31. I kept the sweater you bought me. It's really amazing how well hot-pink cashmere buffs wax off the Mercedes.

32. I've watched you play more hours of Final Fantasy than I think is healthy. And I'm sorry I offended you. Of course the logical thing to do after saving the world and losing your imaginary boyfriend is to become a pop star.

33. I'm slowly growing accustomed to the things that follow you home. Like Hiro. Seriously, why can't you have dork recess at his place?

34. I've developed a fondness for your addition to the kitchen décor. "It's kind of useful/ That your hair is fluorescent./ Saves on the light bill." Magnetic poetry is fun.

35. When I'm bored, I no longer write "Deceased" across random articles of your fan mail and send it back. Surprising to find out that your fan base knows how to read.

36. Purikura also adorns my lighter. Reminds me of why I need to continue smoking and shorten my lifespan, since I seem to be stuck with you.

37. In my spare time, I follow the rumors posted about you on the Internet. I also start them. Incidentally, the next time a photographer asks you to show him your tail, it might not be a figure of speech.

38. I make it my business to fend off your horde of female fans. The last thing we need is for you to find some heterosexual relationship and start spawning. The world doesn't deserve that.

39. When you're alone in the apartment, I no longer worry that you really need a keeper. The kennel is arriving on Monday. Hey, you're the one who wears a dog suit. On Thursday, I'm having you flea-dipped.

40. Your clothing infests every single one of my closets and drawers. Wish you'd calm down with that credit card—it's not like they're gonna stop making orange polyester. In fact, I think it's breeding.

A/N: Haven't been feeling funny in the last few months, sorry! Sort of checking now to see if Boring Cas has left and Silly Cas has come back. Do let me know. :)