I apologize for how long this took. It was hectic, what with the end of school and all. Well, I'm proud to present to you the end of All's Fair in Truth or Dare. Please enjoy!


Chapter 11

In one long moment, Lavender felt her entire world crashing down around her. She was aware of nothing more than the two figures sitting together, their lips locked in a kiss. Time passed by in slow motion as she saw one of them turn, see her, and alert the other one. Her vision began to blur as she saw just who it was that was with Ron.

Hermione Granger.

She felt a tear trickle down the mutilated features of her face, only to land on her shirt, watched as the two of them stood to see her. Hermione's eyes were swollen from tears, but those very tears had left a mark on Ron's shirt.

"Lavender, are you alright?" This came from Ron, but Lavender wanted no help from him. How cursed was she that her would offer help in a time like this.

"I'm fine." She couldn't bring herself to say his name, couldn't utter that beautiful syllable.

Her sudden calm facade seemed to take them by surprise. "Lavender," Hermione began, but Lavender wouldn't let her finish.

Shedding the temporary calm, she let the words pour form her mouth. "You win, ok? You win! For the first time, I've been bested. You win, Hermione. You win our contest, you win your friends, you win R-him! You win the whole damn thing!"

Covering her face with her hands, Lavender took off towards the dormitories, praying Hermione wouldn't follow. With an uttered spell, Lavender locked the door magically and slammed herself, face down on her pillow.

I lose.

With that, she let herself weep truly, like she had never done before.


Hermione watched Lavender go, bitter thoughts in her head, but feeling slightly sorry for her at the same time. Lavender had gotten her suspended and ruined one of the best moments of Hermione's life, but she had also cried at the sight of Hermione and Ron kissing. But she kind of deserved it.

Long moments went by, Ron looking after her, a worried, and slightly confused expression on his face. Finally, he spoke. "What was that about? 'You win our contest'? What was that about?" He turned to face Hermione.

"Um, well, you see, Lavender and I sort of had a competition. It's nothing too bad. I'll tell you later," Hermione told him. She really didn't want to get into that right now. "I'm going to go see Lavender."

She sprinted up the stairs, her wand out. Once at the door, she tried to turn the knob, but saw that it wouldn't budge. With a wave of her wand, the door flew back on its hinges, revealing Lavender, sitting up on her bed, turned towards the door. Her mascara had left streaks on her cheeks, but Lavender paid them no mind.

"What do you want?" she asked, her eyes fixed on Hermione.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked, returning Lavender's gaze. "You looked a little nauseous back there. We were wondering what was wrong."

Lavender peered at her, pure hatred in her eyes. "Don't you act as if you don't know, Granger."

Hermione sighed, pretending to be exasperated. "You're such a sore loser, Lavender. It's not my fault that he picked me over you."

With a blur of movement, Lavender jumped from the bed and held her wand at Hermione's throat. "Go ahead. Say that again," she hissed menacingly.

Hermione was about to retaliate when a side of her she had forgotten spoke up. It was the Miss Granger all the teachers loved. "Look, Lavender. I'm really sorry about this. I didn't mean to be so, well, mean. And I'm sorry Ron picked me. I really am." And for the first time in quite a while, she was truly sorry for what she had done.


Lavender bristled as Hermione apologized to her. This was even worse than hearing the git brag. First she had to go and break Lavender's heart, and then she had to be nice about, giving Lavender little reason to hate her.

Instead of calming down, which was the obvious reaction, Lavender pressed the wand tip harder into Hermione's throat. "Damn you! You are-you have-you-damn you to hell!"

Lavender inwardly smirked as she watched the other girl squirm. "I don't want to hurt you, Lavender."

Lavender laughed coldly. "It's a little late for that, Granger. It's a little late for that." With a violent movement, she pressed Hermione against the wall. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to have your heart wrenched from your chest? Do you know what it's like to see the one you love in the arms of another? No. No you don't. You don't and you never will."

At this, Hermione turned to look Lavender directly in the eyes. "I do know what that feels like, Lavender. Do you honestly think that for all the years I loved Ron I never noticed when he hung in someone's arms? Do you think I enjoyed it when other girls flirted with him and he gave in to their power? Well, no. No, I didn't. And you know what? For once in my life I've gotten what I wanted. I've gotten Ron, and there's no way you know what it feels like to tramps after someone for half your life and to finally get them. No way you know that."

In one movement, Lavender let go of Hermione, dropped her wand, and sunk to her knees, sobbing. Her mind raced with frustration, pity, guilt, and every other emotion she'd ever felt. Hermione deserved him. She truly did, and no matter what Lavender did, no matter how much she hated it or tried to stop it, there was nothing she could do to tear the two apart. They were truly made for each other.

As the tears poured out, Lavender found herself smiling. Not because she'd lost, oh no, but because she actually knew just what would happen. She knew that nothing would change. She knew that Ron and Hermione would be forever together and that she needed to go find someone else. She knew Ron wasn't hers.

She knew.

Summoning her strength, Lavender stood and, in an extreme change of heart, wrapped her arms around Hermione in a hug. She sobbed into Hermione's shoulder for a few moments before she got control of herself.

"Look, Hermione. Ron's yours, and I know that. I won't interfere any more." At this, Hermione burst into tears as well.

"Thank you, Lavender. You don't know what that means."

Lavender smirked through her tears. I think I know. "Hermione?"


"Just stay away from Harry. He's mine."



Well, I hope you enjoyed the whole of my fic. This is the first full fic I've posted. I hope you liked it, and please review. If you want to, remember to check out my other fics. This is SajaNatalia signing out!