Welcome, welcome! I know I'm supposed to update "Her Heart Said Dance", but this is just the awesomest idea ever! And if it isn't. please don't tell me, you'll burst my happy bubble. I will update the other story soon (I hope), but I simply had to type this. YAY for the Dragon Knights.

Now, read!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything mentioned here-after that you have seen being sold in stores. I'm not that lucky.

Chapter One:

Once upon a time, in a far away land…

Three young princes lived in a shining castle. Although they had everything their hearts desired (demons to kill, food to eat, and order and peace) the princes were spoiled, selfish, and unkind.

But then, one winter's night, an old beggar man came to the castle and offered the princes a single light flower in return for shelter from the bitter cold.

Repulsed by his haggard appearance, the princes sneered at the gift and turned the old man away. But he warned them not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.

And when they dismissed him again, the old man's ugliness melted away to reveal a handsome enchanter. The princes tried to apologize, but it was too late, for he had seen that there was no love in their hearts. As punishment, he turned them into hideous beasts, and placed a powerful spell upon the castle and all who lived there.

Ashamed at their monstrous forms, the beasts concealed themselves inside their castle with a magic mirror as their only window to the outside world.

The light flower he had offered was truly an enchanted flower, which would bloom for many years. If they could learn to love another, and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, they would be doomed to remain beasts for all time.

As the years passed, they fell into despair and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?


"Please, a room to stay for just this one night," the man begged, drawing a small child closer to try to warm him. "I'll give you this gift," he pleaded, holding out a beautiful light flower. The three princes looked at each other and then one turned back to the old man.

"Do you have any treasure?"

The old man scoffed and shook his head, and the questioner turned back to the others.

"Nope, I say turn her out."

One fiddled with the tips of his hair. "I don't know-"

The other one looked at them both as if they were crazy. "He smells like a yokai, but a weak one at that. I agree." His haughty expression showed no mercy, and they shut the door in the old man's face.

A man with turquoise hair walked by in time to hear the door shut. "What's going on?" he asked strictly, eyeing the last prince. "Uhh…nothing, just a solicitor." The first prince waved him off, and the green haired man shrugged and continued on his way.

There was another knocking at the door, and the second, indecisive prince opened it again, to find the old man and his kid still on the doorstep.

"Do not be deceived by appearances," he warned. But- "We said no!" the first prince said again, and went to shut the door again, but the old man, in a cloud of ashes, disappeared; in his place was a white haired man with two birds on his shoulders.

"Uh uh uh…" he shook a finger at them, and delicately blew a cloud of ashes at them. As the ashes touched them, they doubled over as if in pain, and fell to the ground. The enchanter, for that was his true identity, said, "You must earn true love to end this spell- if you don't by the time this flower dies, you'll remain as you are forever." He then disappeared with the small-human-who-is-not-a-child, leaving the princes to their dooms.

Halfway down the hallway and just out of earshot, the teal-haired man stopped suddenly as a thought occurred to him. "Wait a minute, we don't get solicitors here! Get back here you three!" and just as he was about to spin on his heels and begin another tirade, a strong pressure came over him and he keeled over, unconscious.


"Wow… this castle looks so much bigger now…" were the first thoughts to cross Alfeegi's mind as he regained consciousness. "In fact…" he made the mistake of looking down and nearly passed out as he took in the highly unlikely but still vaguely possible fact that his body now resembled a small grandfather clock about a foot tall.

Instead of being nice and quiet though, he screeched and went flying down the hall as fast as his stumpy legs could carry him. Which was not fast at all.

"My lord, MY LORD!"

He burst into the room that he had been headed to before he caught Rath, Rune, and Thatz doing something suspicious near the doorway, and was dumbfounded again as he took in another highly unlikely scene that made him think his brain had left him unannounced for a trip to the Bahamas.

Where Lord Lykouleon, Queen Raseleane, Ruwalk, Kaistern, Tetheus, Cernozura, Reema (she decided to drop in for tea), Crewger, Zoma, and Ringleys had been moments before were an old style beer mug, teapot, candlestick, coat rack, fork, wardrobe, feather duster, ottoman, and two teacups. Which, strangely enough, still somewhat resembled the people they had once been. It was quite a weird arrangement.

Tetheus spoke up at this point in his calm, composed manner. "My lord, I will find whoever put this spell on us and get it lifted right away." Lykouleon, with an expression of doubt that looked odd on his beer mug face, said in a most un-kingly way, "Dude, you're a fork."

Alfeegi nearly burst into frustrated tears at this point. "But, Lord Lykouleon, you're a BEER MUG! Out of all things, a beer-mug!" he broke down into tears in the corner. Lykouleon shrugged. "Actually, I really don't mind that much…it's better than being a fork."

Crewger thought it was most amusing to run around in circles chasing the fringe around the edging of the ottoman he had become, and Tetheus-the-fork, Reema-the-feather-duster, and Ringleys-and-Zoma-the-tea-cups had to frequently scurry out of the way to avoid being trampled and or run over (if those are two different things).

Through all of this, Lykouleon and Raseleane sat/stood (whatever they do) together, an unlikely pair-a beer mug and a teapot- before Ruwalk wondered out loud, "I wonder what happened to everyone else?" To their amusement, and Alfeegi's further horror, the visiting faerie lights ad become really cheerful and peppy napkins that insisted on dancing and talking in their shrill voices.

Then, to everyone's amusement, including Alfeegi who had to admit that this was awesomely funny, the dragon fighters, normally led by Tetheus, had been reduced to the content's of one's silverware drawer. Instead of the massively impressive army of the dragon lord, Tetheus now lead legions of the finest silver cutlery in the world. It was, in Tetheus' mind, quite embarrassing.

Unfortunately, Enchanter Kharl had not been so kind to poor Rath, Thatz, and Rune.

And darkness descended upon the castle.

-10 Years Later…and perhaps some odd months-

Come on! I really want to return this book!" Tintlett, one of three foster sisters, led her sibs over a bridge. She and her foster sisters Cesia and Kitchel, lived together in an old house on the edge of town, and were on their way into town on errands on this bright sunny morning.

"Little town- it's a quiet village," commented Cesia, who was following Tintlett.

"Every day's like the one before," scoffed Kitchel, who, being the adventurous and a bit reckless one would rather have been anywhere but here at this specific moment. Tintlett paused as she looked over the outstretched town in front of them, for the moment silent and deserted.

"Little town, full of little people…" she began walking down what constituted as main street out here in the farming area, "waking up to say…" Windows opened, and various townspeople greeted them.

Delte: Bonjour!

Pyore: Bonjour!

Gil: Bonjour!

Laamgarnas: Bonjour!

Bierrez: Bonjour! (A/n- I just got a mental image of Bierrez in a bonnet. o.O)

A man wheeling a cart of baked goods caught Kitchel's attention, and she followed it, stating, "There goes the baker with his tray like always!" but, upon finding that there were no new foods to try, added remorsefully, "the same old bread and rolls to sell...every morning just the same, since the morning that we came, to this poor provincial town…"

Tintlett, not really paying attention to the happenings around her while she was pondering the next book she would borrow, was surprised when the baker greeted her.

"Good morning miss!"

"Oh, good morning Sir!" she changed grips on the book she was holding as the baker inquired,

"Where are you off to?"

Tintlett brightened and explained happily, "The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story about a beanstalk…" she began to ramble, and Laamgarnas-the-baker smiled distantly and nodded vaguely,

"That's nice,"

"and an ogre…" Tintlett barreled on.

Laam sweat dropped. "Gil, the baguettes, hurry up!"

Cesia noticed Tintlett off in la-la-land and grabbed her by the wrist, towing her off downtown. Kitchel, her whole reason for coming along being so she could pick up gossip and…a few other things…stayed behind when she heard some people gossiping on the corner. Waiting discreetly nearby, she heard,

"Look there they go those girls are strange no question, dazed and distracted can't you tell?" Delte piped in at this part, "never part of any crowd," and Barl interjected on his way past, "Cause her head's up on some cloud," "No denying they are funny characters…" (A/n ok that was lame, but I couldn't think up anything else that fit the phrasing of the…phrase. Forgive me?)

Garfakcy was walking by and noticed Saabel. Being the nice little-human-who-is-not-a-child that he is, he greeted the demon. "Bonjour!"

Saabel looked up at this, responding "Good day!" and just for extra brownie points, Garfakcy added, "How is your family?" Saabel looked pleased at this question, as it showed the depth that Garfakcy cared (a/n-he's a shallow puddle Saabel!) and Garfakcy hurried off to find a bush behind which he could be violently sick.

Cesia missed this whole exchange as she looked at some fresh vegetables that were on sale, but she was privy to the next discussion.

"Bonjour," Silk (who is simply making a cameo appearance here, and will also appear later) greeted Kharl-the-alchemistic-enchanter-who-had-become-a-farmer-to-confuse-the-audience-and-because-the-authoress-said-so, and looked at some of the peaches he was selling.

Kharl, noting her uncanny resemblance to the faeries he was trying to capture for his dastardly deeds, replied with an expression akin to a leer that disturbed Silk somewhat, "Good day," and Silk left hurriedly with a scathing "How is your wife?", leaving Kharl wondering, "I didn't know I was married…maybe I forgot…or turned her into a demon to further my own purposes…I forget…Garfakcy!"

He wandered off in search of his little minion and left his stall abandoned, so Kitchel came by and had a snack- "hey, they're free!" Kitchel then almost tripped over a chicken that ran under her feet, yelling at it that it made her drop her peach, and nearly got flattened by Shyrendora, who was screeching,

"I need six eggs!" (Why, we may never know…) followed by Shydeman berating, "That's too expensive!"

At risk of her life, Kitchel decided to move out of the way of the demons-on-rampage, and decided to sit on the edge of the town fountain, muttering, "There must be more than this provincial life!"

Tintlett, at this point parting from Cesia, walked up to the bookshop door, reaching it as Shyrendora sped down the road behind her in hot pursuit of the chicken. The blonde was oblivious to her near-miss with the chicken hunter.

"Good morning Tintlett," an old man who resembled the faerie elder ran the bookshop, one of Tintlett's favorite places. "Good morning Sir, I've just come to return the book I borrowed," she handed the book back to him, already heading towards a nearby shelf. Really, she had a one track mind.

"Finished already!" Tintlett paused halfway up the ladder, from which she could read the title's of the books on the highest shelf. "I couldn't put it down!" she glanced at the shelf. "Did you get anything new?" the faerie elder- I mean, librarian, chuckled.

"Not since yesterday." Tintlett frowned and muttered as she contemplated the selection of books, "that's alright," before plucking one from the shelf, "I'll borrow this one!" She hopped down and showed it to the librarian.

"But you've read it twice!" he exclaimed, while Tintlett smiled. "Well, it's my favorite!" she twirled in place as she explained, "with far-off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, and a prince in disguise!"

The faerie elder smiled at her blatant enthusiasm. "Well, if you like it all that much, it's yours."

"But Sir!"

"I insist!" Tintlett curtsied, "thank you very much!" Tintlett hurried out to tell her sisters of her good fortune.

A bunch of men watched her exit the shop, near a bunch of village children including Fiji playing jump rope, while finishing off yet another drink.

Interestingly enough, they seemed to resemble the dragon fighters that Thatz continually gambled with in the series, but that's (ha-ha a really bad unintentional pun) neither here nor there.

"Look there she goes that girl is so peculiar," one pointed out Tintlett over Pyore's head, who had joined their conversation about the condition of the stock market (they were really drunk). Tintlett had just walked into a wall as she misjudged the distance between it and herself, which she couldn't see because she was already immersed in her new book.

Pyore scoffed at the blissful expression on the elf-girl's face, muttering, "With a dreamy far off look," "and her nose stuck in a book," another added, "What a puzzled to the rest of us is Tintlett…"

Again, literally running into the fountain, Tintlett held the book out to Kitchel's face, so close that all the little words looked like little bugs. "Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because-you'll see," she brought the book away from Kitchel's face so the other girl could breathe and flipped through the pages, on which she pointed something out to Cesia, who chose that moment to walk up behind her, "Here's where she meets prince charming, but she won't discover that it's him till chapter three!" Cesia smiled indulgently…until Tintlett looked away; there would be no getting any rational words from her blonde sister until the girl had finished her book.

Meanwhile, a vain Lim Kaana remarks, glaring at the blonde, "Now it's no wonder that her nick-name's beauty, her looks have got no parallel," Bierrez, peering over her shoulder to glance at himself in her mirror, with which she was primping herself, reminded her, "but behind their fair facades, I'm afraid they're rather odd," which signaled other's to open their shutters and tell the both of them, "they're nothing like the rest of us, yes, different from the rest of us!"

A shot rings out over their heads, and everyone quickly withdraws at risk of damage, and Shydeman runs into the square, scrambling in circles as he tries to catch a bird shot from the sky, which he sadly misses. Grabbing it from its landing spot next to him and shoving it in the game-bag he's bearing, he yells, "I got it Nadil!"

Enter the demon lord, tossing his hair over his shoulders, to the delight of the many fan girls- I mean, villagers-on scene. "Aww, you never miss a shot Nadil! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!"

This obvious brownnosing causes Bierrez to toss his cookies, but Nadil says, "I know." Shydeman takes this as a cue to continue. "No beast alive stands a chance against you-and no girl for that matter." Nadil preened at his reflection in the bottom of a pot hanging from the tin-man's wagon.

"It's true, Shydeman, and I've got my sights set on that one," he said pointing to Cesia. "Nohiro's adopted sister?" Shydeman squeaked, referencing the faerie obsessed boy that had taken the girl's in as his younger sibs years before. "She's the one, the lucky girl I am going to marry!" Nadil announced to the world at large, and Shydeman protested weakly, "But-but, she's-" "The most beautiful girl in town!" Nadil ran over Shydeman. "I know, but-" "that makes her the best, and-" Nadil bent in close to his minion, saying in a dangerous voice, "don't I deserve the best?"

Shydeman, completely psyched out, squealed, "Of course you do!" His voice cracked, to his embarrassment, but once again, the little crony was ignored as Nadil headed off to la-la land. "Right from the moment when I met her, saw her, I said she's gorgeous and I vowed…" Nadil, caught up in his imagination, grabbed Shydeman and gave him a BIG squeeze. "Here in town there's only she, who is beautiful as me," Nadil dropped Shydeman, who landed ungracefully on his rear and the brawny demon headed off towards Cesia and her sisters; "so I'm making plans to woo and marry Cesia."

Halfway across the square, he is seen by the three bimbos- I mean, silly girls, and together Shyrendora, Jilge, and Medicinea squealed,

"Look there he goes! Isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Nadil, OH HE'S SO CUTE! Be still, my heart, I'm hardly breathing, he's SUCH a tall, dark, strong and handsome BRUTE!"

They flock around him and proceed to try to tear him in three different directions, none of which he wanted to go in, and a bunch of other villagers swarm upon the square, making it exceedingly difficult for Nadil to cross anyway. A ruckus is made by all these crazy people, and we hear:


Nadil: Pardon

"Good day"

"Mais oui!"

"You call this bacon?""What lovely grapes!"

"Some cheese"

"Ten yards"

"One pound"

"'Scuse me!"

"I'll get the knife"
Nadil: sweatdrop Please let me through!"

"This bread""Those fish""It's stale!"

"They smell!""Madame's mistaken"

Kitchel, at the center, finally grows impatient as there's no more gossip occurring, just complaints about goods, and yells, "There must be more than this provincial life!"

Nadil shakes off the three bimbos-I mean, silly girls, and declares, "Just watch, I'm going to make Cesia my wife!"

In a queer sort of chorus, all of the people making cameos that have already been mentioned, and some who haven't (guess who snuck out of the dragon castle again? And guess who helped? And guess, if you please, who is absolutely going to smack them when he finds them?...only three guesses and it's not that hard folks) begin singing:

"Look there they go
Those girls are strange but special
Some most peculiar mad'moiselles!
It's a pity and a sin
None of them quite fit in
'Cause they really are funny girls
All beauties but all funny girls
They really are all funny girls,
That Cesia! And Kitchel! And Tintlett!

By the time that Tintlett realizes something odd and unnatural is going on, everyone is back to their daily routines, and when she asks Cesia and Kitchel about it, they sigh, exasperatedly, and drag her home.


the peppy napkins can be heard in the Broadway version of this story during the song Be Our Guest when Lumiere cries, "Napkins, si vous plait!"

A/n: so, you like? Tell me how it is. And currently I'm really paranoid cause I went to this website that showcases REALLY REALLY bad fanfiction, and read some of the ones there….shudders good lord… so I really hope this isn't like any of those stories, because then even I will feel bad for you.

I feel like I'm forgetting something…


Review please!

