I Can't Stand The Distance, I Can't Dream Alone

Arturo was removed from the field by Angeni over the next couple of days after his fight against Dynasty. As far as the young mare was concerned, this suited her fine. Purity was now hers and the stallion could never hope to break the connection they had forged and were building upon. They spent long hours beneath the pine trees, heads and bodies touching, gazing out at the open prairies together. Although her memories of freedom were nowhere as clear as Dynasty's, Purity still longed for the thrill of being where no fence or human contained her. It didn't matter too much to the albino where she went with that freedom, just as long as the beautiful black mare that had stolen her heart was by her side. Although their love was unusual among their kind, it couldn't be viewed in the eyes of any creature with a heart as wrong. It was as if both mustangs had found another who understood them perfectly, the other half which made them complete. As the weeks passed in Arturo's absence, the rest of the fenced-in herd became more receptive and relaxed towards their new leader. In turn, Dynasty kept her guard down with them to show that she wasn't as ferocious as she appeared to be. As each horse came to understand the other in the field, none of them could comprehend that a big change was about to befall each and every one of them. It started one dawn, just as the sun was rising in the east.

"W-What's happening?" Dynasty snorted, waking abruptly and climbing to her feet. Her wake-up call had been caused by a creaking sound coming from the other end of the field. All around the mustang, the rest of the herd were standing and trying to make sense of what was happening. Angeni was pulling the gate which lead into the field back until it was as open as it could be. Beyond lay nothing but open grassland as far as the horses could see, just a wide expanse of green. Not fully trusting her eyes, Dynasty walked slowly over to Angeni with Purity by her side. The young woman gently ran her hands over the velvety muzzle of the mare, gazing with respect into the eyes of one horse which had left its mark on her.

"Well, Blackie," she said softly, "your leg's fully healed. I'd say it's time for you and your herd to go back home. Now, get out of here, go back where you came from, mustang!" This last part came out in a light-hearted shout as the girl smacked Dynasty on her rump. Instinctively, she leapt forward, galloping from the enclosure and it was a brief moment before she realised what it meant. The horse was no longer standing within the confines of a field, nor the cramped conditions of a stable. She was back on open prairie grassland, with nothing but the wind touching her body.

"COME ON! LET'S GO!" her powerful neigh rang through the air, spurring her herd forward to freedom. It was all so much to take in at once. She was free again for the first time in years, she was the leader of her own herd and she had found love. Purity was immediately by her side and Dynasty could see the glint of mischief in those pink eyes she loved so much.

"There's only one place to go, right?" she whinnied before setting off at a fast gallop. This was all Dynasty needed before she too raced with the other horses close behind. They ran, with landscape passing by them on both directions in nothing but a swift blur and collage of colours. The wind sent their manes flying out behind their bodies; strength and sheer ecstasy pulsed through their hearts and veins at the simple pleasure of running free.

I hear the wind call your name

it calls me back home again

It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns

To you I will always return

I know the road is long but where you are is home

Wherever you stay - I'll find the way

I'll run like the river - I'll follow the sun

I fly like an eagle - to where I belong

It was almost second nature to Dynasty where she needed to go. As she led her herd across the plains, she paused only when it was necessary to get food and draw breath. Her heart was telling her where to go, trails she raced across when but just a young filly still fresh in her adult mind. With each step she took, the mare's heart soared more and more as old memories came to mind of times spent in these places. After travelling for almost the full day, Dynasty finally drew up and signalled to her herd to wait for her while she and Purity went on ahead. Just over the ridge, as had been the case years ago in her foal days, there was a herd of mustangs. She cast her brown-green eyes over each individual, recognising ones she had met briefly back then and spotting newer additions in her absence. They one by one turned to look at the newcomers, noting the strikingly white horse alongside the one who was as black as the darkest night, save for three white stockings and a blaze down the middle of her face. Her dark brown mane blew softly to the side with the forelock flying across her eyes. The herd remained silent, instead parting so that one of their number could walk forward to greet the visitors. A palomino mare walked slowly forwards as if her deep brown eyes couldn't believe the sight in front of them. Indeed, the last time she saw the horse in front of her was back when Dynasty was a filly. The areas which had been rubbed raw due to the rodeo ranch were covered in softer and shorter fur than the rest of her body while her front right leg had a line of white hair where the break had happened. Her neck was as thick as her sire's, Wild Wind, and she was in prime physical health. On the other side, Dynasty cast her eyes over Opalana's body, trying to accept this was no dream. The white blaze, the black nose and her rich blonde-coloured body were sights the younger mare had thought she would never see again and at that moment were the happiest things she had ever laid eyes on.

I can't stand the distance - I can't dream alone

I can't wait to see you - Yes, I'm on my way home

And now I know it's true

My every road leads to you

And in the hour of darkness

Your light gets me through

Shaking from head to hoof, Dynasty slowly walked over to the dearest mother-figure she had ever known. Opalana rested her head on the neck of the younger horse, drawing her body in tighter and not releasing her grip for a long time. This was a moment of healing for both of them, an opportunity both horses had thought lost to them forever the day the humans dragged Dynasty away to captivity and brutality. No words were needed in that instance, Opalana could sense at least part of the hurt Dynasty had sustained in her battle to return. The black mare wanted the palomino to understand that she never gave up fighting, never stopped trying so hard to be free again. Pulling away from the comforting and loving contact, Dynasty turned and neighed long and hard. Within a few moments, her herd raced over the ridge and mingled with Opalana's herd. Trotting over to Purity's side, Dynasty looked lovingly back at Opalana before galloping across the open expanse.

You run like the river - you shine like the sun

You fly like an eagle

You are the one i've seen every sunset

And with all that I've learned

Oh it's to you - I will always return

As she raced, Dynasty saw Purity's sleek white form on one side and Opalana's golden body on her other. It was as it should be, she was home again. This place she would never allow anyone or anything to take her away from again.

The End.