This story was inspired by a Harry Potter I story I read and think is hilarious.


Disclaimer: I own anything I can buy. Since I can create my own characters, they are mine because I can afford them.


Saturday June 20th, 6:05 PM

Since Brynna gave me this diary for my birthday, I figured that I might as well use it.

She wrote on the card that girls need somewhere to let out their emotions. Ha. That's what Ace is for.

Yesterday I had an in-depth conversation with Ace about how homework is stupid and should die.

6:06 PM

By the way, my name is Sam. Samantha Forster. I'm 15.

6:07 PM

You don't care, do you?

No, I didn't think so.

6:08 PM

You know, I figured this would be as good a place as any to write what I realized yesterday.

It is such a top secret secret. It's so secretly secret that no one can know because it's a secret.

6:09 PM

You want to know? Too bad.

6:10 PM

Fine, if you really want to know, I could tell you.

6:11 PM


No I'm kidding. I'll tell you after dinner.

7:00 PM

Notice how long it took me to eat. I do not want to tell you what I figured out.

7:01 PM

I think I'll get ready for bed now.

I'm stalling, because I'm very reluctant to go public about that thing I figured out.

7:03 PM

Oooh, I LOVE this song! Dirty Little Secret!

7:08 PM

Note to self: do not dance around room half dressed for bed when six month old brother could crawl in at any moment and be traumatized.

Said brother could have that image stored in his head for years to come and possibly cry or taunt sister.

7:10 PM

Don't you dare think I'm trying to get off subject so I don't have to say the thing I'm terribly reluctant about saying!

Whoa, did that make sense?

7:11 PM

Ok, fine.

7:12 PM

So yesterday, I realized that...

7:13 PM

Oh, this is so embarrassing!

7:14 PM

Come on, you're a diary, for God's Sake!

You are made of paper!

And I'm talking to you...

7:15 PM

Yesterday I realized that Jake Ely is freaking hot!

Sat. 7:16 PM

There! I said it! Are you happy now?

7:17 PM

I mean, I've known him forever and now it's like, oh my gosh, hot guy!

7:18 PM

He's awesome, you know.

And hot.

And cool.

He's nice too.

7:19 PM

Yes, he is now officially my mental picture of the perfect guy.

7:20 PM

Well, of course I like him!

What gave you that brilliant idea?

Was it my ranting for...5 minutes that gave it away?

Dang. I don't want anyone to know...

Wait. You're a diary. It's not like there's a conspiracy of diaries that are going to tell everyone who I like.

7:21 PM


7:22 PM


My little brother that can't read or talk or walk is going to figure out who I like one way or another!

And he'll use baby sign language to tell everyone!


I must hide this...

7:23 PM

Oh. It has a lock. Hahaha. I knew that.

I so knew that.

7:25 PM

Did you know that I have been amusing myself with this diary for nearly 30 minutes?

I need to get out more.

Wait a second...

7:45 PM

Sorry you had to miss 20 minutes of my life. I had a strange urge to go outside and see the horses.

7:46 PM

You know what; I bet you are so bored that you fell asleep.

Yeah. That's right.

Listen to you snore...sounds like a train.

A freight train.

Those are louder, you know.

8:00 PM

Oh my GOSH!

This is not happening to me!

8:01 PM

Tell me the doorbell didn't just ring and I walked downstairs to open it.

I forgot I had on Eeyore pajamas and a pink tank top that's 3 sizes too small that I got in, like, 2nd grade, that says 'Osh Kosh Kids' on it!

And guess who was at the door?

8:02 PM

Yes. It was him.



The hot guy?


Jake Ely?

My, you sure have short term memory loss.

8:03 PM

Now what in the world is Jake doing sitting in our kitchen drinking hot chocolate at eight at night?

Apparently, he rode over here because he thought my dad needed help with some sort of thing involving hay.

It was raining and he's soaking wet.

He is also staying overnight.

My dad has the most cowboy-ish name ever.


Isn't that so Western?

8:04 PM

But back to the subject of Jake in kitchen.

You know, I think he came to see me.

Maybe he doesn't even know it, but deep down, he has this burning desire to ask me out.

I'm going to wait 10 minutes, Jake Ely, and see if you come up to ask me out.

8:14 PM


8:15 PM

So here's what happened when I walked down to open the door.

"Hi Brat," Jake said.

I froze and I squeaked. Like a mouse.

"What are you doing here?"

"Doesn't Wyatt need help with the hay?"

"We did that already, Jake. Sorry, I tried to call you," my dad said from the living room.

The idiots! They could have gotten off their lazy bums and gone to answer the door.


"Oh...," Jake said.

"Would you like cocoa?" Gram asked randomly, and she started pulling out milk and chocolate.


Jake is trying to torture me.

I swear.

8:16 PM

He wants me to be intoxicated by his presence.

8:17 PM

He has powers to make the weather be too stormy to ride home.


8:18 PM

Back to the conversation.

"It's raining pretty hard Jake. Do you want to ride home in this weather?" Brynna said.

"Looks like the roads are floodin' up," Dad said. "Might not want to drive, either."

"You could stay here," Brynna suggested. "Sam, go get the guest room ready."

I swear, they're all plotting against me.

"It's always ready," I grumbled, before running back upstairs and here I am.

Talking to my diary.

8:20 PM

Sorry for the two minute delay in writing.

I was staring at Jake.

The guest room is across the hall, you know.

Oooh. He smiled at me.

8:50 PM

Note to self: Never trust Jake Ely when he smiles.

Because it was a smirk.

Stupid little...

Well, since I know you're dying for details...

Jake threw me a soda.

"Ooooh, soda!" I exclaimed. Soda.

I opened the soda.

Which had just flown through the air.

Guess what? It exploded all over me and my room and EVERYTHING!

I had to clean it up.

By myself.

8:51 PM

Well, all right, I enlisted the help of Jake because it was his fault.

Mostly just because I wanted to have him in view so I could stare at him when he wasn't looking.

I would have made him clean the soda off my diary, too, but then he would have looked in it and seen that I think he's cute.

That would be disaster.

8:52 PM

Oh my god, how am I going to live through a whole night in the same house as Jake?


A/N: I hope no one hates it.


That's right.


And for those of you who are always demanding more action, be patient. The next chapters will be better.

I promise.
