"That little coachroach!"

Severus Snape looked up from his book on rare ingrediants as Narcissa Malfoy stormed into the room. Sev looked around. There was no one else in the room and he seriously doubted she was talking to him.

"That little worm! Why when I get my delicate hands on his mangy half breed neck..."

"You realize, of course, that you're talking to the air?" Sev informed the blonde.

"Shut up Severus!" She snarled. "That no good, arrogant inbreeding ass! I oughta..."

"Out of curiousity," Sev piped up again. "Who are you talking about?"

"My ass of a husband!" She shrilled.

"Ah I see. And what hideous crime has he commited of late?"

"You mean besides the one that got him sent into prision?" She sneered, giving a most unladylike, but not unattractive (There was very little that Cissa could do that would be considered unattractive) chuckle.

Sev glanced at her over the top of his book as she slumped into the arm chair opposite him.

"I heard Bella boasting that she and he... well, did it the night before my marriage."

"And you're listening to the nonsensical ravings of her? Your sole source of information is your jealous overbearing sister?"

Cissa blushed. "Well, when you put it that way..."

"On the other hand, that is something Lucius would do. Even if he wasn't drunk that is."

Cissa narrowed her eyes at the dark haired man. "Are you under the illusion that you're helping?"

Sev smirked. "Not anymore."

Cissa suddenly got a distinctly viscious look in her light grey eyes.

"Well, Sev, I think I know how to even the scores."

Sev looked at her over his book. "How?"

Cissa rose gracefully and crossed the few feet to where he lounged. She was wearing a thin sundress and Sev froze as he realized he could see her nipples through it. She plucked his book from his coma tose hands and set it aside. She straddled his lap, hiking her kneelenght dress to mid thigh causing a blush to spread across Snape's pale face.

She took his face in her hands and kissed him.

A door opened somewhere, the sound lost to Sev and Cissa.

"Hey, Mum, can I..." the voice trailed off for a moment before returning in full volume. "Bloody Hell!"

Sev and Cissa broke the kiss and looked over to see Draco standing, his eye twitching.

"Draco, darling, now is not a good time. Be a dear, run along and owl your father. The content is entirely up to you. I won't take away anything if you see fit to include this incident."

Draco, pale as parchment, just nodded and mechanically turned and walked out of the room.

Cissa removed herself from Sev's lap and walked to the door.

Sev sat in the same position as before, stock still.

"Well, Sev, Are you coming?"

He looked at her. "Wha?"

"Well, if I'm going to lose my reputation as a faithful wife, I think it best to do it in one foul swoop, don't you?"

It took a moment for her words to sink in and when they did he blushed. Then he surprised himself by getting up and following her out of the room.

What the hell? You only live once.