NOTE: I don't own this stuff, just story concept.


When Sara made it home she was thoroughly exhausted. She had planned on taking a shower and turning in quickly with the expectation she'd be physically prepared for her special assignment that morning. Compliments of Conrad Ecklie, Sara was to accompany Grissom to Cielo County where together they would conduct a homicide investigation on behalf of the Cielo County local authorities. It was a 4 hour drive, Sara recalled Grissom saying, leaving her to have little doubt about who would be riding shotgun.

While removing her jacket, Sara navigated her way to the bedroom when she noticed shards of glass scattered across her dresser from a broken frame that housed a photograph. Like a knee jerk response, Sara un-holstered her side arm and visually scanned the room for additional irregularities before returning her attention on the broken picture frame. At half speed, she retrieved it, assessing the damage when, suddenly, she encountered a vivid recollection of the moment depicted in the photo.

It was a cold day in San Francisco, circa 1999. The downtown convention center was buzzing with forensic specialist from all over the United States eagerly awaiting Gil Grissom, who had been invited as a guest speaker to discuss entomology and its link to forensics. As the event was getting underway, Sara was unavoidably late and, as a result, the auditorium (she discovered) was standing room only. After several unsuccessful attempts to peer over the shoulders of the many guests stationed at the front entrance, Sara deftly burrowed her way past the wall of people until she happened upon a pocket, amongst a cluster of onlookers, where she could view Grissom unobstructed.

After his seminar, Sara also recollected two young women rushing the podium where Grissom stood, each attempting to vie for his attention. Before Sara could descend on the small party she had to push her way through the crowd of stragglers that remained. But after having made it through, Sara approached Grissom, extended her hand and introduced herself.

Ever since having read of the legendary Gil Grissom, Sara was intrigued. That was two months ago; and within that time, Grissom had become Sara's preoccupation which, at present, prompted her to take an increased devotion in circumventing the vacuous blonds from monopolizing the conversation further.

Sara interjected, frequently asking questions pertaining to topics he'd discussed earlier. She had even gone as far as to broach the subject of a book in which Grissom coauthored, spouting terms and citing excerpts. Grissom was awed by the sheer beauty of Sara's mind, unlike her counterparts, whose attention span might have been compared to that of a gnat. The longer Grissom and Sara conversed, the more disinterested the females became until finally, they parted, leaving Grissom and Sara to themselves.

Two hours passed before Sara asked Grissom out for coffee. But prior to, she insisted on him taking in the sights and sound of San Francisco had to offer. With nothing else planned, Grissom was more than delighted to accompany her.

They walked aimlessly for hours when Sara suggested they head down to pier 39 for some coffee. It was a fifteen minute walk, but they made it in 10, as the cold chill from the winter night air inspired them to walk briskly. After arriving at their destination, Sara spied a photo booth and coaxed a reluctant Grissom into taking his picture with her. She led him into the semi-enclosure, sat him down and followed suit by sitting upon his lap while managing, with great dexterity, to insert two quarters into the coin slot. Seconds later, an alarm sounded and the device began emitting flashes of light in succession prompting Sara to instantly pose. Her movements were deliberate and exaggerated that Grissom was unable to suppress his laughter. After a few minutes, Grissom became highly sensitive to Sara's body motion causing him to suddenly suspend his laughter. He was content on simply watching her; in all her animation; in all her beauty. He was captivated by her incessant laughter…when Sara suddenly turned to face him.

Grissom's chest was rising and falling rapidly and, with Sara's particular attention to detail, she observed his face bore the look of a man yearning with desire. As she shifted her body to better look at him, she could feel him against her. Instantaneously, the playful look once dawned on her face disappeared. Sara raised her hand and stroked the length of Grissom's face, smoothing out the lines that bordered his eye. She lowered her head to his and gingerly kissed him on the lips, unleashing from within him the passion that enveloped him most of that night. Passionately, they kissed each other for a long time – neither sated by the feel and taste of one another. The flashes continued, capturing each frame of emotion when Sara rested her head along side of his. They tightly clung to each other, neither wanting the moment to end. It was then, one last flash illuminated the booth…it was a night Sara would never forget.

The memory washed over her in an instant. Sara unfastened her mobile phone from her belt clip and contacted dispatch for backup. Once the call was completed, she drew upon her training received in the use of firearms and headed off to check the remaining rooms for disturbances. It took Sara less than 4 minutes before she cleared every room with the exception of the kitchen. She moved about the floor methodically when she spotted a window that had been breached. Sara lowered her glock and sighed.

"Realized there was nothing of value and moved on", Sara chided in the absence of the apparent burglar.

Sara holstered her weapon and immediately notified dispatch to have them discard her initial call. She didn't want to be bothered by a crew of investigators canvassing her home, especially on the eve she and Grissom were scheduled to leave town.

Sara carefully moved around the broken glass that littered the floor debating whether or not to print the window in light of the fact nothing was stolen. Sara sighed a second time and was about to turn around when she was struck hard from behind.

In utter pain, Sara crashed to the floor barely conscious. Although her vision was blurred she could make out one lone figure standing over her. She rolled her head to one side and then back again, hopeful her vision would clear, when she encountered another blow to the head. Sara's eyes fluttered momentarily, until the blur faded to black.