Chapter 12: He finds out

A/N: Hey, it's the second last chapter, what do you think will happen?

When the two arrived home, they saw that Misato wasn't home. Asuka sighed as she stared out the window, it rained again, but she smiled, it reminded her of their moment at lunch. She turned to her side and saw Shinji lying down listening to his SDAT. He looked peaceful, for his eyes were closed and he was bobbing his head.

Turning back to the window, she saw a mother alone with a baby carroiage. She was a little troubled, but then a man came around with an umbrella. It was a sweet sight, it must've been the father, for he kissed the mother and he smiled at the baby in the carriage. Sighing deeply she thought of when she and Shinji were a bit older with their baby in it's carriage. But then her head hurt for a moment, a picture of death swayed through her mind. She winced and sighed once more.

Walking towards the kitchen, she readied some cookies and milk for herself to eat. Slowly nibbling on one she sighed once more and rested her head. Too many things were on her mind, she didn't know whether to hope that Shinji will live, or mourn that Shinji is going to die. Every time she tried to think about it, it hurt her even more.

"Asuka-chan?" Shinji said softly at the doors of the kitchen.

She turned to him with a slight smile, "Hey Shinji-kun," she placed her head up and saw that she had one cookie left and offered it to Shinji.

"Thanks," he said and placed it in his mouth, and enjoyed it, "So, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know," she said.

"This is unusual you know, I'd expect for us to be arguing by know hehe," he smirked, "It's boring you know in ways…Although it's kind of cool you to be so silent, a nice change…"

"Shinji-kun…" she said quietly, as if she didn't hear a word he just said.


"Do you know what happens when you lose too much blood?" she asked her eyes slightly dull.

Shinji jumped at the question, "I don't know," he coughed slightly and some blood appeared on his hand, panicking he wiped it on his shirt, Asuka's eyes widened.

"Shinji-kun, you just coughed up blood!" she went to his side.

"It's nothing, now what about this stupid-" he began coughing again and fell to his knees and moaned in pain, "It's nothing Asuka-chan," he smiled at her while wincing through the pain, "Now what happens when you lose too much blood?"

Her eyes widened and she held Shinji in her arms, "When you lose too much blood, you die Shinji-kun…And that's what might happen to you in a week, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE SHINJI!" she yelled it and held him tight.

"Pft, Asuka-chan," he smirked, "I knew that…"

Asuka let him go and stared him straight in the eye, "What?"

"I knew I was going to die Asuka, you guys can't keep it a secret forever," he fell over again, "But I thought that, maybe if I can stand this, they can soon find a way to help me you know…These weird injuries and crap, I know that they must be fatal…"

"Shinji-kun…" A voice said from somewhere else.

"Shinji-kun," another voice said from the door.

The two teens looked at the door and saw Dr. Akagi and Misato.

"We're taking you to the hospital Shinji…We may need to do something…" she said as Misato picked him up, "Asuka are you coming?"

"Of course…"

A/N: Sorry for the extremely short chapter lol. Have fun, it's one more chapter to go, I think the last one is going to be really long. IS he going to die? You never know…