Who we never thought we'd be


Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and original charectors and settings. Please no stealing.(Though you can have the plot when I am done with it.)

A/N this contains many offensive things, including, but not limited to, underage prostitution, slash, fem-slash, and abuse. In my universe Ron is a bastard, and is portrayed as such. Much thanx to my bate Caitlyn, without her this would not be half as good as it is now.



"You are nothing but a little slut who will do anything for her parent's approval!" Hermione's father yelled.

"So" she had yelled back.

She knew he had been drinking but hadn't realized how much until he had pushed her against the wall.

A snap echoed through the room.

"Oh my god…." He had said, dropping her.

She had run crying from the house. Not once did she look back.

---End flashback---

His hand was raised as if to smack her. She wouldn't be surprised if he did, as he always did when drunk.

Hermione had had enough. For 13 years, she had lived in that house, been abused, and hadn't done a thing about it. This time her father had gone too far. He had been drunk and angry and decided to take it out on her. That wasn't unusual; he did it all the time. But usually, he only slapped her around a couple times. This time he had pushed her against the wall and punched her until an audible snap filled the room.

Shocked, he had dropped her and left the room, his eyes glazed.

Hermione decided this time it was too much, and had walked right out of the house. She didn't know how long she had been walking. All she knew was that her side hurt and legs ached. She was about to find a hollow and curl up to fall asleep, when she tripped.

Falling on her injured side, she let out a gasp of pain. As did the object she had tripped over.

When she calmed her breathing and subsequently the pain she looked at the figure she had tripped over. It was a young boy.

He had long unruly black hair, but she couldn't tell the color of his eyes because they were closed. He looked young, maybe 11 years old. Small enough to be even younger he looked vaguely feminine, malnourished to the point that his hip bones stuck out, giving him a pleasant set of curves.

The boy groaned again as he stirred, opening his eyes. They were startling. One was a pure emerald green, the other a pale sea green with flecks of red. "Hey" Hermione said.

The child looked up at her. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but no sound came out. The attempt at talking only set him into a coughing fit. Hermione helped him sit up, the only thing she could think of to do to help him.

While the child's coughing fit raged she stroked his back and gently held him, hoping to ease his suffering.

Eventually the coughing changed to dry heaves. Hermione's hand switched from his back to his stomach, easing the pain.

After what felt like hours the child finally calmed. "Hey" Hermione tried again.

"Hey." He croaked back.

"My names Hermione Granger"

"Harry Potter."
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