Chapter 9: Saving the best for last

Ryan was still sleeping and Karen had only been up for about 15 minutes when the phone rang. It was the Tuesday after his operation and his test results were due back any day. Ryan was especially anxious to get them, since Horatio wouldn't let him work until the results were in.

''Hello, no I'm sorry he's still sleeping can I take a message? Oh Doctor Medby, it's Karen Wolfe, Ryan's sister. I'm good and yourself? Oh okay, okay…alright…okay. Yes, I'll be sure to tell him as soon as he gets up. Thank you. Goodbye''

At that moment Ryan walked out of his room, woken up by the phone. He made his way to the bathroom giving Karen a little wave. She could tell he was most likely still half-asleep.

''Who was that? '' He asked with a yawn as he entered the bathroom and shut the door.

''That was Dr.Medby, your results are in''

The bathroom door swung open and Ryan came out fast, fully awake now.

''Did she give them to you?''



''Ryan, I think you should sit down''

''What? Is it bad?''

''You should sit down''

Ryan sat down, on the couch, his face showing how worried and stressed he was. Karen sat on the table in front of the couch.

''Ryan, Dr.Medby gave me your results. In short what she said was…''

Ryan leaned forward, anxious to hear.

She smiled ''that your eye is all cleared up and you have nothing more to worry about''

Ryan's eyes widened ''you serious?''

''Yes, the infection's gone, your eye's fine''

''Yes!!!'' Ryan jumped off the couch and hugged Karen ''Yes, Yes!!''

''I told you everything would be alright, I told you'' Karen said hugging him back

''Thank you, Thank you so much Pup, for everything''

''It's no problem, Howl. No problem at all. What are little sisters for''

The next week went by quickly. Ryan decided to take the week off to spend time with Karen and Horatio gave it to him without a second thought. Occasionally he would have to go and help out at the lab, but Karen would tag along and watch with interest as he worked and they would talk about anything in particular. They saw everything Miami had to offer and had gotten real close. Now the week was over and Karen was heading back to L.A. The whole team had come to the airport to say goodbye.

''You going to wait to see my plane take off?'' Karen asked Ryan

''Of course, I gotta make sure you're really gone'' Ryan laughed

''You're hilarious'' Karen rolled her eyes and smiled

She turned her eyes to the rest of the team ''It was nice meeting you Alexx, Calleigh, Eric''

''We're very glad to have met you sweetie'' Alexx said

''Don't be a stranger'' Calleigh added

''Have a nice flight'' Eric finished

''Lieutenant'' He turned to Horatio

''I told you it's Horatio to you Miss Wolfe''

''And I've told you it's Karen to you''

''It's nothing personal. It's rare that he calls Ryan by his name too'' Eric pointed out

''Horatio, I want to thank you again. If it wasn't for you, I never would have come and Ryan and I wouldn't have become close like a real brother and sister''

''I'm sure you both would've found a way''

''Thank you'' She shook his hand. She also shook Calleigh's, Alexx's and Eric's.

''And I need to thank you pup'' Ryan started ''you were there with me through all this, getting me through this tough time and I appreciate it so much''

''You're welcome Howl. I know that you would do the same thing for me''

''Bye'' He hugged his sister

''Bye'' She hugged him back

She grabbed her bags and headed through the doors.

''Don't be a stranger, Come visit me in L.A''

''I'll keep that in mind. The same goes to you, don't be afraid to visit''

''I won't. Bye Howl. Bye everyone''

''Bye Karen''

''Bye Pup''

The others left, but Horatio and Ryan stayed behind and watched as Karen's plane took off.

''I need to thank you too, Horatio'' Ryan said ''you brought us together''

''Mr. Wolfe, I was the first step, you two walked the path''