I hope you guys like this story. It's the first Xiaolin Showdown fan-fic that I have ever made. Please, no flames.

Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin and probly never will.

Chapter 1: The Basket

Raimundo's POV

"Where is Kimiko?" asked Omi, I'm assuming, to nobody imparticular.

"It's not like her to be late to a get-down," announced Clay.

"A what!" asked a very confused Omi.

"He means a practice session," I said looking at Omi. "I think...," I added shifting my gaze to Clay.

He nodded.

"And I'll go Kimiko," I called over my shoulder as I ran off.

Locating Kimiko wasn't hard, but it took longer because I took a detour through the kitchen.

What? I was hungry!

Kimiko was in her room--still asleep. I was having a contriversial aruguement with myself about waking Kimiko up or letting her sleep. She seemed so peaceful, so...so angelic.

Uhhggg. This is Kimiko we're talking about here. We're just friends.

I flashed back to all of battles with Jack Spicer and Wuya.

She was--is--always so cool and confident...and cute.

Cute! Am I okay?

By this time I found my way to Kimiko's bed--boy, her room is a mess. CD's were strewn everywhere--and so were their cases--along with clothes and...stuffed animals?

Okay...a side of Kimiko I've never seen before.

I decide to wake her up and get it over with.

"Kimiko," I whispered, shaking her lightly. I'm always prepared, so I took the icecube that I took from the from the kitchen and slipped in her pajama top.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" Kimiko shrieked when the cold ice touched her skin. "Raimundo!" shouted Kimiko in mock anger with a playful look in her eyes. "Okay, now get out while I get dressed."

So, I went and started training with the guys.

Kimiko's POV

I was having a dream about beating Jack Spicer, defeating Wuya, getting all the Shen Gong Wu, and then...someone shook me lightly. It didn't faze me, but then the ice...bbbrrrr.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I shierked when the cold ice touched my skin. I looked over at who put the ice down my shirt. "Raimundo!" I shouted in mock anger. How could I be mad at Rai? He had such a cut expression on his face. Rai left and I opened up my closet and threw on my usual outfit. After I changed I stared out the window for a couple minutes.

Oh... hs is so hott! Sigh But how's a girl like me supposed to get the attention of a guy like him?

The guys were training and Rai seemed a bit out of it. Like he was lost in thought.

I should probly get out there too.


Raimundo's POV

I'm starving...Why don't we have any food? I leaned back against the cupboards. I slumped down until I sat on the floor.

"Are you okay, Rai? You seemed out of it at practice."

I looked up to see looking down at me, a look of concern on his face. I got up from my seat on the ground and turned to him.

I glanced around to the living room and saw Kimiko.

"Nothin's bothering me, Clay. I just didn't get enough sleep last night."

And of course it wasn't a complete lie. I had stayed up 'til four in the morning playing Goo Zombies 3.

I decided to change the subject, because my stomach just growled. "Do you know where either Dojo or Master Fung is? We are all out of food."

"Um...yeah. Dojo is with Kimiko outside."

I found Dojo and informed him that we are all out of food. He told me I could go to the store and be back soon.

At the store

It wasn't until I was in the check-out line that the idea struck like lightining.

I saw a sign that said that the picnic baskets were half off. It seemed that today was a discount day because I saw signs all over the store that labled things half off, 20 percentoff, even 75 percentoff.

I found my way out of the check-out line and then grabbed a few things. I got a couple of books because Kimiko loves to read, of course I got a picnic basket, I scanned over the CD's to see what songs I could download to Kimiko's Mp3 player, and I also bought some paper because I don't think we have any of that at the Temple.

Back at the Temple

When I got back to the Temple, I put all the food away, then brought the other stuff to my room.

I put everything in the basket, then I made a list of songs to add to Kimiko's Mp3 player.

Here's what the list consists of: "A Thousand of Miles" by Vanessa Carlton, "Seasons of Love" from Rent (back in Brazil, I sang it in Choir and had the teacher record it at the concert.), my recordings of "A Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "Until the Stars Fall from the Sky", and "Congratulations Smack and Kati" by Reggie & The Full effect. Lastly I added "Walking on Sunshine" and "All Star" by Smash Mouth.

"Raimundo, you should be going and getting it now," said Omi. He had popped in my room to tell me that dinner was ready.

"Omi, the phrase is 'Come and get it'."


Kimiko's POV

I was in my room reading Shattered Mirror by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Shattered Mirror is an awesome read if you like books about vampires and witches. This book is a "love story". It is not a romance novel, mind you, it's a book about a vampire family reunited.

Anyway...while I was reading, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see nobody there but a picnic basket. It was one of those ones that open on both sides.

I brought it to my room and gingerly set it on my floor. I opened it up and saw a note on top. I opened it. Here is what it said:

You're eyes are so blue,

Deep as the sea

I like you,

Do you like me?


Your Secret Admirer

Under the note were some of the most awesome books! There was In the Forests of the Night and Demon in my View. Both were written by the same author I was currently reading, but the book I was reading was third in the series.

Odd...Rai was the only one I whined to about the books. I never brought up subject with anyone else.

There was another book in the basket that I never told anyone I wanted. It is called The Thief of Always.

Then I noticed the most gorgeous necklace I had ever seen. It was a marble attatched to a golden chain. It was in a gold out-lay/protection thing. It was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen!

Oh my gosh! Who would take the time to get me all of this!

The note was typed, not hand-written, so I couldn't figure out who had written me that beutiful love poem.

Could it have been one of my old boyfriends who sent this to me? It couldn't have been anyone here at the Temple because Master Fung won't allow a computer here and nobody would dare sneek on my laptop. Sigh That means it couldn't have been Raimundo...hmm...the only other person who could have that to me is Jack Spicer. Twitches

"I'm hoping against all hope that it wasn't Jack. OMG! Gag me with a spoon!"

Hope you liked it. Please review.

Neko-Jin Angel