Harry (Oct. 31st)

Halloween found the quartet sitting around the table, their usual exuberance subdued by their leader's sullen mood. In truth Harry had been having a bad feeling all day and he was really worried. When he noticed everyone else's mood he pushed his worry down and smiled looking at Hermione for a second before speaking.

"Hey, Hermione what do we have today?" Harry asked and Hermione thought for a second and nodded lightly. "We have; Charms, Defence against the Dark Arts, and then two double History of Magic." Hermione said slowly and Harry nodded calmly and went with the two other boys to get their books and then head off to Charms.

The short Charm's Professor amused Harry slightly with his usual attitude. Harry and Ron worked together this time and both were having a little difficulty. Harry hadn't gotten the wand movement right and Ron was having difficulty with the pronunciation.

Harry noted that Hermione came over and showed them both what they were doing earning a glare from Ron, and a smile of thanks from Harry. Harry managed to make his float shortly after Hermione had and they both got five points.

As Harry and Ron walking to DADA Ron said something idiotic. "My god, that bloody girl she is so annoying. Honestly Ronald, its Wingardium Leviosa, not Leviosaa!" Ron said in a poor attempt at a girl's voice. Harry was about to tell Ron off when Hermione rushed past her eyes filled with tears. Harry groaned and glared at Ron.

Harry and Neville were really worried and completely shunning Ron when Hermione had missed 2 classes. Neville had heard that Hermione was in the girls' room crying her eyes out. The two boys were disgusted with the other boy for hurting their friend's feelings.

Harry and Neville were really worried during the feast. They were both shocked when they heard Quirell burst into the room and shout out that there was a troll in the dungeons. It took them about 4 seconds to run from the Great Hall towards the girls' room. Unfortunately neither knew which girls room Hermione was in. They were shocked when they saw Ron standing in front of a different girls room panting.

They were running towards him when they heard a scream from within and Harry ran and pushed Ron aside throwing the door open and bursting in. They saw Hermione crawling backwards away from a large Troll. Harry and Neville were both so shocked that they dropped their wands causing them to roll away from them landing near Hermione. Harry looked at Neville who had started scooping up rock and hurling them at the Troll.

Harry blinked and saw the large beast had started to go after Neville. Neville, who hadn't thought his plan through so well, turned white and started to back away from the approaching troll. Harry suddenly looked calm and looked at Neville.

He opened his hand and closed his eyes shouting out a clear phrase as his nerves began to burn from the magic overload.

"Flacis Umbris!" At his words a large scythe formed in Harry hands. It was about six feet long and emblazoned with a skull at the top. Harry drew the weapon back and hurled it with all his strength and the beast. The blade started to spin, becoming a black disc that ripped the Trolls head from its body before returning to the eleven year-old who was using it as a crutch.

He staggered over to Hermione and checked her over quickly noting she was alright. Harry was staring at Neville who was rushing towards them before his world became black and he collapsed into a heap on the ground.

The scythe lay next to him it seemed to glitter in the light.

Harry (Nov. 1)

Harry awoke to a thundering headache. He sat up slowly clutching his head looking around. He saw a table full of get well cards. His scythe was lying on a rack across the room. Dumbledore was sitting in a chair at his bedside. Madame Pomfrey was approaching his bed.

'Wait, what?' Harry thought as he snapped his head to stare at Dumbledore. The man was obviously trying to look grandfatherly. Harry raised an eyebrow and shrugged it off deciding to play along.

"Hello Professor, how long have I been out?" He asked with a questioning look at Madame Pomfrey as she handed him a potion. Harry decided to trust her and downed it quickly before turning back to Professor Dumbledore. Harry blinked softly and studied the old man.

"Ah Harry, well you have been out all night but, you will be able to leave as soon as you get dressed, or so Madam Pomfrey told me." Harry said softly and then smiled at him before walking away.

Harry stood up walking over to where his clothes had been laid. He donned them quickly and then grabbed his scythe from the wall. He glanced at Madam Pomfrey.

"Madam Pomfrey, if you could shrink this to more manageable size." He asked simply. She nodded and tapped it with her wand causing it to shrink to the size of a toy. Harry pocketed it and nodded to her in thanks. He walked out of the Hospital wing and headed up to the common room. He noted it was rather early and everyone was still asleep.

Harry had put his scythe away and grabbed his books, when he re-entered the common room. He was heading for an arm-chair to sit in when he was bowled over by a mass of busy hair that seemed to be sobbing. Harry blinked and looked down for a moment before speaking.

"Hermione?" He asked softly. "What's up?"

Hermione bloodshot eyes came up to look at him. "What were you thinking? Using a spell like that, it could have killed you!" she screeched at him. Harry looked at her and blinked in confusion.

"What?" he asked softly as he stared at her.

"You were doing advanced conjuring without a wand. Dumbledore himself can't even do that with a guarantee that it will work." Hermione said and tightened her arms around him. "The magic could have backfired and killed you." She said and Harry stared at her.

Harry decided to let her believe that was what he had done. Harry moved them both to a chair. Hermione cried herself out and fell back asleep. Neville joined them there and settled himself across from Harry raising an eyebrow.

Harry just shrugged and continued to read his text book and working on his homework. Neville began to work on his homework to. They were both engrossed in their homework when Hermione squeaked softly and rolled over burying her face in Harry's chest. After a minute she yawned and woke up.

Hermione was still half asleep as she cuddled into the warm surface. She was curious as to why her bed was so warm. Then she noted that she was sitting up and probably not in bed. She thought back to went she fell asleep and remembered sitting with Harry, and then...

Hermione opened her eyes and looked up to see Harry staring down at her and looked across from him at Neville. They both were looking curious. Hermione got up and moved to armchair next to Neville and fixed her ruffled clothes.

Harry and Neville went back to work on one of Severus' essays. Hermione grabbed her parchment and Quill and began working with them scratching away. Harry was glad that his potions knowledge was such that his inability to manipulate magic did not affect his skills. He was done the essay before the other two.

Harry noted with a curious eye that Ron had been oddly absent all morning. When Harry's stomach growled they all decided to head on down to breakfast. Harry and the other two walked down and seated themselves at gryffindor table. Harry was eating since he hadn't had much to eat since breakfast the day before. Neville was keeping up to him and Hermione looked amused.

When Ron finally did come down he sat at the other end of the table from them and refused to make eye contact. It turned out that when Harry had knocked him over he had hurt his shoulder. Harry wasn't particularly remorseful but Hermione was giving him reproachful looks. She was mad enough at Ron that she wouldn't begin to nag...yet.

Harry blinked softly and pushed his plate away suddenly not so hungry. He walked over to the board and looked at the announcements and noticed that there was flying lessons today.

He went back and told the others that they should most likely attend. Neville agreed and so did Hermione. Harry waited for the others to finish up. They walked down to the Quidditch pitch. Harry and his two friends were standing there when Draco Malfoy strutted up.

He glared at the three and reached out grabbing Hermione's wand. He smirked at her and held it. "Hmmm, look I have got Granger's wand!" He said and Crabbe and Goyle Guffawed. Harry looked at Malfoy glaring slowly.

"Give it back Malfoy." He said slowly and Harry held out his hand. And Malfoy smirked grabbing a broom rising into the air. Harry hopped onto a different broom and shot off after Malfoy. Malfoy smirked and laughed.

"I have been flying for years Potter; you hope to out fly me?" Harry said cockily. Harry shot at him and nearly knocked the boy off his broom. Malfoy looked afraid and turned to throw the wand. Harry shot off after it. He caught it just before crashing through the staff room window. Harry turned and flew the broom back to waiting pitch and handed Hermione her wand.

Harry glanced as Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch hurried down to the pitch. They pulled Harry aside and took him to meet Wood and get signed on to the Quidditch team. Harry was sitting in the common room later with Neville and Hermione when Ron walked up and looked at them.

"Guys, I am sorry for how I acted the other day, I suppose it wasn't that nice." Ron said softly. Harry and Neville looked at him for a moment but a cough from Hermione caused them to accept the boy's apology. Ron dropped into the seat next to Neville and began to chatter with the two boys about Quidditch. Hermione just rolled her eyes muttering something about boys.

Author's Notes

Well, Guys I am sorry about the delay, I got on the comp last night at 9 to proof-read and the put up the story and then got kicked off at 9:30. I couldn't get back on till this morning. Well, That's it For me. btw, I have been asked quite often if Harry is a Vamp, and I reply that Harry is not a Vampire.
