Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

Veela's done ninth grade, woot!! Yay, now that I'm done school, expect updates galore. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Step #3 to Good Hygiene: Always take care in washing things in your sink, whether it be your hands or your clothes.


It was Tuesday which meant many things. It meant that it was Starfire's chance to do dishes. It meant that Raven would undoubtedly spend the good portion of the evening meditating. It meant that Robin did not schedule a combat practice. It meant that Cyborg would call Bee at least 6 times before actually asking her out. It also meant that Beast Boy would have to get off his lazy green but and clean his clothes.

Yes my dear readers, today was…

…laundry day.

Now it's not as if Beast Boy hated laundry day. It's just that it meant that he would be force to clean his perfectly good mess, and he'd have to start all over again. But alas it was necessary to clean his clothes. Or at least that's what Robin always said to him…

So our favorite changeling marched down the hallway, laundry basket in hand, ready to join the rest of the titans in the laundry room…

"Hey," said Beast Boy as he sped up so he was now walking in step with Raven.

Raven nodded curtly.

Beast Boy knew the method behind the meanness, for some odd, bizarre reason…the girls never liked the boys in the laundry room when they washed their clothes. Beast Boy supposed they probably did evil experiments in there…some girl stuff or whatever. Cy laughed and said they probably didn't want them to see there clothes. They boys chose to believe his theory.

But it was inevitable that the two separate genders of the tower would meet in the laundry room at one point or another and the girls simply pushed the washing machine to a separate corner while the boys used the dryers.

"Sooo," drawled Beast Boy, trying to make conversation, "its laundry day…"

Raven rolled her eyes, "Gee, is that why I'm caring my clothes?" she said referring to the large hamper in her arms.

Beast boy rolled his eyes, "Nothing gets past you Rae."

The two met up with Starfire and Robin who where on their way to the laundry room as well.

"Hey guys," said Beast Boy grinning.

"Good morning friends," yawned Starfire.

"Hello guys," said Robin.

Raven merely nodded again in recognition, "Where's Cyborg?"


The sound drifted through the tower…

"…what the hell was that?" asked Beast Boy to no one in particular.

Raven rolled her eyes, "Oh very eloquent Beast Boy."

He shrugged, "Hey, all you guys were thinkin' it, I was just sayin' it."

"Titans report!" said Robin through the communicator.

"Uhh Rob," drawled Beast Boy, "You're like, two feet away from us."

Robin flushed, "Old habits die hard," said Robin with a slightly sheepish smile.

Starfire giggled.

Raven looked around, "Where is Cyborg?"

Robin opened his communicator, "Cyborg?"

Suddenly Cyborg appeared on the screen laughing nervously, "Um…hey guys…"

"Cyborg, what's wrong?" asked Robin suspiciously.

"Um…ya'll might wanna get in here," said Cy sheepishly.

"Where's 'here'?"

"Um the laundry room, stat."

The four Titans barreled into the laundry room in fighting stance.

"Whoa," said Cyborg holding up his hands defensively, "Relax ya'll it's only me."

Starfire cocked her head, "Then what made that deafening noise?"

"Well…" stalled Cyborg, "I think I may have…"

"Yes?" asked Robin impatiently.

"…broke the washing machine."

They all raised eyebrows.

"How?" asked Beast Boy, "You don't even own any clothes!"

"Hey man," said Cyborg glaring, "I do too! Remember that time in Season 5! I so had clothes then!"


"Can you fix it?" asked Robin tapping his foot.

"Yeahh, well about that Rob…I sorta don't have time."

"Excuse me?" asked Robin clench jawed.

"I'm goin on a date with Bumblebee, I can fix it after?" suggested Cyborg.

"B-but its laundry day! You're breaking the cycle!"

Starfire flew over and put a comforting hand on the leader's shoulder, "Please friend Robin, we can always wash our clothes in the sinks in the bathrooms?"

Star smiled gently.

Robin melted, "Sure I guess, we could."

"Glorious then it is settled! Raven and I shall use the one on her floor and you and friend Beast Boy may the one on his!"

"That works," said Beast Boy shrugging.

"Friend Raven is this not glorious?" asked Star who was now laying her uniform on the side of the shower to dry.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," said Raven rolling her eyes as she dunked one of her cloaks into the soapy water in the sink, "You know Star, you can just use the dryer."

Star shrugged, "This is true, but every time I use it, it comes out smelling like Beast Boy's tofu, ever since friend Cyborg decided to give Beast Boy a ride in the drying machine."

Raven smirked, "True," and she also hung her things up to dry.

"I am glad we were able to use separate bathrooms from Beast Boy and Robin," said Star taking her turn at the sink.

"Yeah," said Raven nodding.

"I always feel such a discomfort when I wish to wash…um, certain items in their presence," said Star blushing.

"I know what you mean," said Raven, not wanting to imagine what would happen if the boys got their hands on…well yeah.

"…friend Raven?" asked Star slowly, peering at the ground.

"Yes, Starfire?" asked Raven, now washing a leotard in the sink.

"What are these?" asked Star pinking up a small green mass from the floor.

Raven closed her eyes in horror.

"Tell me friend," said Star unrolling the mass, "Why does your undergarments say 'Beast Boy' on the rear?"

Raven snatched them away, red in the face, "They were on sale," she mumbled.

"Sooo," drawled Beast Boy, attempting to break the awkward silence, "We're washin' clothes."

"Yeeep," said Robin dunking his uniform shirt into the sink.

"And we're like, in the bathroom." said Beast Boy washing one of his uniforms, trying to wash away the smell of old pizza, in the tub.

"Yeeep," said Robin moving to hang his shirt on a make-shift clothes line he had insisted on putting up before he and Beast Boy began to wash their clothes.

"I like this communication thing we're doing Rob," said Beast Boy, swirling around his uniform before chucking it in a pile of other wet clothes. I'll just chuck 'um in the dryer after I'm done, they always come out smelling new and fresh, "I feel like I've gotten to know you a whole lot more."

"Yeeep," said Robin starting on his uniform pants.

"So," said Beast Boy staring up at the ceiling, trying to think of a topic, "What do you think the girls are doing?"

Robin raised an eyebrow, "Probably washing their clothes Beast Boy, like you should be doing."

Beast Boy waved the thought away with a flick of his hand, "Dude, I'm already done."

Robin gave Beast Boy's pile of wet clothes a furtive look, "How long did you wash those for, Beast Boy?"

"Dunno, just dunked 'um in, and pulled 'um out," said Beast Boy with a shrug, "Does that matter?"

Robin shivered, "That explains a lot."

Beast boy furrowed his eyebrows, "Explains what?"

"Why you always smell like the contents of a garbage truck," said Robin with a smirk.

"Hey I resent that!" said Beast Boy sticking his tongue out, "You smell like cheap hair gel, and I never say anything," he muttered.

Robin paused and turned, "Wanna say that to my face, Beast Boy?"

"I said," said Beast Boy standing up and crossing his arms, "That you smell like cheap hair gel, what are you going to do about it?"

Robin gave a cocky smirk, "Arm wrestle."

"Best out of three."

"Loser does a dare."

"Bring it, Boy Blunder."

"He so cheated," muttered Beast Boy to himself. He put down his laundry basket full of wet clothes outside the door, "How the hell am I supposed to get this without getting caught?"

Right now, he had three choices. He could either A- chicken out. No, then I'd never live it down, he thought bitterly. B- sneak in as a fly and pray to get out safely, or C- distract, get in, get out, grad clothes, and get even with Boy Wonder.

He opened the door and leaned against the door frame, "Hey ladies."

It would have to be plan C.

The girls both jumped in surprise and Raven hastily pushed something she was washing back into the sink, and under the bubbles.

"Friend Beast Boy!" exclaimed a startled Starfire, "You are not supposed to be in here!"

"Aww, but I couldn't help visiting my two favorite ladies," he sauntered over to Raven, "Whatcha got there Rae?"

"Get out," said Raven menacingly.

"Ooh snippy, snippy," he feigned a look of mock hurt, "I was only being curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat, Beast Boy," said Raven, pushing whatever she was washing further under the bubbles.

"Beast Boy, I must insist that you leave. On my planet it would be a crime to enter the chamber of a woman washing her garments," said Starfire holding up a finger in protest.

"I'm sorry Star, I'll only be a moment."

"It's been a moment," said Raven glaring, "So get out."

He, with bravery he didn't know he possessed, quickly plucked, with reflexes faster than Ravens, what she was washing out of the water.

"Well," he said smirking holding the object out of Raven's reach, "I never figured you for the black type, Rae."

"Beast Boy give me back my-."

The door slid open revealing a very cocky Boy Wonder, "Well now Beast Boy," said Robin putting a hand to his mouth in mock surprise, "Whatever are you doing?"

Beast Boy glared, "Like you don't know."

Starfire, who was slowly figuring out what was going on, looked at Robin with her eyes narrowing, "Robin, have you doing the daring of friend Beast Boy to obtain Raven's very very personal item?!"

"W-well," sputtered Robin, very very red in the face.

"That is unacceptable!" and with that Starfire began conjuring starbolts.

"No, Starfire!" said Robin backing up.

"Uh, dude…I'd run," said Beast Boy with a shrug.

Robin, heeding Beast Boy's warning, ran from the room as if Slade was chasing him. Starfire put on a burst of speed and flew from the room, eyes glowing green.

Both Beats Boy and Raven blinked and then turned back to the situation at hand.

"Give it here now and I won't have to hurt you Beast Boy," she said holding out her hand, and pulling up her hood to cover her red face.

"Hmm," said Beast Boy sensing his doom, What the hell, he thought idly, might as well get my kicks before she starts throwing me out windows, "What does that little tag thing say Rae?"

"Beast Boy," growled Raven warningly, her eyes being to glow with black energy.

"It looks like 34-," but he was cut off as the item sped from his hand surrounded by black energy.

"Run," she said her voice taking on a deeper, more demonic tone.

He laughed nervously, "Ya know, I think I just might take you up on that." He gave her a large cheesy smile before running down the hall, screaming his little green head off.

Raven glared and walked out the door to make sure he was gone. She noticed a large hamper with sopping wet clothes in it. She plucked off the item on the top and smirked.

Well, it was only fair. If Beast Boy was going to attempt to display her bra to the entire team, then she certainly was allowed to display his Superman boxers on the flagpole at Jump City Hall.

Revenge was sweet.

She walked back into the bathroom and chucked the boxers into the corner where she would retrieve them after she finished her laundry.

She frowned and sniffed the air…

"Why do I smell old pizza?"

So, what do you guys think? Expect more updates on my other stories. Now that high school is over, I'm going to be updating a lot. Please tell me what you thought, and what parts were your favorites. Thanks!