Chapter 29

A/N- I'm glad that most people are happy that Faith didn't die and I didn't want her to die anyway:) This will be the Last chapter of the story :(

And now on to the reviews…

Jedi X-man Serena Kenobi: Thanks for your review I'm glad you're happy Faith didn't die.

Tahl and Qui Gon both snapped their heads round in Faith's direction. Their youngest daughter who was almost nine years old stared at the pair of them as if they had gone mad.

"Mum? Are you ok? Did I do something to upset you?" Faith asked utterly confused as her two shell shocked parents who had tears rolling down their cheeks just gawped at her with their mouths hanging open. Before anyone could say or do anything the two older Jedi rushed over and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my baby! We thought we'd lost you!" Tahl sobbed as she kissed her daughter's face.

"Thank the God's you're alive!" Qui Gon cried happily.

The doctor stared at the scene in front of him and smiled he was pleased she survived and decided to leave them alone but before he could leave Qui Gon told him warmly.

"Thank you Doctor for saving my little angel."

After hearing her father's pet name for her Faith pulled a face and Tahl laughed and held her close. Faith smiled and hugged her mum back.

"I just didn't want you to lose such a talented young Jedi." He answered and another voice piped up.

"Why thank you Doctor I know I'm talented!"

"Ha real funny Ben like you're gifted!" Faith rolled her eyes as he swaggered in but then she laughed and he grinned and ran over to her bedside and hugged her,

"I missed you sis." He replied sitting on an empty chair beside her bed.

"I missed you but I heard that you and Anakin we're both in Space and did you two really blow up the Battlestar?" Faith asked and he grinned.

"Yeah and it was soooo cool!" Ben replied and she grinned.

"Doctor, will Faith have any burns or scars or anything we should know about?" Tahl asked worriedly.

"The Sith missed her stomach but the force of the blow caused her skin to rip open and bleed heavily but I'm afraid Faith will have a scar on her stomach for the rest of her life." The Doctor explained and Faith lifted up her dress so you could see her stomach.

"Wow cool!" Ben awed at the sight of the big scar which ran from halfway down her chest to her belly button.

"Oh well at least I can cover it up." Faith muttered then shoved her dress back down.

2 days later around 09.00 the town of Naboo was getting ready for a huge parade which would also lead to Padme giving the Gungans a peace orb and then there would be a huge party.

"I can't wait for this, we'll get to dress up and eat lots of cake and have a huge party…" Faith awed whilst bouncing around the living room she shared with her mother and sister.

"Faith calm down you'll end up hurting yourself." Selena laughed and then Faith banged into a table.

"Are you alright?" Tahl asked concerned although she tried not laugh.

"I'm ok!" Faith replied bouncing up and down again oblivious to the fact that she banged into the table.

"We have to be ready for midday so you better get into that bathroom and go for a bath young lady and remember Yane is coming up to do your hair." Tahl told her daughter.

"Ok, ok I'm going." Faith rolled her eyes and grabbed her robe and waltzed into the bathroom.

"Now where's that son of mine? I bet he'll be causing mischief with Anakin." Tahl muttered then Qui Gon came in and kissed his wife on the cheek.

"Where's Ben?" She asked as her husband sat down.

"Oh he's on the balcony with Ani and Obi Wan." He replied.

"Right well I'm off." Selena announced.

"Where re you going? You still have to get ready!" Tahl reminded her and Selena grinned.

"Mum relax! Anyone would think you were planning this whole thing, I'll be back in an hour ok?" Selena reassured her and Tahl smiled and shook her head.

"You're right I'm being silly, go and please if you see your brother tell him to behave and the Council will be watching him today along with the Gungans and the Queen."

"I will mum." Selena answered and then walked out into the corridor.

Tahl sighed then grinned as she felt two hands snake around her waist. Qui Gon planted kisses down her neck and whispered wickedly in her ear.

"You know we're all alone…"

"So what are you suggesting Qui Gon?" Tahl purred and they were about to share a passionate kiss when Faith yelled from the bathroom.


They both laughed and she kissed him and muttered as she walked slowly to her room.

"Maybe later"

Qui Gon groaned but smiled as he walked back to his room.

Up on the balcony Anakin, Obi Wan and Ben were watching the people below. Ben flung his head back and then lurched forward and spat down on the ground below.

"Bulls-eye!" Anakin yelled as he managed to spit on a man's hat.

"Ok my turn!" Obi Wan grinned childishly and just as he was about to spit Selena cleared her throat. He swallowed then turned to face her.


"I hope Obi Wan Kenobi you were not going to copy my immature little brother and Anakin and spit on someone?" Selena questioned folding her arms.

"No." Obi Wan quickly lied but then Anakin and Ben both chorused.

"He was and he did it before but missed this huge fat woman's head!"

Selena laughed at him then leaned over and spat onto a male alien who then turned his head up to face them but Ben had yelled:

"Hit the deck!"

Before he could do anything.

"So sis what brings you up here?" Ben asked.

"Mum was looking for you and Anakin she also wanted be to remind you that you have 2 hours to get ready for the parade." Selena told them.

"Ok we'll go besides we've had our fun." Ben replied.

Anakin and Ben both waved and ran off to get ready. Selena stayed with Obi Wan and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad Faith was ok."

"Me too but shouldn't we get ready the parade is in 2 hours?" Obi Wan questioned.

"Yeah but I just wanna stand here and admire the view, God Naboo is beautiful and we won't see any of this when we go back to Coruscant tomorrow evening." She sighed.

He smiled and kissed her head and they stood there for a couple of minutes before going to get ready.

"Mum I look like a giant pink marshmallow!" Faith grumbled as her mother fastened the bow at the back of her dress. Faith's hair was tied up in a bun and two strands were loose at the front.

"Awww you look so sweet!" Yane cooed as she checked her peach strapless dress in the mirror.

"Does it not bother you that you and the other handmaidens have to wear the exact same dress?" Faith asked.

"Yes and no but at least I get to go to the parade and the party." Yane smiled.

Tahl wore a light blue dress that had a corset style top with three quarter length sleeves and a long skirt. Her hair was down and curled slightly.

"Mum you look great." Selena commented on her mother's dress as she entered the room.

"And here is Selena Kenobi modelling this seasons top look- dirty peasant girl!" smirked when Selena entered and everyone laughed.

"So funny coming from the human marshmallow!" Selena playfully retorted and Faith flung a cushion at her.

"Faith! Behave yourself, Selena the bathroom's free but hurry up because we now have an hour until we have to join the start of the parade," Tahl told Selena who nodded and walked into the bathroom and got washed.

"Mum is my dress there?" Selena yelled from the bathroom.

Tahl glanced around the room and spotted a red coloured gown which had a long flowing skirt.

"How come she gets that and I have the dress made from Sith spawn!" Faith mumbled as Selena came out with a towel wrapped around her.

"Awww is Faith jealous?" Selena grinned as she took the dress from her mother and smiled at her sister who stuck her tongue out at her.

"I'll do your hair if you want Selena." Yane told her and Selena smiled and replied.

"Thanks for the offer Yane but I'm just gonna brush it and wear it down.

"Have you seen Padme's gown?" Rabe asked as she stood at the window watching the last minute preparations.

"No." Tahl and Faith replied at the same time.

"It's beautiful it's cream and has these tiny little diamonds and has these feathers." Yane commented as Rabe walked over as she too had seen the dress.

Selena came out and then 2 minutes later Qui Gon arrived with the other's who wore white and brown Jedi attire.

"Aww look at Ani with his Padawan braid!" Tahl cooed and Anakin blushed.

"You're all grown up I feel so proud!" Ben mused and everyone laughed.

"Is it time?" Obi Wan asked.

Suddenly they heard a cheer coming from bellow them and music began to play.

"Does that answer your question Obi Wan?" Faith asked smiling as they all walked out and headed towards the Throne room to join the Queen and the others to start the parade.

"And so it begins." Qui Gon muttered and Tahl smiled and took his hand and kissed his cheek as they bowed at Padme who smiled and they walked out into the roaring crowd…

Children were singing and as the Jedi and the Queen watched from the steps above the Gungans who were arriving. The children also threw flowers onto the passing Gungan soldiers who cheered along with them. R2 who was standing in front of the handmaidens whistled with happiness. Nonie was in complete awe she had never experienced anything like this before and Selena smiled as she realised that the 22 year old who looked amazing in her green dress was going to be a great Jedi.

The Gungans stopped at the bottom fof the steps. Boss Nass, Jar Jar climbed the steps and stood beside the Queen. Padme hands Boss Nass the Globe of Peace and he accepted it and held it up and boomed.


Everyone cheered and Jar Jar whooped in delight causing Faith and Ben to laugh. Padme turned and grinned at Anakin who smiled back. Then the Parade continued to march on and the celebrations lasted long into the night.

A/N- Oh my God! My story is finished! I have really, really enjoyed writing it and I would like to thank everyone who reviewed. I am currently planning a sequel to Life In The Jedi Temple and I will probably post it next month.

Thanks again and God bless

Stacey aka xXxArwenxXx