Chapter Thirteen

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Katani gasped as gold blood ran down Ty's leg. Could it be another like her stood before her? Pushing aside her ties was her only option. If she didn't attack he would kill her and her friends. That was not an option. The boys were watching her fight with different emotions. Yusuke looked ticked while Hiei seemed to be enjoying it. Maybe he wanted to see the extent of her abilities. Well you're going to get your wish, Hiei. Her sword snapped around her neck. It would be of no use to her now. The burns on her hand made it impossible to wield anything.

"Lokalo demiair wratha!" Blades of air whirled around Ty. Katani grinned at her success. The wind spell was the only one she knew but it always seemed to be her Trump Card. Cuts broke out all over Ty's body and gold blood splattered everywhere. She saw the boy's mouths yell something at her. Yusuke was jerking his head the side and mouthing something at Katani.

"Jump!" she finally understood. Her wings launched her high in the air. Below, another Ty held a sword right where she had been standing. Two Ty's walked below her. Somehow the first had survived her attack. The twins grinned and repeated Katani's words. A large sphere encased her and blades of air sliced through. A scream filled the air as if from a thousand throats. Kuwabara was pulling against the ropes with all his strength. He knew if he just got free enough to summon his Rei Sword then he could break the barrier. But the ropes were so tight that they would not even grant him that freedom.

The air finally relented and Katani flew from the sphere. Everything seemed to spin as she fell to the hard ground. If that's how strong my attack is then I'm impressed. One of the Ty's grabbed her long hair by the roots and pulled her up.

"Sad really, how weak you are. I expected more of a fight from the Hawk's bastard kin. Though, orders were to kill you should you prove this weak."

"Same thing happened to dear Tithe," The second said. "Isn't that right, brother?"

"Why yes brother. You speak only the truth." Their bitter laughs tore at Katani.

This was her chance. Their guard was down. "Gomnos firle!" The words came from somewhere deep inside her and she put all her power into them. Her beautiful golden wings melted and molded till you could not tell where the feathers began. The tips of the wings sparkled. They were as sharp as any sword. Taking a quick scan at the two she picked her victim. Spinning like an ice dancer her wings sliced through the air. The head of the first Ty rolled over the grass. His grip on Katani's hair slackened and she pulled herself free. She saw Yusuke wink at her and Kuwabara yell happily from the corner of her eye.

"Brother!" The true Ty yelled. It was this one who possessed her friend. The first one had a freckle under his chin and Ty had no freckles.

Katani's sword met the second Ty's throat. In her language she shouted, "How are you of golden blood? Tell me, scum! Otherwise your head will be in the same place as his."

Surprisingly, the second Ty laughed. Speaking in the same fluid tones as her he replied, "You truly are a piece of work. Looks like I can use full force against you after all. Beat me, and then I'll tell you how we are kin!" He launched himself in the air and hit the ground heavily. With words of earth and strength he created a mini quake in the Rising Crest fields. Waves of earth rolled underfoot. Katani jumped into the air as the quakes rolled. Her wings were feathers and muscle once more.

"Lokalo demiair wratha!" Both tried to cast the spell at the same time. Spheres of air met in center and fought for supremacy. Neither had the upper ground and the combined force created an explosion. The vacuums of air pulled both combatants to the center. Ty created a sword from a nail like pendant in the form of an ear ring. With the transformed weapon he did his best to try and hack Katani's wings off. Using the evasive moves she had learned with Kurama she dodged the blow with ease. His clumsy hacks were nothing compared to the serpent like movements of his rose whip. The demon Ty struck again and again but Katani continued to evade him.

"You are nothing compared to Kurama! He is much faster on his weakest day!" She taunted him. Anger always causes a fighter to lose focus. She knew that first hand. "Be ashamed that a red blooded human possesses more strength then you!"

It worked. Ty's blows increased in speed up not in aim. Katani swung her fists as Yusuke had taught her and thrust downward on the weakest part of the shoulder. The bone should have broken or at least been bruised but the golden blood inside Ty had fortified him.

Full of anger the gold Ty no longer cared if his orders were to capture her. With fury for the loss of his brother and anger at her stupidity of her own race he made fists like stone and punched hard at her chest. The force from the blow sent Katani flying. Her wings collided with a tree and she screamed in pain. One was broken, the other severely damaged. If she did not pull them back she might never be able to heal them. Only one of the wings could be recalled for if the broken was pulled in the bone would set that way. Her body was now off balance but she would risk it if one of her wings had a chance. The gold blooded Ty thrust his sword into the ground. Gold coils rose from the soil and tried to ensnare Katani.

"Run, run little girl! Those are drawn to your golden blood. They will never stop chasing you!" Ty taunted. The words seemed even more threatening in her language.

Katani refused to give in and slid under the legs of the demon Ty. He shrieked when he realized the coils sought him now. The ropes wrapped around him and Katani thought she had won. Just as she was about to call to Ty to break free the golden Ty snapped the coils. His strength caught her off guard and Ty threw a rock at her. It glanced her skull but the force sent her reeling. She was on her back some fifteen meters from the demon Ty.

"You are finished." He laughed. Katani couldn't tell whose voice it was anymore. With her last bit of strength she managed to summon her blade. Merely touching it seemed to set her hands on fire. The burns were deep and painful. Slowly she struggled to her feet. Her legs trembled unsteadily beneath her and it took all her will power to get into attack formation. She called on Tithe's memory to give her strength and charged. The broken wing she folded best she could to increase her speed. Thrusting her sword down she fainted a blow before flipping over his shoulders and coming to land behind him. For a moment she hesitated thrusting her sword into Ty. That moment was all he needed. The golden Ty turned and sent her falling to the ground. The broken wing twitched in pain and she weakly lifted a hand.

"Lokalo domiar wrath…" she could not summon the strength to complete the chant. Her vision swam from her friends to Ty to Tithe somewhere in the corners of her mind. She had failed him. Maybe her brother could find peace if she died as well. They would be together after all. The boys could fight in her stead. Kurama knew where the island was and they would have no trouble getting there. Hiei could look after Feer for her. In front of her she could see the golden Ty form a large, black sphere in his right hand. Dreading the worst she closed her eyes. The sphere was thrown at her but it never made contact.

Someone with long silver hair and dazzling gold eyes towered over her. Katani's eyes snapped open. Yoko looked straight at her and she felt hope once again. Black waves burst all over his back but none reached Katani. He was taking the blow for her.

"Kurama!" she cried. It didn't matter if he was Yoko or Kurama. They were one. She saw his eyes and they held the same look and gentle compassion that Kurama had. He was forced closer to her as his strength faded. His arms held him up as his long nails dug into the earth. His hands were on each side of her shoulders. She saw the look of pain on his face. Had he not taken the blow, she'd be dead.

With weak words she whispered thanks. His nod acknowledged them. It couldn't be denied anymore. He loved her.

From across the field the demon Ty cursed in the common tongue. "Impossible! My chains hold down anyone who lacks gold blood! How do you surpass it?"

The black attack finally ceased and Kurama collapsed on top of her. Katani sat up and gently laid him on the grass. Not only had he blocked the attack, he had summoned his strength and gave it to her. Her cuts and scrapes healed and fatigue was washed away. Anger rushed through her now. This anger focused her acuity and strength. This anger was the anger that comes only when someone you care about is hurt.

"I gave him some of my blood. My blood runs through his veins. The event took place a while ago, which is most likely why he couldn't break free sooner. You have no right to be here! That's my friend, my Ty. I love him, so be gone. Break free Ty. Return to me." Pure instinct forced her to drive her whetted blade into Ty's heart. The demon's scream melted with Ty's as he fell to the ground. A dark shadow rose from his body and dissipated in the air. The coils around her friends broke and everything was as it was.

After feeling a pulse from Ty she ran to Yoko. Yusuke and the others were already gathered around him.

Yusuke shook his shoulders. "Come on man, wake up." He said.

"That aura wave was strong. But Kurama is stronger, he'll be fine." Hiei stated as if it were obvious.

"Wow I can't believe he did that." Kuwabara said.

Yusuke looked from him to Katani. "I can."

Katani whistled and Feer landed swiftly before her. Hannah was shaking furiously. She saw the blade in Katani's hand and the fallen Ty. Her words stammered as Katani stepped beside her. She whispered words of peace and erased her memories.

"Do you have to do that every time?" Yusuke asked. "She was cute."

"You're right, what was I thinking? Here." She handed Hannah to Yusuke. "You look after her. I'm sure someone should explain why she ended up in the middle of this field. Who better then you?"

Yusuke grimaced. "I'm not a babysitter."

"Please, Yusuke," Katani gave him a look of pleading. Her eyes sparkled as she bat her eye lashes.

Yusuke groaned. "Fine! Just stop with that look!" Yusuke and Kuwabara would take Feer, now wingless, with the other horses and were making sure Hannah didn't remember anything. In a few minutes they would be able to drop them off at Rising Crest.

Katani ignored them and went by Yoko. Hiei joined her. "You could have gotten yourself killed, woman. What were you thinking?"

"Thanks for worrying about me. Besides you guys were too weak to break the barrier. I had to do something. Are you sure he'll be okay?" She moved a strand of hair from his face.

Hiei sighed. "Yes, that stupid fox jumped to your rescue but he should be all right. I can see there's no stopping you two."

"Stopping us from what?"

"Still going with that? Well fine. You're more stubborn then that stupid human. Your mate is waking up." His head jerked over to Ty.

"He's not my mate!" She punched him on the shoulder. Expecting him to be furious she jerked back. But instead of scowling at her he was smiling. It was a weird smile. Only the farthest corners of his mouth turned up but it was something.

"Fine, just go."

Katani nodded and ran to Ty. He was just beginning to come out of it. The wound in his chest was already gone, as if it had never been. But from the small cuts on his arms gold blood still dripped. Fear rose in her chest. Had the change been permanent?

"Kitty? What happened? I feel as if I've been un over by a herd of horses and thrown into the white water rapids."

Katani could see there was no going back so instead of making up some stupid lie she told him everything from start to present in the most condensed way she could. What could she saw to explain that his blood had changed from red to gold?

It was almost funny to see his face go through a dozen different emotions. Anger, joy, relief, worry, fear, hesitance, rage, and confusion ran like marathoners across his face.

"You're kidding me."

"I wish I was. This group of weirdoes is my friends. We're going to find the people who killed my brother. I'm sorry you got involved."

Ty stood and she stood with him. He put a bloody hand around her waist. "I could hear what you said while I was possessed, Kitty. You brought me back. Thanks. I love you too."

Katani couldn't find any words. She had meant a friendship love but it was obvious he took it to mean more. Oh no. An uncomfortable laugh broke her lips before she saw Kurama stir. Both of them ran to him, Katani to make sure he was okay and Ty to keep an eye on Katani. As they reached Yoko's side Yusuke and Kuwabara came back on Feer.

Yoko sat up and saw Katani running towards him. A smile broke his lips. She was all right. When he saw the boy running behind her his smile vanished. He should have killed him when he had the chance. But that would have upset Katani.

The sky overhead darkened. Night was closing in. The battle had raged on for hours though it felt like mere minutes. The demon's spell over them all had taken a toll. The moon was a mere sliver now and cast a dull light out to all the lost souls. Here in the countryside all the stars were visible. The night was truly beautiful. A gentle breeze caressed each of the fighters with her long fingers. If only things could have ended with that battle. If only each one went home and found peace. However the dead have no rest and Tithe stirred Katani's soul for revenge. She felt his presence with her on that field. He was all the motivation she needed to continue.

"Kurama," she fell to her knees beside him. She could call him Kurama because she knew the two were one. Only time had changed his appearance. Yusuke winked at Kuwabara and Hiei as Feer came to a stop.

"Well we should be heading back… Katani, can Kuwabara and I borrow Feer? We'll send him back for you and Kurama." Yusuke said.

"Yeah, sure."

The two boys on horseback flew off. Hiei became a black blur and vanished among the trees after giving Yoko and Katani a nod.

Ty stood a few feet behind her and watched every move.

"Oh, Kurama!" she threw her arms around him. He was shocked by her boldness but gently returned her embrace. Lightly she hugged him for he was still in great pain. "You saved me. Why did you do that? You could have been killed you stupid fox. And I say that in the nicest possible way."

He chuckled softly. "Because. I care a great deal for you, Katani." Yoko Kurama stood and placed his arms on her shoulder. Leaning over he whispered in her ear, "That's why."

She blushed at his response. Ty had seen enough. He charged right up to Yoko and pulled Katani away by her wrist. What is that? A man thing? Why does everyone yank at my wrist? She quickly stumbled forward.


"Come on, Kitty, I'll walk you home." He stared at Yoko, daring him to interfere.

He did and gently pulled Katani back to him by holding her waist. Well that's a new place. She blushed deeply at his hands on her.

"If she needed you to take her home she would have asked. She'll be coming with me. Scurry home little vermin. Go back to picking up after the animals who are superior to you."


"What was that? You want to pick a fight with me you half cat freak? " Ty pulled on Katani's wrist. She could tell this was quickly going downhill. Only Yoko's kept calm stopped him from decapitating Ty.

"No, I would easily kill you but I wouldn't want to upset Katani. Otherwise you would already be dead." His eyes narrowed and Katani knew that was no empty threat.

This is almost fun. She thought. Two people had never fought over her before. What awesome friends she had. But she sensed she should say something before Yoko did kill Ty.

"Um… Kurama? Maybe you should return to your human form. Anyone could walk up about now. The groundskeeper makes his rounds about now."

He nodded slightly for his eyes were still fixed on Ty. His hair turned red and his eyes the color of jade. His height diminished slightly but his grip on her held firm.

"There's no way you could be any good for Katani! You're not even human! Come on Kitty. Let's get out of here and go somewhere for just the two of us. Now that we've expressed our love nothing should stand in the way of us being together." Ty pulled hard and Kurama, in his shock, let go. Katani fell into Ty's arms.

She saw the hurt in Kurama's eyes. She would do anything to make it go away. "Ty! Stop this!" Wrenching her hand away she stepped out of grabbing distance from both boys. "I love you like a brother. I've said that so many times. You're like family to me, Ty. I'm sorry."

Ty flicked some hair away from his face in a pretty boy manner. "Still that? Well I can wait. You've been changing slightly. I can see your feelings for me have grown. I won't give up. I'll wait forever if I have to. Because you, Kitten, are my one and only."

Nice speech.. Kurama stepped in front of her and clasped his hand in hers.

"We should be going Katani." He began walking away and Katani followed, as did Ty. "Sorry, but I don't remember your name being Katani." He said as calmly as he could.

"I'm coming. I saw how much pain she took during that fight. It's obvious you people can't take care of her so I'm coming to make sure it's done right." He clasped Katani's other hand. The burns brought fresh fire to her arms.

"If I recall correctly it was I who saved her from being killed by you." Kurama's words stung Ty.

Katani yanked her hands from both of them. "Stop it! I'm tired, cold, and hungry. I'm not in the best physical shape right now so forgive me if I can't find a kinder way to say this. I don't care who comes with me as long as I get to a bed! And don't keep grabbing me. I have enough black and blue marks already. There are burns on my palms to so please don't grab those either. Stop acting like egotistical males and let it go!" She took a breath. "So now…" Having expended her last energy she let herself sink into the grass. Kurama and Ty both raced to her side.

Kurama gently picked her up and walked from Ty. When Ty protested Kurama's glare backed him off. "I'll come, Kitten. Just as soon as I take are of Lion and Ginger."

"Sure Ty…" She gave up. It was late and she felt too tired to argue. Finally it was silent. Only the sound of his soft footsteps and breathing could be heard. She felt the cord in her mind snap. It was sad to see it go. The cord had occasionally given her warmth and comfort even though sometimes it bit like a snake. Oh well, easy come easy go.

She felt too tired to speak in Japanese so she reverted to her tongue. "You saved my life again. I really owe you a lot don't I?"

His gaze fell down on her. He returned her ancient speech with the words she had taught him. "You have a penchant for putting yourself in nasty situations."

"I do have that." She buried her face in his chest. He was so warm. A blush crept into Kurama's face. She was so warm. "Either way I'm glad you came to save me. You are my hero, Yoko Kurama a.k.a. Shuichi Minamino."

"Anytime, Kitten."

Katani jolted from the peaceful state she had been in and Kurama almost dropped her. "Never call me that. It's bad enough when he does! I can't rest like this. Will you put me down fox boy?"

"Sorry, I thought you were exhausted."

The soles of her tattered sneakers landed on the grass. Kurama felt disappointed that he wasn't holding her. It showed clearly on his face. So Katani walked behind him and leaned on his back. "Carry me?" Weary arms wrapped around his neck. His strong hands caught her legs and hefted her onto him.

"Always," he smiled. His hair smelled of roses and she breathed it in. It was much easier to rest now and she let her cheek lean on his shoulder. The stars shone overhead and guided them to the edge of the wood. Feer landed gently beside them, only Hiei mounted him. He smirked at the sight of Katani asleep on Kurama's back.

"Just get it over with. Don't drag it out Kurama. Tell her before that scrawny human carries her away."

Kurama set Katani on Feer and climbed behind her to make sure she didn't fall. With slow swift movements he pulled her to lean on him so she could sleep without falling off. "Things are not always as simple as they appear."

"Nor are they as complicated. You were busy being unconscious so you didn't see how she ran to you after the human was taken care of. You didn't hear the worry in her voice when she asked if you were okay. You didn't feel when she ever-so-gently brushed the hair from your face. Come now Kurama, even I'm not that stupid." Feer flew into the night sky, invisible to mortal eyes.

Silence hung over them like a cloud until Katani stirred. Shocked to see them in the air and still half-asleep she yelped. Kurama rubbed her shoulder and spoke in her tongue.

"We'll go to my house for the night. I don't want you staying in another hotel where anyone could find you."

Meaning Ty. Katani thought.

"Besides, my mother has been expecting you to come see her. Are you fine with that, Katani?"

She nodded. "Where are you headed, Hiei-chan?" She said the phrase before she could stop herself. Hiei whipped around and looked ready to kill.

"Excuse me?"

"Uh… Well I called you that cause you're short and cute."

Hiei's eyes blazed. "Kurama, control your woman."

"Woman!" The pendant around her neck changed into a deadly blade. "I'm no one's woman, Hiei Jaganshi-chan!"

"Stop it."

"Chan, chan, chan, and chan!"

Both were in a bickering squall and Kurama only sighed and watched them go at it. You can't stop the tide.

Feer, as visible as the wind, let his four hooves alight softly on the turf. Kurama's home was located in the rarer suburban areas on the outskirts of town. Katani slid off her stallion's back and heard a rustle as Hiei sped off into the darkness. With a few whispered words she instructed Feer to bring her what had been left in the hotel. The stallion inclined his powerful neck and blew against her shoulder. "Eyo, fuis."

The horse flew off and melted in with the black sky.

"Are you sure we should be going into your house looking like this?" Katani moved her hands to show the gold blood stains on their clothes.

"It's fine," Kurama came up and brushed the shimmering gold dust off of her. "What's wrong?" he asked when she still hesitated.

Katani tightened her grip on the backpack. "I feel like an intruder. Really, I could go to a hotel, or back home. I don't want to cause trouble."

Kurama smiled softly at her. "How many times have you thought about saying that on the flight over here?"

"Maybe thirty," she blushed.

"Katani," he stood beside her and placed a hand on the small of her back. "You're hurt. Already your face is becoming pale. I, too, am exhausted. What we both need is rest. If my home bothers you that much…"

"No!" she said quickly before stepping out of his reach. "I don't mean it like that. I just…" she chose her words carefully. "thought that what happened today may have changed what you thought of me."

Kurama's blood rushed to his face. He could feel the tiny amount of gold blood inside him quiver with anxiousness. Embarrassed at his thoughts he placed a hand behind his head. "Well, Katani, what happened is something I think we should talk about. But not now, and not here. Can you please stay at my home? I'm asking you as a friend."

Katani groaned. "Don't ask me as a friend…" she sighed. "Alright, I give. You win." Under her breath she muttered, "Sneaky fox…"

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Lead on then," she pushed him forward. "Come on, I'm ready to drop."

Kurama checked the area for any passersby or onlookers. Before even entering the house he checked what rooms had lights and if anyone occupied them. Katani watched in awe as he picked a lock on the back door.

He has an odd look on his face. It's as if he's in another world. Did he look like this all the time when he was a thief? Katani blushed and had to turn away.

A click and the door opened. Kurama waved to her to enter. As she stepped in he pressed a finger to his lips. She nodded. He led her down a dark hallway and opened a door. The only way she could tell he was in with her was from the click of the door closing in. Kurama stepped over to a bedside table and flicked on a lamp.

"Wow, that felt awesome." Katani set her bag down. She still could feel the adrenaline that had began rushing through her as they snuck in.

"What do you mean?" Kurama sat beside her, confused.

"Nothing," she pulled a first aid kit from her bag. Ever since their fight during a scouting mission last week she had started carrying one with her everywhere. "You hurt?"


"Liar," Katani's eyes fell over the scratches and cuts she knew were hidden by his shirt. "You can't do something like jump in front of a lethal blow and expect to be in mint condition. If you won't let me wrap your wounds then at least do it yourself. I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

Kurama sighed. "Fine, I'll take care of it. Let me look at your arm."

Katani pushed her sleeve up to her elbow and let him wrap the gnash in cotton gauze. "Tomorrow we should go see Ty."

"Why?" his voice held an icy chill to it. The tone made her stop and hesitate in telling him. Kurama seemed not to notice and continued. "Why do you constantly want to be with that stable hand?"

"Stop talking about him like that!" Katani's voice rose louder then she meant and her and quickly flew over her mouth. She prayed his mother hadn't awoken. Kurama quickly finished wrapping the bandage and sat in a chair on the other side of the room. She could not see his eyes. "Kurama, I wouldn't let him talk like that about you so please don't talk about him like that."

"As you wish," he said slowly.

"Don't give me that! You're angry, I can tell. You'll never look at me when you're angry."

Kurama's gaze lifted from the floor to her eyes. The glance made her stop talking immediately. His eyes were as cold as stone. Never had she seen him look this fierce, save when he was Yoko. She must have said something terribly wrong.

"I am angry," the words came slowly, controlled. "because you can do so much better then him."

"He's in pain! He still has gold blood! I can feel-"

"How? How can you tell he is hurting?"

Katani resolved herself and kept her eyes locked on his even though the look made her knees shiver. It was a good thing she was already sitting. "When I saw that he still bled gold I absorbed some of it so I could be connected to him for a short while. The blood is causing his body much pain and his organs are struggling to function, his lungs are learning to carry oxygen all over again. I feel it, his pain is mine."

"Fine, go with him."

Her anger grew and she lapsed into her tongue. In hushed tones she said, "How dare you try and say what I need or even want. You have no clue what I desire! Who would you chose for me then?"

Kurama's hand clenched the chair frame tightly. Katani thought she heard the wood crack. "I would prefer you not to be with anyone right now. Your mind is still grieving the loss of your brother. Can't you see that?"

Katani stood and slammed her hand on the nightstand. "You hate Ty, you've always hated him. I don't want the two of you to be friends but I know you have it in you to be civil. Why can't you, the great Kurama be civil to a human boy?"

"Because you care for him."

"Do you want me to hate him?"

"No," he half shouted. "I want you," his voice changed and became soft.
"I want you to care for me as you do for him."

He had said it. Everything that had been locked away inside the multiple layers of his mind had broken free.

Anger slowly ebbed from Katani until she felt calm once more. He was jealous? She couldn't find the strength to move or even speak. Minutes passed by in complete silence. Kurama's jade eyes searched her for any response. Finding none, the walls around his mind went up and he stood.

"Sleep well, Katani."

Before she knew it, he was gone. The room felt empty now and she shook slightly. Was he in love with her? Katani slowly undressed and quietly filled a tub with water. Methodically she washed while her mind lingered on him. It had been what she had secretly hoped for all along. But now that it was placed before her she wasn't sure what to think. Was it real? Katani stepped from the tub and began to dry her sopping hair. Did she feel the same?

A stab of pain hit her. Ty.

Katani quickly changed and turned off the lights. In complete darkness she slid into bed and emptied her mind. Her lips formed words in her speech and the words wound themselves around her to seek out Ty. She felt the power sure through her before finally sinking into Ty. Luckily he was awake.

Ty? she felt for his consciousness.


She smiled. Yeah, I'm here. Think your thoughts a little louder and imagine sending them to me. It'll be easier for me to hear you.

What's happening to me? Is this a dream?

I'm afraid not. You now have the same blood that I do. I'm so sorry you got involved.

Yeah, so am I. Is there any way to get rid of it?

Yes, give me some of your pain and it'll be over much quicker.

How do I do that?

His quick response surprised him. She half expected a 'no don't do that' or 'I wouldn't want to hurt you' but no, he was all for it. It occurred to her then that only Kurama would have said those things. Let your guard down. Relax every muscle in your body and if you feel my probing, don't tense.

Got it,

Katani began to remove some of his pain and took it upon herself. At the same time she began to knit his body back together. The lungs adjusted to transfer oxygen to the gold blood and the marrow began producing it of its own accord. Slowly his body began to become healthy once more.

An hour later she finished the repairs and let go of his mind.

That was amazing, I feel great. Thank you, Katani.

She waited a moment to catch her breath before responding. Yeah, no problem. Hey, Ty?


Don't try and find me tomorrow. I have some things I need to figure out.

But Kitty,

Don't argue. I'm tired and need to rest. Good night. She blocked him out of her mind and tried to sever each connection. Her body sank into the bed and she didn't even notice the tendrils of black thought wrapping themselves around her mind.

Ms. Minamino bustled around the kitchen. Only moments ago her son had told her Katani was staying with them for a little while. Of course he had first asked permission, to which she happily agreed. Seeing Katani again would be wonderful, she was like a niece to her. Also she wanted to talk to her about Shuichi. She wouldn't reveal her precious son's secret but she would want to try and figure out what was going on inside her mind. From the look on her son's face it couldn't be something good.

"Shuichi, dear, what's the matter?" Hopefully it was only a misunderstanding.

Shuichi looked up from the table. "Sorry?"

Ms. Minamino tied the strings of her apron. "Honey you look like the weight of the world was on your shoulders, taken off, and then thrown back on. What's wrong?"

Her son only smiled and waved it off. "Nothing, mother. Do you need any help?" he stood.

Ms. Minamino shook her head. "No, not until you explain what's the matter."

Shuichi frowned and sat back down. It was so hard to lie to her. The woman had raised him since he was born and he could never repay her for that. It was hard enough keeping his true identity secret but this he wanted to share with her. But, explaining it would be far too difficult.

Above the stove a clock read six thirty. Katani was usually up and about by now. She must be a little exhausted from yesterday. Or could his confession have upset her?

Kurama shuddered. He had been unable to full control himself in her presence. When he expressed his longing for her she had merely stood still like a doll. Her gaze was empty save for a vague hint of fear. What was she afraid of? Him, most likely. Against his will Kurama's hand clenched into a fist. Was he going about this all wrong? Maybe she just wasn't interested and didn't know how to tell him. Well he would put an end to that today. One way or another he would get an answer from her. She couldn't go on like this and neither could he.


Her son jerked his head up. "Sorry?"

"What is so important that you didn't hear me call you three times?"

"I'm sorry, mother, I just…"

His mother nodded. "I understand. You may not think I do," she pulled some food from the stovetop. "but I can understand Katani's confusion."

Now she had his full attention. "How did you-?"

"Mother's intuition. Give her time, she probably has plenty on her mind with the passing of her brother."

Guilt and a feeling of utter stupidity fell on him. That made sense. Why didn't he see it sooner?

"If it's too much for her right now, then just be there. Sometimes you don't need words." Ms. Minamino set three places at the low table. "Would you tell Katani breakfast is ready?"

Kurama nodded and headed for the guest room. As he reached the door he felt a change in the air. Something wasn't right. Katani's aura was usually clear and strong, like a brook. Now the aura was still and dark like a puddle. He knocked once and called for her. No answer. He knocked once more and called, more urgently. Still nothing. Kurama opened the door and searched the room. In the bed by the window lay a pale girl heavily breathing. Small beads of perspiration dotted her forehead as she struggled for breath. In her pain she had curled up into a tiny ball near the head of the bed.

"Katani!" Kurama rushed over to her side and placed his palm on her forehead. Quickly he pulled it back. It felt as if he had stuck his hand in hot wax. She was nearly aflame. "Katani," he said softly, "wake up. Wake up Katani."

Slowly her blue eyes opened. They looked drained and weak. The usual spark was gone. "Zadik…" Hey.

It looked as if it took all her energy to force her lips to part. "Nuims dae… hudnstimead…" I'm sorry… about… this… her breathing quickened.

Kurama's heart bled. Why did I not feel it? He thought. Usually anything like this caused a change in his borrowed golden blood. Yet even now he felt nothing. All the golden blood was gone from his body. "I'll be back, don't try to move."

Before Katani could stop him he was gone. This was bad. Kurama's Mom would come in and most likely insist on going to the hospital. That could not happen. If she were ever taken in there she would never be allowed to leave. One prick of a needle was all they needed to keep her there or ship her off to the government. Surely Kurama knew this. What was he thinking?

Moments later Ms. Minamino rushed in, followed closely by Kurama. She looked worried and concerned, just the way a mother should.

"Oh, my…" she said after removing her hand from Katani's nearly steaming forehead. "Katani, darling, this is serious. We must take you to a hospital immediately-"

"No!" Katani shouted with all her strength. Silence filled the room. From over his mother's shoulder Kurama looked on in worry. Katani had to take a moment to catch her breath before trying to explain something so she wouldn't have to go. "Please… I know this… is a lot to ask…" her breathing became shallow. "but I can't… go to another… hospital. Please, don't… take me there."

Ms. Minamino was torn. The child looked of death and she couldn't just leave her here. "Katani…"

"Please, Ms. Minamino. I'm… just a little… tired. I… apologize… for my selfishness…"

"Dear, I can't promise anything in a case this serious. I'm going to get a thermometer and some other things."

"I'll help you." Shuichi said.

"No," his mother said, "stay here with her and keep her talking. Don't let her fall unconscious." When her son came nearer she whispered, "This could become serious. I may need your help of it grows any worse."

"We cannot take her to the hospital, Mother." Shuichi stood firm. "It will kill her." His eyes were strong, no lie or joke were reflected in them.

"Watch her," she only said before closing the door behind her.

Kurama let out a slow breath before kneeling by the bed. "What is this?" he asked. "You were fine the previous night. What did you do?"

Katani managed a smile. "Blaming me? Thanks… I feel… a lot better." Her face hardened. "Kurama… if it comes down… to it, do not… let them take… me there… I will… never come out. Promise me."

"I promise." Kurama said. "I won't let them take you."

Katani found his soft green eyes. For a moment she just looked at him. Something in his gaze eased her pain. "Give me… your hand."

Without hesitation Kurama held out his hand. Katani took it and turned it palm up. Slowly she traced letters in his palm. Kurama caught on instantly. With her fingers she traced out a sentence.

Ty does have golden blood. I helped him last night.

"You left in the middle of the night?"

No, I connected to him. I took on some of his pain.

"You should not have to do that. What are you thinking?"

That is not why I'm like this.

"Then why?"

I don't know. But I'm truly sorry.

"For what?"

For last night. I'm sorry.

Kurama was ready to reply before the door swung open.

"Shuichi, give me a hand here. Set that cloth over her forehead… Yes, good. Katani, place this under your tongue… Good." For a minute the room was still. A quick beep and the thermometer was removed. "Oh my, dear you're 104! It would be irresponsible for you to keep me here. We have to get you to the hospital."

"No," Katani said firmly. "Give me… one hour… If it doesn't… go down… then you can take me."

Once again they were interrupted. A phone on the nightstand rang. Ms. Minamino picked it up. "Hello? Yes… No I can't… An emergency… yes… I see… I'm sorry… thank you… Goodbye." She hung up the phone. "That was the office. I told them I'm not going in today."

Katani shook her head. "No, I cannot be the cause of that." She managed to say. Using her will alone she pushed herself up. "Please, go. This is my fault, I'll be fine."

"Katani," she began.

"Mother," Kurama pulled her away so Katani couldn't overhear. "Go, she will more worried if you have trouble at your job because of her."

His Mother smiled. "I believe you are more worried for her then she is for me." When he didn't respond she continued. "Fine, but you know my work number. Call me if she gets any worse. And take good care of her."


She turned back to Katani, who had slipped into a fretful sleep.

A few hours later she woke. The room was dark, the blinds shut to keep out the summer sun. An air conditioner hummed modestly in a corner. The room felt cool, not hot. A fan blew softly on her face. Katani's body ached in pain but no longer burned. She had overcome the worst. Because of her kind heart she had spread herself to thin. Fighting with her all, taking on other's pain, and constant emotional strain had driven her body over the edge. Now the fever had passed and her gold blood began to cool. The ache merely needed time and rest to heal.

Katani moved to sit up but stopped when she felt her covers catch on something. A chair had been pushed against the edge of the bed and had pushed on the covers. Kurama sat sleeping in the chair. Katani filled with relief. Had he stayed with her the whole time? She looked around the room. A half-empty teakettle rested on the nightstand accompanied by an empty teacup. A single red rose sat in a vase of chilled water. Katani reached for the rose despite her body's protests. Careful to avoid the thorns, she held the rose delicately and felt the smooth petals. They felt like silk beneath her fingertips.

Her eyes fell on Kurama's face. He was sleeping lightly. One wrong move and he would wake. This Team Urameshi seemed to stir for any reason. Once she had made the mistake of poking a sleeping Hiei. She still had the scar.

The way he's sleeping almost makes him look cute. Katani watched the slow breathing of his chest rising and falling. Alright he is very cute. Memories of him surfaced in her mind and with each one a smile appeared on her lips. To her surprise the times she spent with him were some of the best times she could remember having. As she began to replay the moment when they had worked on the map together she felt hot again, but not from her fever. Her cheeks flushed gold as she remembered him holding her hand. He was so kind and gentle and always there for her. More then once he had saved her from death. And what had she done for him in return? No, Kurama wasn't like that. He didn't want things in return. So strong was he that he could defend against anything.

Anything. Kurama would do what he had to do and would never allow himself to be controlled by someone or something. What he did, he did on his own. Katani's eyes brimmed with tears as she realized what she had been hoping to be true all along. He loved her for who she was and not her blood. Such a weak thing would not influence his actions. There wasn't a substance in the worlds that could stop him from making his own decisions.

He loves me… and… I love him. Katani's eyes could no longer hold back the tears. Silently she wept, happier then she could ever remember being. Carefully she reached and pulled her backpack near her. Tears splashed off the wooden floor as she quietly searched through it. After a moment she pulled a small leather journal out. Turning to the page she had reserved for today she quickly scribbled, "I love him" on the first line in her own language. Flipping to old entries she wondered why she did not understand sooner. Taking the time to hold this feeling she documented the whole day in detail. This would be something she would want to remember, as everyone did. Your first love is a big deal.

She would be blind no longer. Using a seal of her blood she closed the lock on the journal. Unless it was her blood that dripped over the seal it would not be opened. Two silent tears plopped on the surface of her journal before she placed it back in her bag.

Oh, Tithe, I wish you could have lived to feel what I am. Katani prayed that her brother's soul would have peace wherever he was. She lay back, her muscles ached from overuse. Just as she began to drift off she felt Tithe's presence. It felt so cold that she shivered slightly. Wisps of stale smoke were all she saw as the darkness swam before her eyes.

Kurama awoke to find the room filled with a dark aura. Quickly he scanned for the source. A dark presence akin to Katani's hovered over her. As if seeing him, the darkness fled and disappeared. The fox's eyes narrowed. He knew the intruder. Tithe was not letting go and clinging to his last link to the mortal world, his sister. He looked over to make sure she was okay. When he saw the tear streaks down her cheeks his eyes widened. Was this because of Tithe or himself? Or had she been in so much pain that she cried herself to sleep?

Kurama hesitantly laid a hand on her forehead. It was cool to the touch. With a sigh he let his guard down. She was going to be fine.

The phone near on the bedside table rang and Kurama quickly grabbed it to try and keep Katani from waking. It was useless; she jolted from the first ring. Kurama watched her face turn from surprised, worried, tired, and embarrassed in the span of two seconds. Her eyes fell on the phone as she tried to glean words from the other speaker.

"Hello?" Kurama said.

"Kurama, there you are! Where the heck have you been? We've been looking over the whole freakin' town for you and Katani!"

"Good afternoon, Yusuke."

"Don't try and act all polite! Is Katani with you?"

"Yes, she's right here."

"Good," his voice softened. "Is she alright? Hiei was feeling something from his third eye and said Katani was sick or something."

"Yes, she's fine now."


Kurama briefly explained Katani's condition to Yusuke and where they were.

"She spent the night at your house?" That was the only part of the conversation he was capable of remembering. "Way to go! So are you two-"

"Do you have information of any use Yusuke?"

Katani giggled as Kurama blushed. She could plainly hear Yusuke's voice from the phone.

"Yeah, we're leaving for that island in a couple days. Koenma had his people look it up. It's called Avian Island. If I didn't know any better I'd say they were trying to drop us a few hints."

"Kurama?" Katani shyly raised her hand. He looked at her. "Would you mind if I talked to Yusuke for a second?" she asked as she wiped away her tear streaks. He nodded and handed her the phone.

"You idiot!" Yusuke shouted. "Nearly killing yourself is supposed to be my thing! I'm the one who dies, remember?"

"Yes, sir Mr. Urameshi sir. The next time I feel a cold coming on I'll just remember your inspiring words of kindness to help me push the cold away."

"So you're catching on, good." Yusuke said.

"Okay Yusuke I need you to pay attention."

"Middle school flashback,"


"Okay, I'll do my best but my short attention span won't take much."

"I need to speak with Koenma as soon as possible. Ty's golden blood is not fading and his body is trying to adjust to the new blood. I've never seen it happen before and I don't know if he'll live. I think we'll have to take him with us to Avian Island."

"What?" Yusuke shouted. Kurama's eyes were focusing on the suddenly interesting door.

"If anyone will be able to help him it will be my people."

"Yeah unless they keep trying to kill us."

"They want something from me and maybe we could agree to a trade. I don't know, but we can't leave him here. One wrong move while riding or if someone else injures him and it'll all be over. We can't afford to let that happen."

On the other end of the line Yusuke nodded. "Okay, I'll check into stable boy's progress. You sure you're fine? You sound like Botan with a hangover."

"Thank you for that. I'm going back to sleep, bye Yusuke." Katani handed the phone back to Kurama and fell back on the pillow. Kurama talked to Yusuke for a couple more minutes before hanging up. The strain was beginning to lift from Katani but she still felt tired. Nearly having her cover blown had taught her to listen to her body. No more overdoing it, she was going to rest until she was perfect.

"You don't have to stay, Kurama." Katani said.

After a moment of silence he said, "Would you prefer I leave? The others were planning on stopping by later.

Katani turned over to her side and let her head sink into the pillow. "I don't want any visitors."

"I understand." The chair legs scrapped the floor as he stood.

"But," Katani quickly added, "you can stay. I mean if you want to." Had Kurama been able to see her face he would have seen two golden cheeks blushing in the dim light.

"I suppose I could stay."

Inside her heart raced knowing he was in there with her. Never before had she felt that way about anyone. Just the she wanted to feel his touch. Pushing herself forward she sat up. Her whole body ached in protest but this was something she had to do. The wing scar felt open air behind it and instantly desired to be released. Gold wingtips were pushing against her skin but she focused her mind and shut them down. Over time it was growing easier to control their ravenous craving for the sky and she was becoming skilled in flight. For now, though, she would, could not, fly.

"You should be resting." Kurama smiled softly at her determination.

"Do you always do as your told?" she retaliated.

Katani leaned against the headboard of the bed. That provided some support at least. "Hey," she spoke in the ancient language. "What do you think of me?"

The question was unexpected but Kurama answered quickly and honestly, as if he himself had thought of it many times. "When I look at you I see a fierce, strong woman who loves those close to her. You care for others with," he thought a moment for the proper word before continuing, "passion. You are intelligent, brave, and somewhat klutzy."

"Hey!" Katani snapped. "I am not a klutz!"

His green eyes turned to her face. Instantly her anger faded. He was so close to her. So close that it would have been so easy to reach for him. "You took a risk staying with me. You're lucky what I have isn't contagious."

"I would take the risk nonetheless. Yet I have to ask, would you?"

"I owe you three of my lives, remember? I'd feel guilty if I didn't."

"Yes," Kurama leaned back in the chair. He assumed the conversation was finished and waited for her to realize it too.

She didn't. "I want to tell you that I'm very glad you stayed with me. It was a lot easier to sleep with you by my side."

Kurama leaned forward and placed his hand over hers. The gold blood inside her raced. Her heart panicked. By simply acknowledging her feelings his touch had a dizzying effect on her.

"Then don't go."

Katani wasn't sure what he was talking about but didn't care. "I don't want too." She smiled. "I'm so happy, so happy that I'm not thinking about revenge every moment. I look forward to the morning and it's all because of you." The blood rushed to her face. The effect made her seem a glow of gold. To Kurama's eyes she seemed to be an angel. Tears welled in her eyes once more. She blinked them back and held Kurama to her.

Surprised but glad he hugged her back. For long moments they just held each other. Katani rested her head on his shoulder, arms hugging his back tightly. Kurama softly kissed her check and ran his fingers through her hair. He longed to move farther then this but at the same time, wanting this moment to last forever. If he let go she might cease to be real. So he kept holding her. All too soon he heard her breathing soften and become deep and rhythmic.

A pale sun began to sink behind the world. In the guest room Ms. Minamino opened the blinds so the fading light could filter in. With a silent shove she opened the window. Cool, fresh air rolled in an invisible wave. On the bed Katani stirred slightly. Ms. Minamino placed her hand over the girl's forehead. After a moment she pulled it away with a sigh of relief. Shuichi had been right. She was healing on her own. As she stepped back she heard the door creak open. Her son stood holding a clean damp cloth and the refilled tea kettle. Silently he placed the kettle down and placed the cloth over Katani's brow.

Ms. Minamino watched the way her son's eyes lingered on her face. He seemed to be trying to memorize every detail and lock it away. "Maybe it would be best if we found some place else for Katani to spend the night."

Shuichi looked up. "What makes you say this?"

"You," she said simply. "You love her, don't you Shuichi?"

"Mother, I-"

Ms. Minamino sat down. "No use denying it." Her voice was a low whisper. "I can see it in your eyes. Have you let her see that look?"

Her son frowned and placed a hand over her exposed one. "I do not want to cause trouble for her. She is experiencing so much that to interfere would be selfishness."

"Son, you have already interfered. She came to your home. Had she done so if you were not an important person in your life? If you were some random guy she would have stayed at a hotel but she is here, with you."

Kurama looked out the window. Stars were beginning to do the horizon. He wanted to be outside looking at those stars with her. "I do love her," he whispered.

"Then tell her when she wakes up." Ms. Minamino stood. "She is at a normal temperature. When she is up and about tell her."

As soon as the words fell from her lips Katani stirred. Her blue eyes blinked open and she looked at the two in the room.

"Where…" she struggled to remember what she was doing, "am I?"

"Oh, dear you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Fine I guess. I have a really bad headache though. What am I doing here?" she vaguely remembered feeling as if she were on fire and Ms. Minamino caring for her.

"You're at my home in the guest room. You don't remember?"

Katani shook her head.

"It's probably just delusion from the fever, you'll remember soon enough. I'll grab you some aspirin." The woman left the room.

Kurama looked worriedly at Katani. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, Shuichi, but what am I doing at your house? And why do I feel as if I've been hit by a moose?"

"Why are you calling me Shuichi?"

"Well that's your name, isn't it?"

Kurama's face paled. "Katani, what is my real name?"

"Shuichi Minamino? What do you have a nickname or something?"

"No," Kurama sank into the chair by her bed.

"You okay?" Katani asked.

She sounded the same, her voice and tone were exactly how they had been hours ago.

Katani watched him and felt a pang inside her chest. There was something wrong with her and it hurt. Shuichi wasn't Shuichi he was… he was… Her head exploded in bursts of color and her eyes went blank.

"I'd like to go for a walk." The tone of her words fell like a hammer through glass. Kurama's eyes met her stone cold gaze.

He was just about to answer when Ms. Minamino walked back in with a glass of water and two small pills. "Take these," she said and handed her the medicine. "Are you alright, dear? You look different."

"I'd just like to go for a walk. Would you excuse me?"

An hour later Katani was changed into some pajamas from her pack. She had her favorite robe wrapped tightly around her as she walked through the beautiful gardens. She was supposed to be sleeping. If Ms. Minamino knew she was up she would give Katani an endless stream of lectures. The moon was too perfect and the flowers to full. The roses seemed to be at their peak of bloom and it would be a sin not to see them. Things were always much more peaceful at night anyway. Everything seemed to be still and calm, more so then any other time of the day.

Grasshoppers and cicadas called softly in the night. A gentle breeze played with Katani's freshly combed hair. A rose patch she recognized from so long ago still remained at the edge of the yard. She quickly walked to it and knelt down. All the flowers she had seen so long ago still remained. She stroked the gentle petal of one. It felt like silk. Bending over to breathe in its scent Katani noticed how there was one new flower. A gentle hibiscus was nearing full bloom at the back edge of the patch. The sight of her flower filled her with peace.

After such confusion she could use some piece. Why she was with Shuichi she wasn't sure. She was supposed to be with Yusuke and the others going to the island. Tomorrow morning they would go there. Apparently Shuichi was coming as well, though why she wasn't sure.

She felt Tithe there. He was bending down to look at the flowers too. She could almost make out the outline of his body. The ghost of her brother was with her always it seemed. Quickly as it had come the presence vanished.

She knew why in an instant. Shuichi knelt beside her and put his hand over hers. He gently guided her fingers over the closed blossoms of another rose.

"They're asleep but will wake if you ask."

The flower opened its petals in confirmation to what Shuichi said.

A smile lit Katani's face. "That's amazing Shuichi."

"No." He brought her hand to his face and kissed it gently. "You are amazing."

She blushed, her face a golden glow. "Umm… Thank you." Gently she brought her hand away.

A pained look crossed his face and instantly she wanted to take it back. Whenever he frowned it seemed to break something inside of her.

"Will you join me?" He pointed to a gentle western garden bench under a sakura. Katani nodded and sat beside him on the bench. A petal remained in his hand. He held it up and gave life to it. A whole rose formed from the tiny fragment. Shuichi placed the delicate rose in Katani's hands. "I apologize if I'm keeping you up. I recall you saying how tired you were."

"Oh that. I mainly said that so your mother would give me some breathing room." She clutched her robe tightly lest her nightgown show. Here in the garden she felt so exposed. Somehow Shuichi was involved with the others. It was obvious from his ability to manipulate plants. If he was so important, why didn't she recognize him? And why was she at his house?

So engrossed in her thoughts was she that she didn't notice Shuichi's hand on the back of her neck till it was already there. "I love you. I love you more then that stable boy ever could. I've longed to feel your touch every time I see you. To be near you makes me feel whole. I chose you over the whole world. Be with me. Don't pull away."

He pulled her forward and kissed her softly. Some part of her melted at his touch. Flags went up all around her but she ignored him. The only thing she concentrated on now was him. Her arms wrapped around his back as he pulled her closer to him. He brought his other hand down her back and stroked her gently. She didn't pull away. Shivers flew up and down her body but she only pressed deeper into him. His kiss deepened until she felt dizzy from lack of air. He leaned his forehead against hers and brought a hand to her shoulder.

"I… I don't know who you are." Katani stuttered.

Shuichi smiled sadly. "Then why are you still here?"

"Because… I feel pain when I'm not with you. And I feel a different kind of pain when I am. What's wrong with me?"

"Will you believe me if I tell you?"

Shuichi's voice made her shiver. "Right now, I want to believe anything you say."

"Do you believe that I love you?"

Katani felt his warm skin against hers and wanted to stay like that, despite the pain she felt inside her skull. He was so close and… she wanted him closer. Taking her hands she wrapped them around his waist. Placing her head on his chest she just listened to the steady beat of his heart.

"I don't know."

"You weren't like this, only a couple of hours ago we were discussing going to avenge your brother's death." He kissed her and hated what he was about to do, but knew it had to be done. "You are losing your memory of me."

"Why? Who's doing it?" Her head began to throb harder. It became difficult to see.

"Your brother," he said, "Tithe is doing this."

Katani stood up. "What?"

"My name is Kurama, and your memory lose is because of your brother."

Katani could barely hear him. But what she did hear broke her spirit. "No! You're lying!" She grabbed the sides of her head. "When I hear that name my head feels like someone stabbed it with an ice pick. Now you're saying Tithe has caused me this pain? My brother loves me, in life and in death!"

"Katani," he said softly. As if calling her name could help bring her back. "Why would I do such a thing?"

"I… I don't know…" The pain in her head doubled. "Stay away from me!" she ran past him just as her head felt it was about to explode. The farther she got away from him, the less her head hurt. She ran and ran until, finally, her head began to relax. But why was her chest hurting as well?

Kurama watched her go and knew he could not chase her. This had to be dealt with. She was being manipulated and controlled but he believed if she truly wanted too, she could remember. They were, after all, her memories. A thought came to him, one he wished he could have ignored. If she had loved him, would it have been so easy to forget?

It is better this way. She made the right choice. A soft voice spoke.

Kurama held his whip ready in an instant. Behind him was the ghostly silhouette of a young teenage boy. A spirit.

"Who are you?" Kurama asked, even though he was sure he knew the answer.

The ghost child smiled. The entire world could fit into his smile. It was sad, happy, angry, and confused all at once. All the emotions a person could feel were in his smile, for his eyes were merely ghostly shells.

I'm Tithe.