Sails is my favorite couple, so I decided to write about, don't like it? Just deal with it or don't read it. Flaming is a waste of time. This is a VERY short chapter, since I had little time to write.


Tails- 18

Sonic- 23


I wandered the streets of Station Square, on a desperate hunt for him... my one and only. He may not have thought of us in that way, but I knew I did. Everything about him charmed me, from his soft emerald eyes which sparkled in the sunlight, to his friendly grin. No... I must stop thinking like that. He will never like me that way.

Why didn't I tell him how I felt? I was afraid, that was why. Ever since adolescence, I had been accused of homosexuality. I feared what people would say, I feared their reactions. They were perfectly capable of hurting me, or worse, my Sonnikku. I couldn't risk that.

Sonic was a ladies man. Every time we went anywhere, he flashed his pearly white smile at some girl, who would then smile back and giggle, a small reddish blush upon her cheeks. Me, I couldn't tell people how I really felt about Sonic, and my desperate love for him kept me from loving anybody else.

I was destined for the life of solitude, because my true love did not know he was my true love. I could see my own future. I would be an old miserable man, an empty house with only the harsh sounds of the wind beating the roof to accompany me. I would die alone, and nobody would know of my obscure love.

My own future already hurt. I couldn't take it, I had to find Sonic as soon as I could... but why? I didn't even know, just being around him comforted me. He always knew how to cheer me up, but how he could have cheered me up when he was the problem, I had no idea.

I told you it was short. Sorry. The next update might not happen for a bit, but stay tuned, kay?