Well, I'm finally back with a new story. I wasn't going to put it in yet, but I couldn't wait any longer. Thanks to the wonderful Holly4 for looking over this one. I'm such a huge fan of her work, so it means a lot that she would take the time to do that. I'm a bit nervous about this one, so I really hope you guys like it. Any comments would really be appreciated!

Chapter 1

Buffy Summers sat in her classroom on a very uneventful Friday afternoon. She was lost in her thoughts yet again. She knew that something was missing in her life, but she didn't know what that was. She just wished that something exciting could happen for once.

A small voice broke her out of her reverie.

"Miss Buffy, I'm all done."

She looked down at the child that held out a small drawing. Buffy smiled and accepted the offering. "This is a very nice picture of your family, Sarah. Can you tell me who everyone is?"

The little girl nodded and started pointing out the people in her drawing. "That's my mommy and daddy. That's my brother; he's a big doodie head."

Buffy laughed at her description of her brother.

Sarah then ran back to her desk when she was done.

Buffy smiled and watched her go. She was a kindergarten teacher at the young age of twenty-four and knew that she couldn't imagine doing anything else. She loved kids and hoped to have some of her own one day. Until that happened, she was just happy to be with children. She'd given them an assignment of drawing a picture of their families.

The children were all very creative in their own special way. They always loved to draw and make pictures for her. Their other favorite time was story hour. They would sit together on the floor and listen intently as Buffy told them a fairy-tale. They always got into it.

The day was over an hour later and the parents started to arrive to pick up their kids.

Buffy smiled when she saw a familiar man enter the room. "Hey, Angel. I see you finally showed up."

He smiled at her and held the hand of a small boy. "Well, I couldn't have Cordy come all the time. How was he today?"

"Connor was great, just like always."

Angel smiled again and picked up his son. "How about I take you to get some ice cream?"

The little boy's face lit up at that. "Yay!" he exclaimed.

Angel laughed. "Just don't tell your mother."

Connor nodded and rested his head on his father's shoulder.

Angel turned back to Buffy. "You're really doing a great job here. Connor is always talking about you. He's usually so shy, but he loves coming to your class. I just hope he still feels this way when he gets to high school."

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a piece of cake."

Angel wasn't convinced, but decided to change the subject. "How about you come over for dinner on Sunday? Cordelia would love to see you and I'm sure Connor would, too."

Buffy thought about it. She has known Cordelia and Angel since Connor started coming to the school and she became instant friends with the couple. She practically fell in love with Connor at first sight. She was surprised that a child so young could be so well-behaved. She supposed it was because he had great parents. "I wouldn't want to impose."

Angel shook his head. "It's no imposition; we would love to have you. Cordy's brother just got in yesterday; he'll be staying with us for a bit. I'm sure she would love to have another woman around."

"I'm not sure, Angel. I might have plans," she replied.

"That's fine; just give us a call if you change your mind."

Buffy nodded and watched as Angel left with Connor. She stayed behind for a bit to talk to a few of the other parents that wanted to know how their kids were doing. She turned back to her desk once everyone was gone to grab her belongings, then headed out of the school.

Buffy walked into her house and hung up her coat. She put her bag down and made her way into the kitchen. She rolled her eyes when she saw the note on the counter and picked it up. She read it over and then threw it away. He must have come home during lunch to leave that note, saying that he would be working late again.

"What else is new?" she asked herself, deciding to fix something to eat. Buffy made a sandwich and then headed back to the living room. She flopped on the couch and turned the television on. She munched on the sandwich and channel surfed for about a half an hour. She lay down and got more comfortable, soon falling into a deep sleep.

Buffy woke up to the sound of the front door slamming. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at the person that was now standing there.

"How long have you been home?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe a few hours. I must have fallen asleep."

He rolled his eyes and headed into the kitchen, coming back out a few seconds later. "I see you haven't even made any dinner. I work hard all day, Buffy. The least you could have done was make something before taking a nap."

Buffy nodded and stood up. "I'm sorry, Lindsey. I'll make something now."

He shook his head and bounded up the stairs. "Never mind. I'm not that hungry, anyway. I'm going to take a shower."

Buffy cringed when she heard the bathroom door slam shut. He never knew how to close a door gently. She went into the kitchen and decided to make him a sandwich anyway. He would probably be hungry later.

Buffy woke up alone the next morning and put her robe on as she headed downstairs. She found Lindsey in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee.

He looked up at her. "What are you doing today?"

Buffy turned away and started to make some toast. "I'm meeting my dad, like I do every Saturday."

"Don't give me an attitude, Buffy. I was just asking a question."

Buffy shut her eyes at the harshness of his voice. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

He seemed to be satisfied at that and turned back to the paper he was reading. When he was finished, he stood up and placed the empty cup in the sink for her to wash. "I'll be working late again tonight. I expect to have dinner ready when I get home."

Buffy nodded and watched him walk away. She finished her toast, then went upstairs to change.

Buffy met her father at the park, which was something of a tradition.

He smiled and gave her a hug. "How've you been, princess?"

Buffy grinned at the affectionate name. "I'm good, Daddy. It's great to see you. I'm beginning to think once a week isn't enough."

Hank nodded and pulled away. "How is that man treating you? Do I need to give him the belt?"

Buffy laughed. "I don't think we need to result to violence. Lindsey's great; things couldn't be better."

Hank could tell that Buffy wasn't being honest, but he didn't say anything about it. "Let's go for a walk, honey. I think we have a lot to talk about."

Buffy nodded and they both turned toward town.

They found themselves at the Espresso Pump a half an hour later. They were sitting down and enjoying two cups of cappuccino.

"Your mother is thinking about selling the gallery."

Buffy was surprised at her father's words. "Why would she do that? The gallery has been in the family for decades. She loves that place."

Hank nodded. "It's hard for both of us, but she feels that it's the right choice. It hasn't been doing so well lately. We haven't gotten any new art and without the merchandise, we're not making much money."

Buffy couldn't believe it, but she didn't know what else to say. She knew that she had to do something to help. She looked at her watch and sighed as she gazed back at her father. "I have to get going. I have things to do around the house before Lindsey gets home."

Hank nodded and watched as his only child stood up. He saw the sadness in her eyes and knew that she wasn't happy, no matter what she told anyone.

"It was great seeing you again, Dad. Give my love to Mom, I'll try to visit as soon as I can," she said and gave him a hug.

He hugged her in return and let her go after a few seconds.

Buffy flashed him another smile, then turned and left the Espresso Pump. She wasn't really paying attention as she pushed the door open and walked right into the person that was about to enter, causing the still hot cappuccino that she was holding to spill all over him.

"Ow, bloody hell! Watch where you're going!" he yelled.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

The man rolled his eyes, without looking at her and tried to wipe the coffee off of him.

She then grabbed some napkins and decided to help him. Buffy was wiping his shirt the best way she could, while she continued to apologize. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

"Yeah, that's pretty obvious." He seized the napkins out of her hands and wiped his pants. He then tossed them into the nearby garbage can when he was finished. "Look, next time just watch what you're doing," he said and finally looked up at her. He quickly lost his train of thought at the beautiful woman that was standing in front of him, forgetting all about the spilled coffee.

Buffy figured that he was still mad at her and kept with the apologies. "I'm really sorry," she said and tried not to cry. She could be a bit clumsy sometimes.

He gave her a smile to make her feel better. "Hey, don't worry about it. It was just an accident. My name's, Spike." He held out his hand.

Buffy sighed in relief that he didn't seem to be mad anymore and shook his hand. "Buffy, it's nice to meet you."

Spike nodded and let her hand go.

They just stood there in silence after that.

Buffy decided to speak up first. "Well, I should go. I'm really sorry again."

Spike waved his hand in the air. "Stop apologizing, it's nothing. Maybe I'll see you around?"

Buffy only nodded and then walked away, without saying anything else to him.

Spike watched her go and knew that he would definitely be seeing her again.