I was in my public speaking class and decided to write this. Don't know why, just did it. Have fun reading it as much as I had fun writing it!


Please read, review and enjoy!

It was a normal day in Alphabet City, New York. Our favorite bohemians were all at the loft hanging out together as usual. Joanne was helping Mark clean his camera, Mimi was doing Maureen's hair by the window, Roger of course wasn't doing a thing but sitting in the old lazy boy chair drinking a cup of coffee. Collins was sitting on the couch with Angel in his lap. Those two never stayed away from one another long unless it was absolute necessary.

Roger loved Collins and Angel both, but he really couldn't handle them when they publicly showed their affection. It wasn't that he didn't accept or support them, but he just didn't want to see Collins making out with...anybody. Roger took a sip of his instant coffee inhaling it's scent. He loved coffee. Even as a kid when him and his dad would drink coffee Roger had to have it every morning. Roger's reminiscing was stopped when he heard Collins and Angel doing what they do best, no not sex this time but telling each other how sexy they were.

Angel traced his finger along Collins' jawbone. "You are so sexy."

Collins smiled warmly. "You are sexy."

"Your chest is sexy."

"Your legs are sexy."

"Your hands are sexy."

"Your ass is sexy."

Collins tapped Angel's nose with his pointer finger. "Your nose is sexy."

Angel took his eye and did a fish eye to Collins "Your eyeball is sexy."

"Your ears are sexy."

"Your voice is sexy."

Collins pulled Angel closer to him. "Oooo your lips are sexy."

The two's faces were inches apart. "Your smile is sexy."

Just as the two lovers were about to share a kiss, Roger yelled "Guys, guys, guys! Come on! Go home if you're going to be talking like that. Geez."

Angel and Collins looked up at the frustrated guitarist as he walked over to his room slamming the door.

Angel turned to Collins. "That wasn't sexy. But you still are!"

Roger opened the door of his room and poked his head out. "ANGEL!"

Angel shooed him off "Go to your room Roger! I'm putting you on punishment for not having a sexy attitude today!"

Roger rolled his eyes and slammed the door.

Collins looked at his lover, turning his face toward him seductively. "Now where were we?"

Angel grinned "Your lips were about to tell my lips how sexy they were."

Collins leaned into Angel for a kiss.

Today was definitely a good, sexy kind of day.