I do not own Veronica Mars.

Sum: Weevil smiled as Veronica walked away. She loved him. Oneshot.

She Didn't Turn Him In

He explained himself. How he stole the money. How he outsmarted her. A smirk upon his face as he made a witty comment. Weevil was happy with himself.

Eli thought about her. Veronica's best feature... Her knowledge. The blond girl knew he needed to do that to get back at Thumper for betraying him. That was probably one of the only reasons why she didn't turn him in.

Loyalty was her second best feature. Weevil knew. Besides Veronica's smiles and smart ass comments was what made people come to her. She drew them to her naturally.

The most important thing though, Veronica didn't turn him in. Weevil was a little curious as to why, but he smiled anyway as the girl walked away. She loved him. Veronica had known about everything. Even about the take over in Eli's gang. She was a strong girl, but even that got her into trouble. Too much trouble.

Eli wandered through the streets after Veronica. He had to protect her. He promised Lilly.

That and Weevil knew he fell in love with THE Veronica Mars as well. He learned the hard way that it was hard not to.

The End.

This sucked, but I posted it anyway...