A/N: Ok I think that I'm done with this. If I get inspired I will add another. This is slight AU. It occurs after season 9 but Janet is alive.

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.

He's finally happy. That makes me smile. It's been a long time since I've seen him truly happy. There have been so many horrific things that have happened in his life. I can't help but wonder if just one of those things didn't happen if he would still have made it to this point. Probably not. And I know that he knows that.

I know that more than anything he wishes that I could be there to share this day with him. But I took that chance away nine years ago. He came to visit me yesterday. Told me how happy he was and that he was finally able to let go of the guilt and the pain of the past. He let me know that she had taught him that. He told me that I shouldn't be sad that he had found someone else to spend his life with. And how could I be when I could clearly see how happy he was.

As the doors to the back of the church opened and she walked up the aisle I watched his face. No one at that moment could deny that these two people didn't or shouldn't belong together. Though it took nine years they had finally found each other, and what's nine years when you have a lifetime to look forward to? I smiled down at the couple and whispered 'I love you dad, be happy.'