the boy's pale lips, sounding like a desperate small whimper, "Nii-san..."

Cloud picked him up, and carried him to the bed.