... ... ... I... I don't know how i feel right now. I simply cannot find any words to describe it... This story, i began when i was a sophomor in highschool... and here i am, a freshman in College, submitting the final piece to complete all the work i've done... Half of me is excited because i've pulled through such along story and i'll be able to write some new work... the other half though... let's just say my finger hovered over the D key for a very long time before i pressed it down to complete the word end...

Oh i'll stop for now... you guys probably want to read this so i'll talk more after.

Here is the forty-second and final installment of Believe in Me.





(me talking)


Believe in me

By: Flashgunner

There have been many great tales in history… tales of events… tales of empires… tales of fantasy… and tales of heroes… All begin once upon a time, but they all must end some time to come… Every story begins and ends as a new frontier of possibility… Some may say that no story lasts forever, but only in the text it is written… true stories… true tales of greatness live on in the minds of those who have scanned over every page with eyes of interest… the story will continue in these minds… and last forever…

Epilogue: Believe in Me

Thirty years after the Elf incident……

"Alright… … that should do it…" Alouette stepped back from the monitor and sighed. "Well all the simulations and calculations have come out positive… Hopefully if we decide to actually run nothing will…"

"Alouette!" A man's voice cut her off. Cerveau stepped out from behind a large contraption to the right of her. "What was the number one rule I taught you back in the university?"

"Confidence is the key to success…" recited Alouette as she rolled her eyes slightly.

"Exactly! As long as we are confident while the positive tests crank out then all will turn out well!" He continued but Alouette was not paying attention to him. Her eyes lay fixed on the contraption the two had been tinkering with for the past few hours.

So… Ciel's greatest creation… I hope she's sure about this…

Elsewhere, two reploids stood high atop the icy peak of the tallest northern mountain. One with spiky green hair clad in a green vest over a black shirt with jeans, the other had long blonde hair and wore a black shirt under a red jean jacket and jeans. They remained still, gazing out onto the world like two eagles looking across a vast plain. A soft mist radiated from their mouths every second or two, breathing steadily as the time past slowly.

"So…" The viridian eyes moved to the blonde a couple feet from him. "I heard Ciel's finally done it…"

"Yeah…" Was the short response as the red clad reploid kept his gaze out into the vast sky.

"You aren't worried at all?"

"Why should I be?"

The green clad reploid scoffed at him. "Don't joke with me Zero…"

"No I really am not worried about it at all Harpuia…"

"Why not?" He pressed to his old adversary. Zero did not answer for a moment and exhaled deeply forming a small cloud of mist in front of his face briefly.

"Because Ciel believes it will work, and that's all I need…"

"Hmph… I wish I shared your confidence… it seems very dangerous to me… I can't even begin to tell you how worried Fairy is about the whole idea…"

"Leviathan shouldn't worry and neither should you." Harpuia turned to Zero as the blonde continued. "Ciel has always believed in me, as have both you and Leviathan… I never asked for it, but you all did none the less. It was a warm feeling like none other… having people have faith in you without you yourself intending… it was something I came to notice later than I should have." He shut his eyes and blew another cloud of mist out in front of him. "So now I'm returning the favor… Ciel believed in me… so now it is time I believe in her… and so should you." Harpuia sighed.

"As optimistic as that speech was supposed to make me, I still have my doubts… but I will humor you… I will tell Fairy as well…"

"I'd appreciate it."

Harpuia turned to leave, "You better get going old friend… I pray to hear good news whence we meet again…" And with that Harpuia took off into the distance towards the great ocean. Zero stood silently recollecting all the trials he pulled through, all the battles he had fought, all the moments he had shared with Ciel. He smiled to himself.

Only good news can be written… I believe we'll succeed…

Alouette and Cerveau were tending to the contraption when Zero walked in. He gave a quick glance at the machine before turning to Cerveau.

"It's all ready." Said Alouette before Zero had a chance to ask.

"Does Ciel know?"

"Yes I informed her not to long ago." Replied Cerveau, wiping his hands on his lab coat, "Why don't you go get her now and I'll get Croire." They left in separate directions leaving Alouette all alone. She tapped a few buttons on the control panel and the machine began to hum quietly while little lights began to come to life all over the machine.

"Oh… Ciel I hope you're sure about this…" As the lights came to life the whole machine was now visible, it was sleek and silver in design ridden all over with blue lights and gauges. Atop the contraption there was a large computer within a red glass dome, the construction looked extremely complicated. The defining features of the new invention were the two capsules on both ends attached to the machine by a multitude of wires. One capsule was standing straight up, and looked like nothing more than a glass tube, the other was tilted slightly, with a small board to lie up against. "This thing is just not giving me a good feeling…" A few minutes later Cerveau entered with Croire following him.

"You're sure you want to do this Croire?" Cerveau questioned as they entered.

"I am more than willing to help Ciel realize this goal… if this successful just imagine what possibilities will rise?" Cerveau smiled.

"Yes, Ciels ambitions have always led to new roads…" Then the other door slid open and Zero walked in.

"Ah… Ciel…" Alouette said quietly as Zero slowly led her to the machine, Ciel clutching his arm. She had aged, now in her mid-fifties not even the great scientist Ciel could beat advancing age. Her hair was no longer its beautiful blonde, but a grayish white. Her once youthful face no longer had its former shine. She wore a long white skirt with a red long sleeve sweater, and walked with a slight limp.

"Hello everyone…" She began, if there was one thing that never would change it would be the softness and kindness of her voice. "Thank you for letting me go through with this…" She released Zero's arm and approached the machine. "All my life I spent studying the wonder of the cyber elves… the "Ciel system" was only the first step… this is the next step…" Alouette rushed up and hugger her.

"Ciel… please… are you sure this is worth it?! You are like a mother to me if anything happens…" Ciel smiled and hugged her creation.

"Do not worry… it will not fail… I've made some extra precautions in case anything strange should happen." Cerveau raised an eyebrow over his visor.

"Wait… you have tested this right?" Ciel smiled.

"Only in simulations my friend…" Cerveau was alarmed.

"Only in…?! Ciel! This is serious business! What if something goes wrong?!" Ciel held her hand up for him to stop.

"Cerveau, I've made sure everything will be fine…" she stole a quick glance at Zero. "Just believe in me okay?" Cerveau admitted defeat.

"Very well…" Ciel approached Croire

"I must thank you Croire… I haven't been able to tap into the power of younger cyber elves yet… you are the only one who can help me."

"It is an honor Miss Ciel." Coire nodded and made her way over to the empty glass tube on the right of the machine. It slid open, but before Croire could enter there was a tug on her arm. She turned and laid eyes on Alouette who had a firm grip on her.

"Croire… thank you… for all the time you spent with me when I was younger… you were like a big sister to me." Alouette hugged the elf who hugged her back like an older sibling.

"I loved every minute of it Alouette…" Alouette pulled away sadly and moved to the control panel. The glass closed over Croire. "Do not worry, after this I will not be gone… simply with someone else…" Alouette nodded, a little bit of brightness returning to her face. Ciel made her way to the other capsule with Zero right behind her. The glass tilted open and Ciel lay back on the board. She pulled Zero close to her and whispered into his ear.

"You know what to do… if for something goes wrong which is highly probable, I'm counting on you to pull me back okay?"

"Are you sure you don't want them to know the risk?"

"Yes, their confidence is essential if this is to have any success."

"Of course… alright I will do my best if anything should happen."

"Oh don't say it like that… if anything happens I know you will pull through… I believe in you."

"Yes… and I believe in your words…"

She leaned up and kissed him lightly on the cheek, before the glass closed down over her. She nodded to Zero and he in turn nodded to Cerveau. Cerveau hesitated for a moment but pushed down lightly on a flashing green button. Small wires drew out from the edges of Croires capsule and attached to her arms. Likewise many small wires appeared in Ciel's capsule attaching to her limbs and all over her body. The machine began to hum quietly at first then soon picked up and the two capsules began emitting a bright green light. Croire smiled as the wires around her began to glow as well and she was engulfed completely in a blinding light. The red glass dome lit up and soon began flashing as the wires in Ciel's capsule began to glow. She winked once at Zero before her capsule was also swallowed up in the shining lights. Everyone shielded their eyes as the machine grew louder and louder.

But soon the machine began making a rather unpleasant noise, followed by a loud beeping that emanated from the control panel. Cerveau began looking up and down the panel with a look of worry, the gauges all began moving into the danger area. Alouette screamed and pushed Cerveau out of her way. She frantically pressed the green button again and again hoping it would stop the machine, but nothing was happening. The glass over Ciel's capsule suddenly began to crack and after a flash of light brighter than the sun, the capsule shattered, the machine short circuited, and little pops were heard as smoke began seeping out of every corner. Little bits flew everywhere from the shattered capsule, each one giving off a tiny bit of light. The room went silent.

Alouette broke down and tears streamed down her face. Cerveau stood in disbelief. She… she was so steadfast on how successful it would be… why… Zero hadn't moved an inch or uttered a single sound. He only sighed and stepped toward the capsule, the little bits of light floating around it and the entire room. Alouette ceased crying as she noticed Zero move towards the machine, wondering what he was doing. In a red flash his clothes were replaced by his Reploid armor. Cerveau now took notice as well. Zero… what are you…?

Zero slowly levitated off the ground and began to glow faintly. I'm here Ciel… He began charging his energy… there was just a soft glow at first, then small rays of energy began to pulse around him, slowly the rays began to grow larger and brighter as they began merging with his body. As the energy flowed into him, the small lights that littered the room were pulled in as well, they too began to circle him and merge into his body. Zero levitated further into the air and began to glow a bright yellow. Once every light had merged into him, he ceased the power charge and slowly touched down to the ground, still glowing like a star from a far off galaxy. Neither Alouette or Cerveau had the faintest idea what was going on, but suddenly Cerveau had an intuition,

"Wait… you can't be serious… is that even possible?!" Alouette turned her head from Cerveau to Zero to Cerveau and back to Zero. Zero raised his arms out in front of him.

I will always be here Ciel… He thought as he began to channel all the new energy to his hands. A small ball of light formed between his palms, as he pumped more energy through his arms the ball of light grew larger and larger until it was almost as big as Zero. He let go of it and stepped away. He smiled as the ball began to condense vertically until resembled more of an ovular shape. Time to come back… Zero stepped forward and put his arms around the light as if he were hugging it. The next instant the light suddenly burst sending small beams of light all over the room. Cerveau and Alouette shielded their eyes until the light died down and both turned back to Zero. The light had disappeared, but in Zero's arms stood Ciel, hugging him back affectionately, but something was different. Ciel was no longer of old age; her features had reverted back to their former elegance. Her face was no longer aged and tired, her body was no longer frail and weak, her hair no longer white. Her face was again beautiful, she once again stood strong, and her hair shone like gold as it once had. Anyone who had known her at the time would say now, that she looked just as she had at the age of nineteen with the very same pink work outfit she had always worn. Zero released her and she opened her eyes, her youthful eyes of interest and determination. "Welcome back…" He said to her softly. She smiled back at him.

"Thank you Zero…" She slowly let go of him and stepped back. A green aura appeared around her for an instant and she threw her head back. The image of cyber-wings, like those on a cyber-elf, appeared on her back and she exhaled.

"I can't believe it… it actually worked…" Cerveau stated his surprise as he approached Ciel, Alouette not too far behind. Ciel smiled at him. "Ciel… you may have just created a fountain of youth…

"Yes… I've finally managed to create a human-cyber elf mix… this transformation has allowed me to beat age and live forever like a reploid… Although the process is far from completion… the machine broke before the final stage could take place… I was aware of this but thanks to Zero the process was completed anyway…" Cerveau couldn't believe the risk she had taken.

"So you knew it would fail?! Ciel that's just reckless!" She only smiled at him.

"Yes… it may have been… but after studying possible ways to complete the energy transfer, Zero brought to me an idea… that he knew how to re-scramble and put back together dispersed energy… after testing his ability it proved to be just right for the task. The machine is far from complete, and I'll probably have to start all over now, but this was the first real test run with me as the subject… now I just need to figure out how to recreate the process Zero is capable of. Not only that, but now I will live on through the years with the rest of you without fearing the day that I would be lost to you." There was a silence. Cerveau was still trying to comprehend how brilliant her plan had been. Alouette couldn't stand it anymore; she threw herself at Ciel and hugged her.

"Don't EVER scare me like that again!" Ciel smiled and returned the hug.

"I'm sorry I worried you…" They let go of each other and she turned to Zero. "Now I would like to see what Croire has given me…" She extended a hand to Zero. Zero reached out and took it. Suddenly Zero felt himself being pulled up as Ciel began to levitate into the air. She flew up to the skylight window of the lab, which had shattered when the machine expelled the energy, and soon she was pulling him higher and higher into the sky. She laughed cheerfully when they stopped and Zero let go of her, taking control of his own flight in mid air. "I've always wanted to do that… for once to lift you into the air…" A smile grew on Zero's face.

"Well it looks like I won't have to lift you up anymore…" Ciel giggled and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Tag… you're it." She took off.

"Hey!" Zero rocketed after her. Just when he was about to catch her she broke off in another direction.

"Hahaha!" She laughed happily as she ran from him. Zero smiled and kept in pursuit. Eventually he caught her by the arm and pulled her in, hugging her tightly.

"I got you!" She laughed again as Zero held her tight. "Ciel you've really outdone yourself this time…" He held her out in front of him.

"I did it all because I wanted to be with you forever… and now more possibilities have been opened for us…"

"Yes… and along with it you've given a new hope for the future…"

"Come now… let's leave the world behind for a while…"

"I agree… let's go flying… together." Zero finished as he shot off into the distance, Ciel close behind. They flew around each other gracefully as if they were dancing in the sky. They moved among the clouds, grabbing hold of each other they twisted around appearing above the clouds before plunging back through and diving to the earth. They flew among the mountains, the plains, and the forests. They reached the ocean and glided along the water near the beach, eventually they passed a small cottage built near the sand. Someone burst out of the door.

"What in the blazes was that?!" Harpuia stopped outside his door. He caught sight of two figures flying in the sky and smiled.

"Is something wrong Sage?" A woman donning a light blue shirt and a medium length white skirt with long cerulean hair stepped out to join him.

"Look fairy… it looks like Zero and Ciel were successful." Leviathan stared up into the sky and caught glimpse of flying duo.

"Oh… thank goodness… I was so worried…"

"It seems Zero has engineered another miracle… how does he do it…?"

"Mommy where are you?" A small reploid child, modeled to look the age of four, appeared in the doorway and trotted out to Leviathan. He wore a small red shirt with red shorts, his eyes were a fiery crimson just like his short hair. "What are those?" The little reploid pointed to the sky at Zero and Ciel. Leviathan picked the boy up in her arms.

"Those are our close friends Fighter… we've known them for a very long time…" The little boy was still confused, but he watched with his creators as the two figures eventually disappeared from sight. Harpuia chuckled to himself.

"Zero you are something else…"

Zero and Ciel continued to dance about in the sky and eventually came to a stop high above the clouds. They came together and hugged each other again sharing a sweet fervid kiss. They pulled away after a moment and stared into each other's eyes.

"Zero that was wonderful…"

"Yes… it was…" She pulled him back toward her and rested her head on his chest and he his chin atop her head. They floated in midair like this for a long while before either of them spoke again.

"Zero… do you think I've done the right thing? Do you think discovering a way to erase death will cause dispute just like the energy crisis did so long ago?" Zero thought about her words carefully, but shrugged off the effect.

"Ciel… if there is anything I've learned from all the time I've been with you… it's that anything you create, you only do because you wish to help people."

"But… I created copy X remember?"

"Yes, but you did it because you wanted to help people, things went wrong because of the many troubles people were facing… But now… there are no troubles that can cause panic, nothing to stand in your way while you help the people live… besides… I believe in you." Those four words had become a special thing between the two of them. It was their way of showing appreciation. "And as always… I will be by your side to see it through…" She removed her head from his body and stared into his eyes. She leaned up and locked lips with him again. They shared each other's feelings and appreciation through their love and affection. They pulled apart once more, still feeling the fire of their bond burning bright.

"Zero… I have been blessed… to meet one such as you."

"And I have been blessed… to meet one able to bring out my love…" They kissed once more briefly. "Now it's time we face to world once again hand in hand… Ciel… do you believe in me?" She smiled at him with the same beautiful smile he had become forever attached too.

"Yes Zero… I always have… and I always will…"

A story may end… but others begin…

A memory may fade… but will never be fully forgotten…

A limit may be reached… but the peak will never appear…

All good things must come to an end… but all good things should never be forgotten…

Tales of greatness live on… and last for all eternity…

Believe in Me…


And there you have it... my four year project is now complete... feelings of both success and sadness cover me right now, i never thought i'd see this done, at least not yet. It seemed so long ago when i began and it's suddenly over... Well look out for whatever my nxt story may be. Right now it looks like it's going to be a Dragonball Z Gohan/Videl fanfic, but who knows... whatever comes to mind i will write...

I've said it so many times but i must say it more than ever now. EVERYONE who has read and/or reviewed this story... you guysare the greatest, i don't know how else i can put it, you've all been amazing to me, and for that i thank you deeply.

Please read and review... one last time...

Flashgunner... signing out... This story... is now complete.