Months later…

I shifted my pack to fit more comfortably on my back. The war was over, thank Spirits, and I was needed to heal the injuries the war had left in its wake. I traveled from hospital to hospital, healing some of the soldiers. This time, I was going to an all-Nations outpost hospital.

Suddenly, I fell in hole. "Oh great," I muttered. "And my flask is empty." (I had kept true to my word; I never left without my flask. Now I just needed to remember to fill it.) "And Momo isn't here to get help."

I vaguely remembered how, back on the island, I had been in a predicament similar to this one and Momo had brought Prince Zuko as help. Correction, Fire Lord Zuko. After Aang defeated Ozai, and after we had long since left, Zuko had reclaimed his rightful throne. And ordered his sister to be thrown in jail. Rumors were circulating that Zuko was having very little trouble keeping the peace in the Fire Nation.

A shadow fell across me. "Clumsy Water Peasant," a deep voice said behind me. The voice was slightly deeper than I remembered it, but it was the same.

"Would you mind lending me a hand," I said, not turning around. Two hands wrapped around my waist and helped me out. "Thank you," I said offhandedly.

"Is that anyway to speak to the Fire Lord?" Zuko said, his mouth close to my ear.

"Fire Lord? I thought I was talking to a spoiled, driven prince," I replied innocently. I attempted to walk, but found my ankle was, yes, sprained. "Great. Talk about déjà vu," I muttered.

"Need some help?" Zuko asked. Before I could answer, he had picked me up. I laughed.

"Different title, same mannerisms," I said, looking at Zuko. "Don't you ever change?" Zuko shook his head.

"No." I smiled.

"Good," I whispered, reaching up and caressing his scarred face. "Then you wouldn't be the same man I had fallen in love with." I paused. "You know, you never did catch up to us."

"You try keeping pace with flying bison on foot," Zuko replied, walking towards the outpost I had been going to with me in his arms. "It's almost impossible. And what about Omashu?"

"You got lucky is all that happened," I quipped. "If there hadn't been a storm you would never had found us. And didn't we get away before you came within a mile of us?"

"That was your brother's idea, wasn't it?" Zuko asked. I blushed.

"Sokka didn't take what happened between us on the island too well," I admitted. "He nearly killed me. Aang wasn't too happy either at first. But when we went to the Eastern Air Temple, he met Deia, so he forgave me. Sokka is still sore."

"He'll get over it," Zuko said. I spotted a small creek.

"Hold on. Set me down near the creek. There's enough water to heal my ankle and fill up my flask. I'm on my way to the Genghis Outpost," I said as Zuko did as I asked. "Why are you here?"

"I'm returning from an audience with the king of Ba Sing Se. My men, my uncle among them, and I stopped at Genghis to restock and rest," he said. I had a feeling he wasn't telling the whole truth.

"And why were you out at the same time I was, and at the same location?" I asked. Zuko shifted uncomfortably. "Zuko?" I looked at him. "Were you out looking for me and then following me?"

"They told they had asked you to come and be the healer for awhile. I told the men I was going to get some exercise," Zuko admitted. I laughed and bended some water at him.

"You sneaky little Firebender," I laughed. "It's amazing I lasted two weeks with you back on that island. By the way, what happened to your uncle on that island?"

"He washed ashore soon after we became stuck in that garden," he said. I nodded. Zuko came over to me. "About that time in the garden. I still love you," he whispered in my ear. "And you?" I looked at him and threw my arms around him.

"You tell me," I quipped. We kissed.

One year to the day the war ended

I had just celebrated my sixteenth birthday. Instead of celebrating on my birthday, we decided to hold in conjunction with the anniversary of the end of the war.

The party was to go on all week, ending in a huge fireworks display on Sunday. Monday was to be the start, as well as when I would officially celebrate my coming of age; I couldn't wait.

"C'mon Katara! You're going to be late!" Deia, Aang's to-be fiancée (both were too young to get married still), called. I looked out the window.

"It's not like the celebration will start without me," I chuckled. "I'm the guest of honor tonight."

"But if we don't hurry, Sokka will eat all the food!" I smiled.

"Not even Sokka could do that. The cooks know he's coming and have been cooking since the Summer Solstice. There is too much food for one person to eat."

"Even Sokka?" I nodded. "Still, hurry!"

"I'm ready," I said. I had done my hair up in a bun for a change and had on a new dress. "Ready?" Deia looked at me. She had been born ready. We set off for the party.

As soon as I appeared, the crowds of people got started. "You kept us waiting, Katara," Aang said. He took Deia's hand.

"I told her to hurry up," Deia said. "She had to put her hair in that annoying bun."

"I think she looks beautiful," a voice behind us said. I looked at Aang and Deia and turned to Zuko. He beckoned me to follow him.

Zuko led me to a secluded part of the woods surrounding the area set up for the celebration. "You're sixteen now, right?"

I nodded.

"That's your coming of age, correct?"

I nodded again. "Why?"

Zuko took my hands. "You know that the end of this week will be marked by fireworks. Those fireworks, I hope, will also mark our wedding."

"Are you asking me to marry you?" I asked in a whisper. "If you are, the answer is…"

Zuko seemed to hold his breath. (He had been asking me to marry him. Typical guy. They never say what they want right out for you to hear. They always have to mix it up with other words.) I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Yes." Zuko's face broke out into a smile and he pulled me into a kiss.

Deia was helping me get my hair up into the right style of bun. "Why do you Waterbenders have to be so picky about your hair?" she complained.

"Because we are," I retorted. "Try not to poke me with those pins, please." She finished and tied my dress up.

"Let's go."

I was being twirled by boys my age and older, each one asking me to dance once more. I'd smile and say no, then dance with the next in line.

Finally, I reached the end of the line. I curtsied, and was instantly swept up in a fast waltz. Though it was blurry, I knew who my partner was.

When the dance finally ended, my partner tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss. When we broke it, he whispered, "I love you, Katara." He kissed me again.

I smiled and at my husband. I didn't need to say anything. Zuko understood. At his nod, the fireworks went up in the night sky. The shape of the first one was that of an island.

Tell me truthfully; is the last chapter what you expected? Well, that's the end of IAG. Thanks so much to those who r&r-ed.