Prepare for the dramatic conclusion of Bits and Pieces revised edition! I found a ton of typos that were bothering me to no end. So here you go. And no worries, folks. I'm sure after I beat the videogame a new story will pop up.

There was no telling how long it had been since the cave-in. It could have been mere hours or it could have been days. Still, he hadn't been awake since seeing her last, since seeing Terra, in almost the exact same position that he had left her the first time. If only he could have moved. If only he could have done something. If only, if only. The fact of the matter was he could barely move, let alone try a stunt like he'd done back in the diamond mine all those months ago. If only it hadn't happened. If only he could have prevented it.

Flashes of memories were playing in his head, though they were going from most recent to the things of so long ago. By the time the sunlight streaming into the infirmary tugged at his eyelids, pulling him out of his trace the memory at the top of his mind was of his parents before he had gotten that disease, before he had the serum of the green monkey. Beast Boy jolted awake with a start, eyes barely open and oddly enough, purple bags under his eyes even after he had been unconscious for days. He rubbed his eyes slightly, head tilted to the side with mild confusion. Where was he?

Trying to get comfortable on the bed, the shape-shifter rolled about causing a dull creaking noise. Cyborg burst into the room seconds later, toothpaste filling his mouth. "East oy or awake!" The changeling raised an eyebrow slightly before sighing heavily, kicking the blankets off of him and sitting up, noting that he was in a t-shirt and his boxers, the ones with miniature green rabbits on them.

"I have no idea what you're saying," Beast Boy managed, voice sounding hoarse and raspy from lack of using it. "And dude, is there a reason my head hurts so bad?" A green hand was resting on the stitching where a scar was steadily forming. His brow furrowed slightly, mouth formed into a sort of half sneer half frown. "What happened?"

Cyborg meanwhile, had switched his toothbrush attachment for a miniature sink and was spitting the toothpaste into it. Wiping his mouth with a metal arm the bionic teen shook his head slightly before taking a seat at a computer near Beast Boy's bed. "You're tellin' me you don't remember, man?"

"Should I? All I remember is you being mad about me trashing the T-Car, Rae and Star ignoring me, and a spar with Robin. Then I went to sleep. So how come I woke up here instead of…wait. Where was I again?" Beast Boy paused, racking his brain for the answers before he gave up, shaking his head in despair. It was then the shape-shifter noticed the many wires hooked up to him and turned to Cyborg. "Hey, what're you doing?"

"Checkin' on your vitals," the titanium Titan answered simply, typing away at the computer until an image of Beast Boy's body appeared on the screen. Cyborg clicked and picked for a few minutes noticing that everything seemed almost normal. The changeling's heartbeat was steady, breathing pattern normal, and his brain waves were unusually low, just right for Beast Boy. The robotic teen turned on his wheeled chair to stare blankly at the green Titan who had his head tilted to one side.

"Well? What the diagnosis, doc?"

"All my scans are comin' back normal. How can that be?" Cyborg paused, taking a deep breath before shaking his head slowly. "I mean BB you were hit with a lot of electricity. How can you come out of that okay if the electric core was in your brain?"

"I don't remember any electricity. Why was I hit with the voltage?" Beast Boy wrinkled his nose, trying to bring back a memory of what had happened, but found that he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried, certain memories were blocked off somehow including all of what had happened that day.

"Slade put a chip in your brain. Remember when you spilled the root beer on the T-Car?" Beast Boy nodded and Cyborg went on. "Well, he put that chip in your head and you almost did some stuff I know you would've regretted. You went beast on everyone. The chip had a self-destruct function and Slade used it. If it wasn't for yours truly performing an emergency operation you'd be long gone."

Beast Boy gaped silently at Cyborg, eyes wide as he spoke. "How did he get the chip? No one gets passed your security. 'Cy builds it nobody breaks it' remember?" The shape-shifter was completely oblivious. At first Cyborg thought it was just the initial shock of coming out of a mini-coma, but almost everything he said seemed to hit Beast Boy particularly hard. Did he have amnesia? No, he couldn't. He remembered the tower and he remembered Slade, he remembered who Cyborg was.

"You stole it for him. He used blackmail to make you his Apprentice." Cyborg spoke slowly and cautiously, almost as if afraid that the beast would appear and take down anything in its path.

"…Like how Robin was?"


"So he's going after Titans for his Apprentices. You better be careful big guy, or you'll be next!" Beast Boy let out a low whistle before resting his hands on his knees, gaze staring over to the computer absentmindedly before he continued. "Two Apprentices, two Titans. If he goes for a third you better look out. I mean so far Slade's only had guys for his Apprentices."

Cyborg shot him a disbelieving glance before standing, staring directly into Beast Boy's eyes with both his human and bionic eyes. "He had three Apprentices, Beast Boy. You were the third. Remember?"

The shape-shifter returned the disbelieving glance with a cautious one of his own, eyes narrowed slightly and mouth formed into a sort of wince. "I think you need to cut down on the videogames, Cy. They're messing with your mind." Beast Boy stood wagging his finger at Cyborg. "That or you really need to learn how to count."

"You can't tell me…you don't remember…?"

"Remember what?" Beast Boy was now wearing an irritated sort of frown while Cyborg put a metal hand on his shoulder.

"Not what, man. Who."

"So who am I forgetting then? I remember all you guys. Robin, Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, Kid Flash, Jinx, Kole, Gnaark, Jericho, Herald. Need more?" The shape-shifter rolled his eyes with annoyance before falling back onto the bed as Cyborg pushed him backwards slightly. "Hey! What was that for?"

"You're gonna need to sit down for this." Cyborg cautioned him before rubbing the back of his head with a hand. "Remember that blonde girl we met? She thought you were funny?" Beast Boy wore a thoughtful expression for a minute before shaking his head slowly. "She moved mountains, man! You can't tell me you forgot-"

"Friend Beast Boy!" Starfire had burst into the room with a tray laden with a variety of vegetarian snacks from soy cubes to non-dairy waffles. "You are unharmed!" The Tamaranian shoved the tray into Cyborg's arms and enveloped the green shape-shifter in a bone-crushing hug. "I am joyful for you!"

"Star…you're crushing me." Starfire giggled slightly before releasing him from her death-grip. "Um, anyway, what were you saying Cyborg?" The bionic teen took a deep breath before letting it out, ready to speak but was cut off by Robin coming through the door.

"Beast Boy!" The Boy Wonder wore a grin as he dropped down on the changeling's bedspread an arm around his shoulders. "Good to have you back with us. How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Beast Boy answered shrugging his shoulders before squirming free of Robin's grip. The shape-shifter sat as close to the edge of his bed as possible keeping a wary eye on the Boy Wonder. "Are you okay, Robin? You're acting kinda…different." He raised an eyebrow slightly before sighing slightly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just wondering if you were okay."

"Well, yeah I'm okay but-"

"Where is Raven?" Starfire piped up out of nowhere, now hovering near the doorway. It was then that the empath phased through the floor hood drawn over her head and eyes peering about cautiously. "Oh. Never mind."

"Hey, Rae. What's up?" Beast Boy flashed her a lopsided grin that she returned by lowering her hood to reveal her oh so famous scowl. "Same old Raven…" The shape-shifter blew a stray bit of hair out of his eyes before turning to Cyborg. "Weren't you saying something?"

"Yeah, I was before everybody and their mother showed up." Cyborg took a deep calming breath, all four other Titan's eyes locked upon him as he spoke. "Beast Boy, do you remember-" For the third time, Cyborg was cut off by someone's appearance through the door. This time it was the very person he had been talking about. Clad in her old Titans uniform and standing in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest and legs crossed at the ankles as she leaned against the doorframe was "Terra…"

There was a long pause as the geomancer's gaze met the shape-shifter's, hers sparkling with a new life and his glimmering with confusion. Silence reigned the room for a long while as the two stared at each other, Beast Boy's glance wavering to stare at the other four every once in a while and Terra's never leaving his. Then, after nearly two minutes Beast Boy spoke. "Who?"


Minutes later the Titans minus Beast Boy and Cyborg were gathered in the living room. The other two had gone off to Gamestop looking for the latest videogame. Cyborg wasn't exactly happy about being left out of a conversation as important as this, but someone had to draw the short straw. Robin was leaning against the back of the couch, arms crossed and head inclined. Starfire and Raven were positioned on the couch while Terra stood at the large window overlooking the city, forehead resting upon it.

"He doesn't remember me," the geomancer muttered, eyes closed as she felt the cool glass beneath her forehead. "Why doesn't he remember me?"

"It could just be a form of amnesia," Robin reasoned, a hand on his chin as he voiced his thoughts aloud. "Or the computer chip did manage to get at some of his memories before Cyborg removed it. The ones of you must have been at the top of his mind for that to work, though." The Boy Wonder let out a heavy sigh, gaze wandering to Terra, who at best looked like a truck had run her over.

"Will he ever remember again?" Starfire wondered aloud, green eyes watery and full of worry for her friend. "Or will Beast Boy never be able to look at his memories again?"

"I dunno, Starfire. I don't know…" Robin shook his head slowly, a heavy sigh passing over his lips as he stared at the wall, at a loss of what to do or say. "Some people say certain things, places, people, trigger memories. Maybe if Beast Boy came in contact with one of his triggers he'd remember."

"What do you propose we use as a trigger?" Raven murmured, her eyes wandering to Terra, whose emotions were swimming in many directions from depression, to sadness to anger and back again. "The person we all thought he would never forget was the first to go." The geomancer groaned slightly before turning around to let her gaze travel the room.

"You can't just make someone remember something. They have to want to remember." Terra crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back, her weight against the window. "I never want to remember my father again, so I don't. Even when I have a dream with him in it, it's just a shadow. Beast Boy will only remember what he wants to and it'll take time."

"She is right," Starfire replied with a nod of her head. "When I retrieved friend Terra from the cave before it sealed itself in stone, she did not know who I was. But when I asked her the questions I inquired her about upon our first meeting she remembered."

"But I have memories I want to forget but they stay where they are." Raven shook her head slowly. "You can't just remember something out of the blue. It takes time and it only happens when the time is right."

"It just depends on what kind of person you are whether you can remember the things you want to and forget what you don't want to remember." Robin now stood in the middle of the room trying to break up the fight before it started. "People function differently. It just depends."

"What just depends?" Everyone's eyes wandered from Robin to the source of the voice, which happened to be Beast Boy. He had a videogame case in hand, his eyes wandering to the Gamestation but it jolted back to Terra. He shrugged slightly before drawing his eyes back to Robin. "Hell-o! Earth to Boy Wonder!"

"Nothing, Beast Boy, nothing," Robin responded before flopping down onto the couch between Starfire and Raven. The Boy Wonder picked up the remote control and flipped through the channels, settling on the news that was playing. Cyborg appeared at the elevator, and after a glance around the room made his way to the couch as well. The television screen faded from the newscaster to film taken of part of the quarry just outside the city.

The voice blaring from the television spoke. "The Teen Titans were following a lead on the masked villain, Slade, and ended up the victims of a trap. Ex-Titan Terra the geomancer brought the entire cave down, but no one was hurt. For more on Terra go to our website."

Beast Boy groaned outwardly as the new theme song played completely ignoring the report on what had happened yesterday. "Dudes!" The shape-shifter whined, leaning over the back of the couch, eyes wandering from each Titan to the TV and back again. "I was gonna play Super Ninja Fury 2.0!"

"Later, BB. We're chilling." Cyborg waved a hand over his shoulder before sighing, watching as Robin switched the channel to some sort of crime investigation show. The four Titans on the couch got comfortable as the theme song played, and Beast Boy gave another hiss of disapproval.

"Why watch that when we fight crime every day?"

"It's fun to see how producers portray this kind of thing," Robin replied, an arm now around Starfire's shoulders. She giggled slightly before adding to the Boy Wonder's statement.

"And it is most amusing to try and solve the mystery before the investigators do."

"And it gets you out of the room." Raven's monotone seemed to have a hint of emotion as she shot a glare at Beast Boy, who tossed the game onto the table and headed for the elevator. The empath's gaze wandered to Terra, who was still silent and leaning against the window. "Terra that was your cue…"

The geomancer gave a sort of bemused sort of half-smile before racing across the room towards the elevator and jamming the down button. Terra tapped her foot, arms crossed as she waited for the elevator to return. It opened and she stepped in, hitting the ground level button. Terra let out a sigh as the metal doors closed and she disappeared from sight.

"Maybe she can knock some sense into him…"


Outside, the sun was hanging low in the sky as Beast Boy sat on the shore of the island, skipping stones, or trying to anyway. Each time he threw it in, it only sank to the bottom. The shape-shifter gave a slight growl, sitting Indian style as he rested an elbow on his knee and his chin on his upturned palm. The light breeze ruffled his hair and he closed his eyes breathing in the crisp evening air.

Unbeknownst to Beast Boy, Terra had made her way outside, too, and was now sitting to the left of him. She pulled her knees into her chest, chin resting upon them as the shape-shifter, still oblivious grabbed another rock and chucked it, making a large splash before sinking to the bottom. Terra couldn't help it. The look of anger on the changeling's face was just too adorable. She let out a slight chuckle, which he did notice. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, Beast Boy…" She responded shaking her head slightly. "Here, watch." Terra let her eyes glow a faint gold as she picked up a rock and with a snap, it soared across the surface of the water, once, twice, thrice, four times. The geomancer smirked at Beast Boy's awed expression and levitated another stone to the shape-shifter's hand. "Don't throw it. Toss it."

"'Kay." Beast Boy drew his arm back to throw, but just as he was about to release it pulled back and tossed it, watching as it skipped one, two, three, four, five times. He pumped his gloved fist in the air before grasping his shoes and rocking back and forth slightly, just as he had so many months again. "I SO beat you," he murmured, a familiar glimmer in his eyes, one that Terra knew all too well. It was hard to see him like this, not remembering all they had been through, but he was still the Beast Boy she remembered, even that lopsided grin of his.

"Yeah, you beat me," Terra answered, shaking her head slightly and laughing again, which of course got him laughing too. Beast Boy drew his eyes away from Terra to stare at the setting sun, spreading an orange-red blanket over the city. The shape-shifter let out a slight whistle, Terra nodding in agreement. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Reminds me of something…" He screwed up his face in thought once more, though still nothing. Beast Boy offered a heavy sigh before giving Terra a sideways glance, examining her with his eyes. "You're so nice and everything. I wish I could remember you…Uh…" The changeling gave a nervous sort of chuckle, ashamed that he had forgotten her name.

"Terra, it's Terra." Her eyes reflected the setting sun and she suddenly got an idea. The geomancer stood, offering a hand to Beast Boy which he took as they stood side by side, watching the sunset. "Beast Boy, I might know someplace that might help find your lost memories. We went there once before…"

His stomach growled slightly and Beast Boy gave a slight chuckle, now patting his hungry stomach. "As long as there's food I'm there. But y'know, I don't eat-"

"I know you're a vegetarian, BB." Terra gave another sigh as she ripped a slab of ground from underneath them, Beast Boy caught off guard and ended up throwing his arms around Terra's waist to keep himself upright. "Um, I forgot to mention I can move the earth?"

"No, Cyborg told me. I just…forgot." Blushing a very strange shade of red mixed with the green of his skin, Beast Boy pulled himself to his feet, arms folded behind his head as he stared out at the horizon. They were getting steadily farther away from Jump City, and by the looks of it they were heading in the general direction of well, he didn't exactly know.

Sensing the slight confusion from her companion, Terra answered his unspoken question. "We're headed to a place where we hung out once. Remember Ben's? Probably not, but you could never forget that pie. You were crazy over it…"

"Pie?" Beast Boy's ears perked slightly as he gave a grin. "This is the restart of a beautiful friendship, Terra."

Upon arriving at the diner, Terra parked their ride in the grass on the edge of the parking lot and hopped off, Beast Boy at her heels and nearly drooling already, kind of like when a dog sees its food but can't eat it yet. She laughed again, making him smile. "I like the way you laugh," the shape-shifter murmured as they walked. "It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Terra raised an eyebrow slightly, shaking her head as he darted in front of her, determined to open the door for her. He bowed slightly as she entered and he followed, the bell atop the door ringing signaling customers had entered.

Upon entering Beast Boy cast a glance around. This place seemed vaguely familiar, though he couldn't quite place where. Terra was already seated at a stool on the bar, spinning slightly before pausing to face the changeling. She grinned and waved him over and he took the seat next to her. When he reached for the menu, however, Terra grabbed his wrist. "I already ordered for us. No worries."

"Pie?" Beast Boy asked hopefully as the waitress slid two plates down the bar stopping directly in front of each of them. "Whoa," the shape-shifter murmured, picking up his fork with a shaking hand and cutting the corner off of his slice of pie. He pulled the fork towards his mouth, stopping when it was inches away and examining it slightly. Shrugging one shoulder Beast Boy shoved the fork in his mouth and chewed slowly. One bite and he slammed the fork down on the table, ready to declare his pie review on the world. "This is the best pie….in the history of pie."

Well, that was it. Surely he would remember saying that at least if he remembered anything at all. Terra heaved a heavy sigh, running her fork along the edge of her plate and feeling like she had failed herself, and Beast Boy. The geomancer kept her gaze averted from his as he drained a glass of soy milk. There was a burp and then he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, now staring blankly at Terra. He shrugged again before practically inhaling the rest of his pie, swallowing the fork in the process. He choked it out and pounded at his chest for a moment before staring at Terra. "And it was even better the second time around."

Her head snapped up as she stared wide-eyed at him. Was it really true? Did he really remember? "You gonna finish that?" Beast Boy gestured to Terra's untouched pie and she gave a laugh, but instead of letting him have it she latched onto his wrist and dragged him outside. "Hey! What are you-" He trailed off blankly as he stared up at the star crossed sky, a shooting star passing overheard. The moon was round and glowing brightly, and Beast Boy suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hey, Terra."

"Hmm?" Terra turned to look over her shoulder as she led them around back. There was a fire escape there, and she started up it with the shape-shifter at her heels.

"Remember how you always loved the stars?"

"Yeah." They were nearly there, to the top. "What about it?"

"Well once when I was reading your diary I made a promise to myself and to you." Beast Boy paused, clambering up through the hole in the last stair and pulling himself up onto the roof of the building. Terra sat at the edge of the front of the building, staring up at the night sky. The changeling fell to a seated position beside her, eyes now entranced with the shooting star directly over them.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Terra turned to stare at him, anticipating an answer but the answer never came. Instead he drew his gaze back to hers, eyes glimmering slightly as he leaned forward, one hand entangled in her blonde locks, the other on the small of her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling their breaths intertwine as he pulled in, pressing his lips to hers. It couldn't have been more then a minute, but when he pulled away Terra could have sworn they had been locked passionately for hours.

Beast Boy turned back to the sky as if nothing had happened now gripping his shoes again and rocking back and forth. Terra had her head resting on her knees as they gazed upward at the constellations, their shooting star seeming to explode into two different colors, green and yellow. The colors twirled and swirled above them before intertwining into one steady stream of color, both yellow and green. The colors seemed to mean something, but neither of them voiced this opinion aloud.

His words echoed into the night and they would stick in her mind forever. "The day I can count all those stars up there is the day I stop caring about you the way I do."